The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1247

The comfortable life was broken, and the bloody battle happened in front of our eyes.

Captured by the army, scrambled by vampires and brought before the True Ancestor.

In just a few days, Celesta endured the biggest and most dramatic changes in her life, but even then she couldn't completely settle down.

Garda just said what she wanted to say on her own, and didn't even bother to give the girl a little bit of comfort. Only Celesta tasted the fear silently.

Then put it on the table as a gift to another god.

No one saw her as a real person.

Even if the priests who raised her were extremely gentle, Celesta could tell that they just regarded her as an item called "Bride of the Evil God".

What will happen to me...

In the room of the Chaos Emperor's palace, Celesta curled up and closed her eyes wearily.

An unknown fate awaits.


The four days are not long or short.

While admiring the scenery along the way and the leisurely holiday atmosphere, the cruise ship finally arrived at the waters near the port city of "Chaos Realm".

"I'm going to meet that woman again..."

Aurora lay on the armrest of the deck, looking at the city that was getting closer, pouted as if she had eaten something bitter.

"I really don't want to deal with her... Can Luo Peiwu just stay on the boat?" Aurora turned her head and asked.

"I'm afraid not."


The black-haired young man closed the divinity research notebook in his hand, stood up and walked to Aurora, and hit the blond-haired Lolita on the head with the spine of the book.

"it hurts!"

"You still ask me why? Instead, I want to ask why you don't want to meet Garda?" Rope said.

"They clearly support you. Not only are they willing to give you materials and money to build the Empire of the Night, they are more willing to let you enter the Whispering Garden as the master behind the scenes of this world. What are you dissatisfied with?"

"I'm jealous of her!"

Aurora yelled aggrievedly.

"Obviously I have been with Ape for the longest time, both are true ancestors of vampires, but Ape only made out with that woman and raised me like a child..."

The black-haired young man looked into Aurora's eyes, and slowly squatted down...

"Do you know how many women I have?"

"I don't know! But no matter how many women Ape has, I don't care! I..."

"Idiot, who told you that."

Rope nodded Aurora's head.

"There are too many women I would like to make out with, but you are the only one who makes me pamper me like a child."

In fact, there is also Haze Natsune.

But the atmosphere at the moment is too unsightly to say so.

"...So, I am the most special?"

Aurora asked tentatively.

The dark-haired youth nodded with a smile.

"Yes. So there is no need for you to be jealous of Garda, Aurora. However, since you have said such things, then...are you ready?"

Rope lifted a strand of blond hair from Aurora's temples.

The vampire loli blushed instantly, and said hurriedly.

"I, I can't do it today... I just went to catch fish and haven't showered yet, and my underwear is not cute... Woo!"

She put her head in her hands and looked at Luo Pei aggrieved.

"... how is tomorrow?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Why are you laughing at this time!"

Amidst Luo Pei's hearty laughter and Aurora's frenzy, Misaki Kiriha walked across the deck carrying a plate of fried noodles, and sat silently in the shade to eat.

She was the most misfit person on the cruise ship.

Everyone else is enjoying the holidays, only her mood has been in a slump.

Although Yukina's words had more or less affected some girls with long black hair and straight hair, she still couldn't fully accept her future as the demon god's property.

——Of course.

How could a girl who grew up in a modern society accept the fact of slavery so easily.

But Misaki Kiriha couldn't think of a way to resist.

The contradictory psychology made her gloomy now.

"You'd be malnourished just eating that kind of stuff."

Feisaki Kiriha raised her head and found Nangong Nayue standing by her side at some point.

The black long straight girl wiped her mouth with paper and stood up.

"...Do you have any orders?"

Nangong Nayue sighed, and handed the fruit in her hand to Feisaki Kiriha.

3.1 "You have become the "Six Blades" of the Taishi Bureau at a young age, and it is natural for you to be arrogant. But don't push yourself too much, that man is such a willful guy. When he met me back then, he didn't give me any choice at all, and he half threatened and half lured me to be his woman..."

Misaki Kiriha took over the water ghost of that month and asked.

"You... Didn't you think about resisting? Or did his strength make you dare not resist?"

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