The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1225

After reorganizing Chengshan's drafts, and arranging the works that will be filled in the future, Luo Pei, who is still idle, turned on the computer on his desk, intending to read the news to pass the time.

But the moment he landed, a communication window from the royal family of Ardikia popped up.

The one above is the silver princess, La Folia Lihavain, who just spoke a few months ago.

"La Folia, did you skip class and chat with me without telling your mother? Although you don't have much left to learn, as the future queen of Ardikia, you should learn more wonderful……"

Rope laughed and joked.

But La Folia's expression was as happy as it was during the last call, her brows were frowned, and her expression was slightly serious.

"Lord Rope... La Folia wants to ask you for something."

Princess Silver said anxiously.

"I remember you are not such a hesitant type."

"...I am laughing at you, but the current incident really makes me quite distressed."

La Folia smiled wryly.

"You probably don't pay much attention to the news. A few days ago, the nobleman "Duke of Arudiyaru" Dimitrie Vatola disappeared in Ardikia strangely. According to the report of his blood relatives, as It looks like it's dead. With this incident as the trigger, the radical vampires in the Warlord's domain believed that it was Ardikia's hand and foot, and they are preparing to suspend the "peace treaty", causing the whole country to panic..."

"This trivial matter makes you panic? You and the King of War domain should have a long history of fighting."

"...The problem is that this time the First True Ancestor "Forgotten Warlord" came forward. "

In the war between countries, the domain of the King of War is similar to Ardikia. Even though there are countless vampires in the old generation of the Warlord Domain, Ardikia's magic technology is not vegetarian.

But when it comes to the world's strongest True Ancestor, the situation is completely different.

The first true ancestor who led the seventy-two beasts, "King of Forgotten War" Kai Zhulan Baradar has the qualifications to be so valued.


Ropera raised his tone.

Afterwards, the black-haired young man sat up straight from the armchair, looked at the uneasy-looking Silver Queen at the other end of the video, and smiled.

"So, La Folia, are you planning to use the "promise" I gave you last time? "

At the beginning of the Demon God's arrival, he made a promise to Princess Silver.

"Allows one use of power, including war, for her or the kingdom of Ardikia."

That power that really comes from the outside of the world, subverts everything and destroys everything.


Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

Chapter 77 La Folia's Aunt Selling Behavior

La Folia couldn't answer the god's question immediately.

—she dared not.

Although the relationship between the princess and Luo Pei was close enough to share the same bed three years ago, and will only become more cordial after the baptism of time, La Folia still dare not nod and answer the god's question with a relaxed attitude "yes".

She knows the power of the Demon God, and she knows what will happen if the matter between the Warlord's Domain and Ardikia is elevated to "war" and then the "war" is entrusted to the Demon God.

Indiscriminate massacre.

The nobles, vampires, civilians, and even the First True Ancestor in the Warlord's Domain will all be turned into dust under the powerful power of the Demon God, and become a vast disaster that is even more tragic than the "Holy Annihilation" since the birth of this planet. Based on the queen's understanding of the demon god, there is no such thing as showing mercy.

La Folia hates the country of the Battle King's Domain, but that doesn't mean she can treat the civilians living inside as worthless.

She is just a human being.

After a while, La Folia took a deep breath and said.

"...Lord Luo Pei, my next statement may seem a bit hypocritical, please forgive me for my insignificance. I can't use the "wish qualification" you bestowed on me on the massacre war, and alarmed you The main purpose is to obtain a "third party" to mediate the relationship between the Warlord Domain and Ardikia and restore a state of peace. I swear, we did not kill the "Duke of Arrudialu" Dimitrie Vatola, this incident was really a disaster without reason. "

"I trust you."

Of course he believed in La Folia.

Because Dimitriye Vatora was the one who sent monsters to kill him.

It's like crushing bugs to death. After the order is given, it is never managed again.

"If you don't need to do it, you don't need to do it. La Folia, your words are really unexpected. The tone is lighter, as if you are talking about family affairs. Is it possible that I will blame you?"

"Ha..." Princess Silver sighed.

"It may be that I have taken too many etiquette lessons recently, and I have begun to be cautious. But your character and this kind of national event, I really can't help being careless... A slight mistake will turn into the biggest disaster in human history , This pressure is too much for a little girl like me."

"Then it looks like you still have a long way to go as a queen. "

The black-haired young man leaned back in his chair with a smile.

"Throw away the question I just asked. La Folia, the "third party" you want should be one of my third true ancestor and fourth true ancestor, right? "

La Folia nodded.

"If possible, I would like to invite Her Majesty Garda Kukokan to come forward. Of course, this is not questioning Aurora's power, but as the old true ancestor and the ruler of the old Empire of the Night, on this secular level, Jiada Her Majesty Da Kukokan's energy is stronger than Aurora's."

This is not wrong.

Perhaps Aurora's strength is not inferior to any true ancestor, and even surpasses it.

But this power is illusory after all, not recognized by the public. The ignorant lack the evidence in front of them, so naturally they will not really agree.

"Well, I'll greet Garda Kukokan."

Luo Pei stretched her waist, tilted her head and looked at La Folia with a smile.

"You can't wait to find me because of such a small matter... How about giving yourself a little confidence? You hold the biggest trump card in your hand. Isn't the power of a god who burns the world enough for you and Ardikia? Do you have the confidence to challenge the No. 1 True Ancestor in the Battle King Domain?"

"The reason why the trump card is the trump card is because it is something that cannot be easily used."

La Folia finally put on a relaxed smile.

"Besides, if I often ask you for it without knowing the importance, it will definitely make you unhappy. I don't want to lose the favor of my lord."

"Am I that mean?"

"No, this is just my experience as a woman."

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