The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1223

Together with Himeragi Yukina next to her, she also felt her stomach churn.

"That's... Aurora sauce?"

Sayayaka murmured in disbelief, she couldn't connect the blonde girl who did such a cruel thing in front of her with the girl who always giggled in school and was extremely gentle in her dealings with others.

"Obviously...just hand it over to the security team and put him in prison..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Luo Pei glanced at Sayaya Hua, and drank the Coke in one gulp.

"That child is the Fourth Primogenitor, and I am her guardian and breeder. Isn't it a matter of course to be influenced by me? As for the issue of handing it over to the security team, he has already waved his weapon at Aurora and you. Why spare his life? If you want to serve by my side, you'd better get your ideas closer to me as soon as possible... Otherwise, you'll be in big trouble."

During the holidays, Luo Pei was able to treat mortals who were related to him leniently, but the only thing he couldn't tolerate was that those people pointed fingers at his behavior and thinking.

It doesn't matter if you have your own views on good and evil, but if it is imposed on him, Luo Pei will still feel uncomfortable.

——The displeasure of the demon god is not something ordinary people can easily bear.


Frightened by the black-haired young man's light tone, Sayaka stopped her voice and lowered her head deeply.

Their task is to calm the gods and ensure the safety of the world, not to run counter to the requirements of the gods. The girls are very clear about this.

"Ape, it's done."

Aurora carried Astarut, who was still in a dazed state, back to Rope.

"what's next?"

Luo Pei stood up, threw away the empty Coke bottle, and said to the girls with a smile.

"It's a pity that tonight's event has been cancelled. Sayaka and Yukina should go home first. If there is any need for you, I will let you know. Aurora will send the artificial life body to Nayue-chan Go there, just say it is a gift from me, and let her teach it well."

"...Are you really not going?" Aurora was a little unwilling: "I haven't had enough fun tonight..."

"I've said it all, I will accompany you well next time, so don't be willful today."

There was no way to refute the Demon God, so Aurora could only compromise.

"Then what are you going to do now, Ape?"

The black-haired young man looked at the wreckage of Teacher J below, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The idea that just popped up should be very interesting... Aurora, you don't need to know, even if you know, you will definitely regret it."

After the girls left, the black-haired young man jumped down from the tall building and came to the side of the thing originally called "Rudolph".

"The church in Western Europe in this world should correspond to that church, right? Although you are a bit weak in the world dominated by the three great ancestors, there are quite a few people who have believed in you since the Middle Ages..."

Rope was more talking to himself than the suit said.

Then, he opened his palm slightly, and an arm exuding a faint sacred light floated in midair.

The cornerstone of Itokami Island—"the right arm of the saint".

This relic of a saint who was stolen by the founder from the Western European Church since the founding of Xianjinjima has long been in the hands of Lopez. In his eyes, this is nothing but a bit of "immortality" and can only be used as a collection. s things.

But now it seems that it can still come in handy.

"Garda's publicity is not bad, but compared with the number of your believers, the sales volume is still a bit small. Hand over all your beliefs, your sorrows, and your myths, and do a little service for me within your ability. Think of it as a "reward" for me to enjoy the drama... I remember doing similar things in the Moon World. "

The power of evil worship began to infuse the remains of the saint.

The light on the right wrist is gone, and even the shape has become a diseased and deformed appearance.

The weird object was connected with the blood on the ground, and gradually turned into the appearance of "Rudolph".

"Compared to obeying the teachings of non-existent gods, evil gods with real power are more worthy of belief, aren't they?"

Tampering with the mythology of the Western European Church and corrupting the beliefs of the pious.

"Teacher Annihilation" Rudolph took on a new identity and resurrected on this land.

—a living saint who spreads filth.


Continue to ask for monthly tickets! Happy New Year to everyone!

Chapter 76 The Cthulhu Mythology that is spreading wildly, the smell of gunpowder in war

What is the foundation of the world?

In the realm of the mystical, there are many different interpretations of this question.

But the most appropriate and most widely recognized theory is the theory of the four elements and the five dust particles—that is, "earth, water, wind and fire" and "color, sound, fragrance, touch".

Luo Pei was influenced by the Cthulhu pantheon. Although he didn't take this inherent concept to heart, but due to the division of elemental camps among the evil gods, he learned some opinions from the ancient Buddhist "Shunshi School" and "Sharheok School". world view.

However, such a small cognition can't solve his current problem at all.

In the independent small world "White Gospel", the black-haired young man is sitting on an armchair, staring at the gray sky and woods outside the window, and the official establishment of the Kingdom of God is still at a loss.

——Only this matter, he couldn't ask Hastur for advice.

The Kingdom of God is the most basic manifestation of a god, and it contains the deepest secrets in the depths of the soul.

The Spirit of God is here forever and ever, spreading glory across the vast void of the multiverse.

If a king in yellow intervenes in the structure of Luo Pei's kingdom of God, then there is a high probability that Luo Pei's kingdom of God will be swallowed up by Hasta's kingdom of God.

This has nothing to do with Hastur's own wishes, it comes from the attraction of cognitive influence.

"To be honest, although I am bound to your world, I can't understand your troubles at all."

Pandora was lying on the table, drinking fruit juice, while flipping through the books and magazines that Luo Pei brought in with great interest.

"The first half of my life's activities have always been based on the concept of the God of Disobedience and the Dark Sacrifice. I didn't know anything about things like the multiverse, divinity, and the kingdom of God before. Knowledge, it still can’t help you in a short time.”

Rope sighed.

"If I am reduced to relying on you, the elf of the future kingdom of God, to help me, then I am not worthy to take the crown of the highest god."

"I remember that you were not so arrogant at first..."

"Aura grows with the growth of strength, and please call this "confidence". "

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