The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1240


Eguchi Yuto was stunned.

"What's wrong? Let's go."

Rope said.

"Didn't you, who are persecuted and delusional, think that I am just a nobleman who covets your beauty and nightmare status? I brought you here forcefully. Now that I let you go, you don't intend to leave?"

"No, I..."

"Or is it that you yourself are very aware of the current situation?"

Rope laughed.

"Jiuxugi was ruined by me. It is estimated that no one in the upper class will care about the whereabouts of your nightmare. After losing financial support and support, and unable to return home, you can only continue to wander. Luck Well, if you meet someone who is willing to help you, if you are unlucky, you will meet someone who is really greedy for your nightmares and charms, or you will be caught by another company and used as props."


Don't want to admit it.

But Yuto Eguchi knew that the black-haired youth was telling the truth.

She had nowhere to go.

Without the ability to earn money independently, and burdened with the identity of a nightmare, there are not many choices left for Eguchi Yuto. And even if she chooses to die, without special methods and equipment, the power of "Lilith" will still be reincarnated to the next girl, which is not what Yuto Eguchi wants.

the girl asked tentatively.

"Are you really... planning to save Jietong just out of interest?"

"When did I say I was going to save you? I'm a vile noble who likes your looks?"

Yuto Eguchi could hear the angry words answered in her words.

Although she was not completely at ease, the young girl still hesitated and said.



"I said, I'm sorry..." Eguchi Yutong said in a low voice: "It's Jietong's fault for adding bad assumptions to you... But what the blond big sister did really made Jietong helpless." Don’t think about it there.”

"Finally able to speak normally."

Rope nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't pay too much attention to Her Majesty Hastur's personality, she is that kind of person. In her eyes, human life is like garbage, and you are similar."


Yuto Eguchi replied blankly.

"But Tongtong is a nightmare... The only thing that can be related to fun is to do that kind of behavior. In other respects, Jietong is useless... So you want me too?"

"Beside me, human beings are a rare thing."

The black-haired youth laughed.

"And the definition of whether it's interesting or not lies with me, not you, understand? Besides, if you can say such a thing, don't you want to die at all?"


No one wants to die.

The reason why Eguchi Yutomi wanted to die, in the final analysis, was her environment.

"That... your name is Rope, right?"


"What are you going to do with me?"

"I don't plan to deal with it."

Luo Pei tasted the lipstick tea.

"If you want to go with you, if you don't go, choose an empty room upstairs, and I will keep you by my side, so that your life can return to normal."

"……Can I trust you?"


Rope raised an eyebrow.

"I'm too lazy to set up an image of Guang Weizheng in your heart. I'm really not a good person. The choice to believe it or not is up to you."

The words were hard to hear, but the sincerity in it, Yuhito Eguchi, could be clearly felt.

Tail drooped, Eguchi Yutomo finally stopped being vigilant, but sat on the sofa opposite Luo Pei without saying a word.

Misaki Kiriha has been watching quietly from the side.

Although she was still confused, she had to admit that the young man in front of her had a unique charm.

Be consistent with words and deeds, and do not engage in false deceit and language skills at all.

To be able to calm down such a vigilant nightmare with a few words, pure eloquence alone cannot do it.

How about Ardikia...

Misaki Kiriha knows this title, the fourth primogenitor's elector in the secret file, and the third primogenitor's "Prince of Chaos" high-profile confessed lover.

Truly a great man.

But it should be more than that.

Before she could continue to think, a female voice conveyed by spells sounded in the quiet study.

"Xian Guyong, the person in charge of the Lion King's organization Kamijima, has received your summons, and I implore you to allow an audience. "

Chapter 86 Demon's Play, The Sad Lion King Organ

The relationship between the Lion King agency and the Demon God has gradually heated up recently.

But this is limited to Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayayaka.

As the resident staff of Xian Kami Island, the "Three Sages" of the Lion King Agency, Xian Guyong got the chance to meet the Demon God's mansion today, which is only the second time.

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