The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1261

In the Lee Havain family at this time, this place has very complicated meanings, and it will never be taken out lightly.

Luo Pei accepted the kindness of the royal family that transcended appearance, and was not displeased because of the simple environment, but praised the concept of the Lehavain family.

"Forty years is almost impossible to resonate with me. At that time, my grandfather and grandmother quelled the war under such harsh circumstances and laid a solid foundation for the modern prosperity of Ardikia. As the successor to the throne Princess, I really admire it from the bottom of my heart, and doubt whether I have the ability to make 770 to the level of my grandfather and grandmother..."

With silver-colored glacial-like long hair, La Folia wore a suit that resembled an army dress, paired with a miniskirt and boots, and stood beside Lopez, looking at Tenote The clean beauty of the sub-lake.

The girl turned her head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"If you're not careful, it's going too far. For a great person like you, Mr. Luo Pei, who has an infinite life, I'm afraid that forty years can't even count as a flash in your eyes?"

"Even the gods must not despise time. This is common sense that everyone knows."

Rope said calmly.

"The concept of time is very important. In a broad sense, there is no difference between the sense of time experienced by me and humans."

Time is one of the most powerful fundamental forces of the multiverse.

You can be indifferent, you can ignore it, but you must never completely forget it, or even trample on the majesty of time.

All living beings are in the river, without exception, even the basic universe is a long straight line with no end in sight. It maintains eternal life and despises the existence of time. It has been silent since ancient times. It is comparable to the Ganges sand.

"Yes, that would be wonderful."

La Folia shook her long silver hair, a goddess-like smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"It's strange to say, probably fate really exists. I never paid much attention to the innate psychic talent, but it was this talent that made me go wrong in that ordinary day. I caught you by mistake... Now that I think about it, if I hadn't escaped from the annex, maybe I wouldn't be standing with you now."

"Are you only seventeen years old this year?"

"Yes, seventeen."

Luo Pei gently pinched La Folia's cheek, and smiled subtly.

"Since you are seventeen, don't be so old-fashioned. If participating in politics is cumbersome, then tell me clearly that I will let you leave the turbulent politics as a witch."

"It's a proposal that fascinated me, maybe the former me would agree without hesitation..."

But the mature princess has more considerations.

Rope shrugged.

"This is your freedom, the road is there, the choice is yours to make. But don't worry too much, no matter what time, I will be behind you."


La Folia stepped on her feet, twirled playfully as if dancing, and came to the back of the black-haired young man, wrapped her hands around Luo Pei's waist, and buried her cheeks on his back.

"That's what fascinates me the most about you..."

Strong enough to surpass all things, to be able to understand the mood of ordinary people.

Apart from God's natural attraction to psychics, this is what La Folia likes most about Rope.

"As for the gift you want to give me, La Folia, I personally advise you not to be so radical."


"I didn't over-educate Xia Yin, she still maintains a pure white personality. Your rash and arrogant way may make Xia Yin fearful and terrified."

Princess Silver wanted to pack her aunt into a sweet "candy", and then she would make the "sugar coating" for the black-haired demon to eat in one bite.

But Luo Pei himself hesitated a little after the initial instinctive interest.

He and Xia Yin have lived together for several years, and he has a kind of doting and pity for this girl just like Aurora. Even if La Folia raised this matter, Xia Yin's personality probably wouldn't be able to say no to it, but Luo Pei didn't want to put Xia Yin in a difficult situation because of this matter.

"You are really a master..."

La Folia smiled.

"Don't you see that Xia Yin treats you differently?"


"I just praised you for being able to understand the feelings of ordinary people, and the result is really..."

La Folia sighed.

"Master Luo Pei, don't worry, I can say this after careful consideration. After all, I am not really going to persecute my aunt's wicked woman."

"That's good."

Luo Pei looked at the Li Palace in the distance, and through the glass with keen vision, he saw the neatly arranged family banquet utensils.

And Hayase Xia Yin was being held by the Queen Mother, talking softly, Xia Yin showed a soft smile from time to time.

"Lunch seems to be ready, we should go back."

He said to La Folia, and then walked towards the Tenotea Palace.

"Lord Rope!"

The girl's loud call came from behind, making the black-haired youth stop in his tracks and turn his head in doubt.

La Folia blushed in a rare way, twisting her silver hair hanging from her temples.

"I have something to ask you..."

"Since when did you add the hesitating character to yourself?"

The Silver Princess took a deep breath, took out a beautiful little book from the pocket of her suit, and handed it to Luo Pei with her head bowed.

"Please marry me."


"Please marry me!"

"No, I can hear you clearly, I don't need to keep raising my voice..."

Rope frowned.

La Folia likes him, even a blind person can see that.

But Luo Pei wondered, why did La Folia propose "marriage" when she knew his identity?

And gender positions flipped, right? Hello!

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