The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1230

"That's all I want to tell you, don't waste time, adjust your preparations to a full state as soon as possible."

"Then please have a good rest, Misaki Gongmaguan."

Hisuki's car left, and Misaki Kiriha took the elevator of the apartment building to the tenth floor. After opening the door of her own room, the empty environment made the girl feel exhausted.

The permanent task means that you have to worry about the furniture...

Although spending public funds is a thing that is so exciting that she can't breathe, but rather than rectifying these things, Misaki Kiriha is more eager to go to Xianjin Island for the first time and take some novel photos.

This is also an interest that matches her age that she rarely retains besides being a "six blades".

Standing at the door for a while, before Misaki Kiriha closed the door, the sound of the elevator sounded again.

The black-haired girl tilted her head and looked out curiously. Two girls and a young man came out of the elevator.

There are girls one big and one small, the older one is about the same age as Misaki Kiriha, and the younger one seems to be in junior high school, all wearing the light blue and white student uniforms of the same school, with outstanding appearance.

The man next to the two girls is a bit unique.

Misaki Kiriha had never seen such a handsome man with blue pupils like stars.

If it weren't for the arrogance between the brows that makes people feel unapproachable, she will definitely be more outstanding than any star and attract the attention of girls.

But the sword shaman's intuition tells Feisaki Kiriha that youth is far from being as simple as it seems.

——Inexplicable, an ominous sense of fear that surrounds my heart like a shadow.

Chapter 80: The Demon God Who Brings Fear and Devours Fear

"Lord Rope, don't you need to accompany Lord Hastur today?"

"She hasn't come back for two days, and I can't appreciate those things at all. Instead of continuing to force myself, I might as well come and sit with the two of you. Don't you two misses welcome?"

"Of course not, but if Lord Hastur looks for you and finds you angry at us..."

"His Majesty Hastur's temper is much better than you imagined."

Are neighbors and friends of neighbors...

No, this kind of conversation seems to be more like "assistant communication" than normal friends... The man came to have a private meeting with the two girls without telling the existence of "Hasta".

A bad thought popped into Misaki Kiriha's mind.

But it was only for a moment.

While the three of them were watching him, the black-haired girl put on a polite smile and said with a slight bow.

"I'm Misaki Kiriha who moved next door from today. Although I don't know who the neighbor is, please give me your advice."

"...Hello. I'm Himeragi Yukina, and this is Kosaka Sayaka, please give me your advice."

Himeragi Yukina bowed her head in response, and Kosaka Sayaka did the same.

...Looks like the neighbors are these two girls.

Misaki Kiriha took a few more glances at the black-haired young man behind the girls, and found that he was also staring at her.

With azure blue pupils, there is a slight tingling sensation in the sight.

The black-haired girl felt amazed in her heart. Since she joined the "Six Blades" until now, she has encountered many vicious monsters, but the young man's gaze gave her the illusion that they were more ferocious than those berserk monsters.

Obviously there was still a gentle smile on the other party's face.

But it just made Misaki Kiriha feel a sense of uneasiness overflowing.

"...I will give the two of you a present later on."

"Ah, those are unnecessary." Yukina said.

"Maybe there will be places where I will interact with Ms. Misaki in the future. You are also a student like me in your uniform, right? It's better to throw away those cumbersome etiquettes early."


Misaki Kiriha's inexplicable pressure was getting heavier and heavier, so she just hummed and closed the door.

The hallway was silent again.

Yukina took out the key and opened the door, and the girl's sweet smell wafted out of the room.

Maybe it's because the butler's snow vegetables are simple, there are not many decorations in the room, and the only fancy shoes and the cheongsam hanging on the hanger can be seen as Saaya Hua's things at a glance.

All in all, for this trendy Isogami Island, the two-person apartment of Wu Weiyuan and Sword Shaman is quite conservative, not like a young girl's home at all.

This may also have something to do with the education they received in the forest of high gods.

Yukina brought green tea and placed it on the table in front of Luo Pei's sofa, and asked curiously.

"Master Luo Pei, you have been looking at Miss Feizaki at the door just now, is there any problem?"

If it were Sayaya Hua, she would definitely use her lord's head to imagine some bad things. For example, some god has taken a fancy to the new girl who has moved in, and is going to feast on it tonight.

But Yukina didn't have so many thoughts, and asked honestly after noticing the abnormal vision of the black-haired young man.

"There are some problems."

Luo Pei said flatly, looking at the tea stems floating in the teacup.

"I'm just recalling something related to the name "Hisaki Kiriha". The accumulated memory is a bit huge, and the unimportant things were thrown into the corner by me, and it took some time to find the source. "


"Do you two know the "Taishi Bureau"? ...If I read correctly, it should be called this name. "

"Great History Bureau?!"

Sayaka's eyes widened.

"The one that belongs to the same Japanese spy organization as the Lion King Agency?"

"Well, it seems that I remember correctly."

"Why did you suddenly mention the Taishi Bureau?" Yukina asked inexplicably, "That organization is in charge of natural magical disasters, and most of the time it is dealing with monster incidents. Basically, it doesn't have much contact with String Kamishima."

Although the Taishi Bureau and the Lion King agency look very similar, the internal composition and the main responsibilities of the personnel are out of reach.

Just as the Lion King Agency paid so much attention to the matter of Xian Kamijima and the Fourth True Progenitor "Yebo of the Flame", but the Taishi Bureau did not care about it, the original intentions of the establishment of the two organizations are different.

However, it is not completely without intersection.

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