The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 126

Liliana held her head and squatted down, because she forcibly read something she couldn't understand, and she was in a mess right now.


She wanted to close her eyes, but the indescribable information bypassed the optic nerve and was directly transmitted to her brain, like a bloodthirsty monster, devouring the silver-haired girl's reason.

Just as she was struggling with her last strength and wanted to use Master Silver to commit suicide in order to get rid of it, a warm palm covered her head.

It was like a ray of light in her life, which not only gave Liliana shelter, but also dispelled the crazy things in her consciousness, becoming a haven for her reason.

Rope used the magic power of his R'lyeh to relieve Liliana's sanity erosion, calm her down slowly, and finally put her on the ground smoothly.

"Remember well, it's better for human beings to look less at things they don't understand."

He sighed, patted the dust off his pants, and walked towards the crab in the middle of the lake.

After Basatan appeared from the void, he seemed to fall asleep, standing motionless on the spot, only the blinking eyes of the crab proved that it was very awake.

Luo Pei stood still in front of the crab, and when he walked in to look at him, he realized that he had really underestimated the size of this evil god.

Like a hill——

"Greetings, Your Highness Basatan."

Regardless of whether you fight for a while or not, let's do enough etiquette first, lest the big crab look down on it. Rope thought so.

"Shhhh, you too, you're still so energetic."

Basatan wiped the foam that gushed out of his mouth with the crab claws. The foam dripped on the swamp and made a 'squeaky' sound, with acrid smoke coming out.

"Your Highness Basatan said this, did you see me?"

Acid foam? Luo Pei took a step back calmly, away from the place shrouded in the weird smoke.

Although he is not afraid of strong acid, but what comes out of the body of the evil god is not that simple, it is better to be careful.

"Shhhhh—you also saw me at the banquet, but in the form of a human female." Basatan explained.

Hearing this, Luo Pei was a little relieved.

After all, at the banquet, you should know that your relationship with Cthulhu is a bit thin...

Thinking of this, he smiled and prepared to say something more.

But Nephilim's sense of danger made his body jump up subconsciously.

After he stood still, he found that the mud he was standing on had been deeply crushed by Basatan's giant tongs.

"...Your Highness Basatan, what do you mean?" Luo Pei looked at Cancer with a gloomy expression.


The crab master slowly cleaned the mud on his crab claws, and said slowly.

"I am not the ruler of the old days, but descended as a disobedient god. You are a human being, and there is only one relationship between us—killing and being killed."

It took eight legs and walked slowly towards Rope.

Along with its footsteps, water spewed out from the ring on his body, just as before. But this time the water is strangely light blue, shining with an ominous light, which can make creatures sense danger at a glance.

"The greeting has already been said, are you still planning to do it?"

The giant crab waved its claws, guiding a stream of water to hit Luo Pei head-on.

"Then I'll do it first!"

hateful! Rope gritted his teeth and jumped into the sky, but did not choose to take it hard.

Whether it's Cthulhu, Igoronak, or Nyarlathotep, they all showed kindness to me, so they took it for granted that Basatan, who is more gentle, would not embarrass himself...

Still naive. Rope thought bitterly.

After the light blue water jet failed to hit Luo Pei, it quickly changed its shape and turned into countless small water jets, chasing towards the sky like a snake.

"Crazy Hell. Plague Vine!"

The double of the white skull appeared behind Rope.

As soon as it appeared, the plant-like vines on its body began to grow crazily, and finally turned into a wall in front of Luo Pei, resisting Basatan's attack for him.

'Rope, be careful, the water is not that simple. ’ Sensing that the host was being attacked, Azalia woke up automatically.

"You already know the situation."

Luo Pei stepped on a stand-in and dodged to the left in relay.

The vines that had withstood the light blue water collapsed after Luo Pei left. Looking carefully, it turned out to be lumps of lime turned into lumps by those water flows.

One can imagine how terrible things would happen if the water hit Luo Pei's body.

"I really think I have no temper!"

Luo Pei said angrily, took out the blue rose and aimed at Basatan below.

To deal with water attributes, use flames!

"Stage 2 charge! Reload: Anexplosionofanger! Turn me into a braised crab!"

'Wait for Rope! ’ Azalea stopped anxiously.

But it was already too late, the orange-red light shone on Azure Rose's muzzle, the huge heat turned into a fireball and shot towards Basatan fiercely.

——That is the scorching fire of Cthugha the Burner.

Basatan didn't have time to dodge, or he didn't intend to dodge at all. He stood quietly, bathing his body in the flames.

For a moment, water vapor and flames confusedly covered his huge figure.

Chapter 17 The Sea and Death, Basatan Seriously

Rope landed on the canopy of the tree after one blow.

"Azalea, what did you want to say just now?"

‘Ah Pain...can’t you just listen to what someone has to say? ’ Azalea’s voice distressed.

'...Basatan's 'Ismith Circle' can absorb any energy, including divine power, magic power, soul, etc. Your attacks will only make him stronger, and only physical attacks will be effective against him. '

The Lord of Crab's greatest reliance is the mysterious golden ring, which is also the basis for him to gain a foothold among the old rulers.

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