The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1256

"Stop talking silly." Rope glanced at Garda.

"It is precisely because I have the confidence to save her that I let Sasara Machu possess her. Even if the soul dies, I can still give life to this girl from the long river of time. Don't underestimate me From the time I set foot on the path of the gods to now, I have never violated my promise once."

"Hoo hoo..."

Garda chuckled.

"It turned out that it was your idea to possess Sasara Macchu, and just based on this point, you are bad enough..."

"Even if it was bad, it didn't achieve the effect I wanted."

Lopez shook his head and squatted down in front of the dark, inhuman creature.

The remaining Sasara Machu still wanted to repair his body and attacked Rope.

But the black-haired youth who lost interest didn't give it this chance at all, grabbed its bird-like snake-like head, and invaded Sasara Macchu's consciousness and soul.

"Although you didn't make me happy, but in order to reward you for your courage to attack me, please reserve your power and give it to my servant girl."

Having said that, as a soul master, Luo Pei began to use his skilled techniques to strip off the "toxic substance" of Sasara Machu.

In the final analysis, the Xuanming God King is the product of the accumulated magic power of the dragon veins.

And the magic power of dragon veins is the purest power flowing on the planet.

After removing its sense of danger and destruction, although the remaining power will inevitably be greatly weakened, for this girl, Celesta, it is tantamount to ascending to the sky in one step.

From a weak girl to a strong man standing at the top of the world.

The darkness faded from Celesta's body, and the body that was broken in two was miraculously recovering.

Soon, the honey-colored long-haired girl reappeared in Luo Pei's sight.

Celesta fell asleep peacefully, her long hair shone with mysterious brilliance, like an angel descended from the mortal world.

Luo Pei held a shrunken pitch-black sphere in his hand, and crushed it without looking at it.

So far, Sasara Macchu, the evil god who has melancholyed the Xia Ti civilization for nearly a thousand years, has been completely silent, and it is impossible to revive in the world again.

To put it another way, Luo Pei can now be called the benefactor of Xia Ti's legacy civilization.

Instead of persecuting innocent girls against their conscience, and staying in remote and backward towns, the priests of Sasara Macchu were completely freed from their fate.

Together with "Bride" Seresta Shati.

"Garda, prepare a room for Celesta and don't disturb her."

Rope patted the non-existent dust in his hands.

"She is still in the adaptation period, waiting to wake up again is to live in this world as a "mimetic angel". "

"I see."

Garda paused and continued to ask.

"Is this the end?"

"Do you still expect any ending scene?"

"'s just so simple, it makes me lose interest."

"Coincidentally, I am the same as you."

Rope waved his hand.

"Go and appease your imperial subjects, I will attend the banquet at night."

The incident of the Xuanming God King came to an end here.

By the time the banquet started, everyone seemed to have forgotten the vision that happened in the afternoon. Except for some people who were still whispering about the "Crimson Sword", everyone else was intoxicated in the luxurious banquet held by the third primogenitor.

Unsurprisingly, Aurora had a great time.

To Luo Pei's surprise, Misaki Kiriha also attended the banquet in a dark evening dress after taking a break, during which she chatted with him normally for a while.

From the eyes of the Black Sword Witch, Luo Pei saw some changes.

——Compromise does not mean misery, but the beginning of a new life.

After the banquet, the black-haired young man returned to the room where he lived, and sat down at the desk in the dim light, intending to take advantage of the fun atmosphere to regain his identity as a "novelist" and continue to write about "the people of all ages". The Head of Demons" Azathoth's story.

During this period of time, he has been dove for a long time because of various things, and even the publishing house came to ask him when the next novel of the Marquis is going to be released.

"Ah, Ape..."

The door was gently pushed open, the black-haired young man looked up, it was Aurora.

The blond vampire loli had red cheeks, blurred eyes, and a terrible expression.

What's more important is Aurora's attire.

Almost transparent sleepiness, slender legs covered with thin fleshy white stockings, no shoes on the perfect little feet, but just stepped on the hand-woven carpet.

"I, I took a shower and changed into cute clothes..."

Aurora twitched.

"...So, so...Aperu can..."

"Don't be so embarrassed about making your own decisions."

"Then sister Yue!"

Nangong Nayue came out from behind Aurora and pushed the blond Loli into the door.

The gothic loli's outfit is almost the same as Aurora's, except for the black stockings on her legs.

Luo Pei raised his eyebrows and put down the 2.9 pen in his hand.

"What are you planning to do?"

"Stop being stupid."

Nangong Nayue gave the black-haired young man a white look.

"The fruit you cultivated is about to move by itself, and you want to eat it. Since it's the first time for Aurora, I'll give her a lesson by the way."

Nangong paid much attention to the status of "teacher" that month.

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