The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1267

"Isn't politics just a waste of time?"

Jiada said helplessly.

"In this way, wouldn't it be useless for me to go to Ardikia specifically..."

"Well, things have become like this by me, so let's treat it as a trip."

Rope stretched.

"You don't need to worry about the matter of paying attention to me in the domain of the king of war. The conflict between Ardikia and the domain of the king of war is over here. If the domain of the king of war dares to reach out to my side next time, then it will be The conflict between me and that country can be blamed on no one even if I slaughtered it."

The upper-level talks are over, and the rest is to appease the ordinary people.

People from other countries have nothing to do with Ardikia, at least their own people have to deal with it properly.

Rope covered the whole of Northern Europe with dark clouds, but it made the whole world in an atmosphere of panic, let alone Ardikia in the center.

Predictably, the Leharvaine family has been busy for a while.

The Demon God and the Third True Ancestor left the meeting room and took a car to the Li Palace at the check-in point. Lucas and Pollyfnia confirmed the documents, waiting for the second official meeting with the Warlord Domain to finalize the decision of the meeting.

La Folia stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the back of the car gradually go away, then turned and said to her father and mother.

"My lord father, my lord mother, I have something to say to you two."


Lucas looked up.

"It's really rare for you to use such formal words. There are no outsiders here, just say what you want."


La Folia stepped back half a step, raised her skirt and saluted the bewildered king and queen.

"Thanks to you for bringing me up, La Folia Lihavain hopes that with the blessings of my father and my mother, I can walk into the marriage hall with my aunt Hasase Natsune and marry Rope My lord, the wedding will be arranged by me myself, and it will be held in the palace of Ardikia."


The pen in Lucas' hand fell on the table, and Pollyfnia looked at her daughter in disbelief.

"...La Folia, do you know what you are talking about?"

The queen couldn't help scolding Princess Baiyin.

"Leaving aside Mr. Luo Pei, you bear the dignity of the Lihavain family, so you made a wedding declaration so easily, and you even want to marry a person with your aunt. In such a situation..."

Listening quietly, La Folia was not in a hurry, but asked with a smile.

"Is your mother questioning that Mr. Luo Pei is not qualified to own me and Xia Yin?"


Polivenia languished.

How dare she question the qualifications of the Demon God.

It is the honor of the Lihavain family that the gods can see her daughter, and it is the kind of supreme luck that cannot be prayed for in temples all over the world.

"I'm not saying Mrs. Luo's just that you will embarrass Mrs. Luo Pei..."

Polivenia said hesitantly.

"You see, Master Rope 703 is still a novelist and an ordinary nobleman in the outside world, and has a formal wife in the Far East, and I don't know much about the third master Jiada... La Foley Ya, your thoughts will add trouble to Lord Luo Pei. We will happily allow the relationship between you and Lord Luo Pei, but the public marriage is still..."

"To put it bluntly, my lord mother is worried that the reputation of the Lihavain family will be criticized by the outside world after the announcement of the wedding because Lord Luo Pei doesn't want to disclose his identity as a god."

La Folia said disdainfully.

"It's too short-sighted, Mother, who will question the real god for the sake of external reputation. If Lord Rope knows about this, I'm afraid that his favor towards Ardikia will drop significantly."


This was the first time that Pollyfnia was speechless by her own daughter.

La Folia was sure that her mother would not dare to question the majesty of the gods, so she dared to say so boldly and presumptuously that her aunt and nephew would marry together.

"Master Luo Pei has already approved my actions. As long as my lord father and my lord mother don't want to run counter to Lord Luo Pei's ideas, then this wedding is imperative!"

The silver princess walked out of the conference room with her head held high.

It is unspeakable to leave the king and queen dumb to eat coptis.

"Honey, why don't you just say a few words?"

After Pollyfnia was deflated on La Folia, she turned around and pointed the finger at her husband.

Lucas averted his eyes.

"...What did I say, didn't you hear that our daughter has already moved out the god's decision? I don't want Aldikia to become the second battle king domain."

"Then you plan to sit back and watch the reputation of the Lihavain family be damaged? It's really..."

"There is nothing perfect in this world. As La Folia said, on the surface we are bound to be judged by others, but secretly we have gained a closer relationship with the gods. No matter how you think about it, it is profitable."

Lucas stood up and walked outside.

"For some time after the wedding, let's not appear in front of media reporters..."

"Sigh... why does Lord Luo Pei dote on La Folia so much, and let her do whatever she wants..." Polyfnia sighed.

In this way, the most topical and controversial wedding in the history of Ardikia laid the beginning of blooming.

Together with the dark clouds covering Northern Europe, this piece of land of 1.3 million square kilometers has truly become the center of world attention.

Chapter 101 God's harem, the queen kneeling under her body

In a pleasant and pleasant weather, the sun shines on the luxurious buildings of the Aldikia Palace, coating it with a light golden brilliance.

Standing in the girl's boudoir, Nangong opened the curtains to block the sun, and the magic of Witch Jingyan unfolded in an instant, and "watched" the scene outside the palace beyond the limitation of sight.

A large number of reporters flocked to the palace, blocked by the holy ring knights at the main entrance of the palace.

They all had frenzied expressions, holding the microphones and trying to find out a little bit from the mouths of the Holy Ring Knights, about La Folia and her aunt Hasase Natsuki, who married the honorary Marquis of Ardikia together.

A week ago, the citizens of Ardikia who heard the news were completely ignited with gossip, and there were people who were against the wedding, saying that the honorary marquis of Ardikia, Rope, belonged to a certain hermit noble family. Some members pointed out the ambiguous relationship between the Marquis and the Third True Ancestor more rationally, and believed that this was the political precursor of Aldiyin's choice of the common domain alliance.

But in any case, after the "Nordic Cloud" incident, the wedding of Princess Silver and her aunt has become a topic of discussion in Ardikia, and it is the most qualified topic for discussion after dinner.

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