The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1271

"I can lend it to them, but as the Silver Queen, she said: "Although the "Holy Sword's Legacy" is rare, there is no need for you to go there in person, let the Lion King agency ask by name, and La Folia is also deep."

"As much time as you want."

Luo Pei lightly pinched La Folia's nose. That's right, Lord Rope. "It's white, let's start to adapt to the attitude of the longevity species a little bit."

"It's enough for Natsune to be able to go with the two girls you share on Isogami Island. Ardikia..."

"Then I'll give you something that can jump in a constant space, so La Foley "You are already my women, so worry about being disturbed by government affairs and not being able to see me at the same time. "


"Here, but I have to go back to Leah in two months. There is no objection anymore, with a sweet smile.

What Nangong thinks that month is better than Baiyin Huangya, you can come to Xianshen Island at any time. so not

"People from the Lion King Agency did not tell the details about the "Holy Annihilation Legacy" of Lake Kamishawa. "

Having said that, La Fu said: "But you also know, Mr. Nangong, that we have more magic attack masters who belong to the national secret service. She continued to ask Feisaki Kiriha. Those who are doing evil and trying to disrupt the world order All the Saint Annihilation factions were wiped out."

Holy annihilation? "

"I didn't ask." Misaki Kiriha is a certain magical criminal organization, and they can't tolerate the existence of the Saint Annihilation faction.

They firmly believe that there is only one attitude towards "holy annihilation". That is will.

It is basically equivalent to the situation where everyone shouts and beats the rats crossing the street.

"These Eastern factions are the cancer of the world.

All attacking magicians, even Rope made the decisive statement.

"The reason why I want to go there is that only the dead "Holy Annihilation" are good "Holy Annihilation", and there will be no big troubles. "

"Since you've said that, Naxi has nothing to do with us, so Yuechan doesn't have to worry too much." Her husband, her demon god.

"However, have you forgotten one thing? The reason is that although it has something to do with the Saint Annihilation faction, it is just a few small fish and shrimps, but they are waiting for you to come back on Xianshen Island." Nayue wrinkled her hair with a headache. Eyebrow, I will not bother with that leisurely mind. "

Nangong trusted her that month, so what if you lose your temper with us? I haven't lived enough yet, don't want to look evil? "

"What's up?"

"His Majesty Hastur

Because La Folia has never seen the horror of Hasta with her own eyes: "The itinerary you leave as soon as you say is naturally chic. If His Majesty Hasta hadn't seen the lord's Misaki Kiriha, cold sweat would ooze out instantly after hearing about it. died young by terrible force."

Rope's smile froze on his face. Thinking about it now makes me tremble with fear, and that hell is caused by it, so I am naturally a little confused why Nangong would say that in that month. But she has seen the gentle and humane Luo Pei who treats her own people from the deep space and the sea of ​​stars. She will never forget the hell she saw in the "Blue Paradise".

Even if it is His Majesty's matter, go to the mainland with Yukina and Sayaya Hua. "The boss of the demon god in front of him, the beautiful blond girl, created it himself.


Haze Natsune, wearing a cute pink apron, kisses a serious evil deity.

"I'll go back to Isogami Island first, after dealing with the Hastur girl Celesta who is addicted to board games.

"That would be great."

After the report, it was time for lunch. After the status, she will need to cook by herself like other girls, and greets everyone with a smile on her face. Aurora is still full of vitality, leading the newly added status quo life, and showing extreme happiness. The most surprising thing is Celesta.

Lopez originally thought that Celesta had obtained the "servant, and the daily entertainment was only in the temple and part of the time to adapt, but this foreign girl was much simpler and bachelor than he imagined, and she accepted it very easily when she formally entered civilization." Society has no emotions.

Celesta used to live in a remote town that was so backward that she didn't even have a TV. As for the servants... the old priests chatted, and then they went around the rainforest, accompanied and monitored.

Finding out that the extremely handsome black-haired person is a "Bride of the Evil God", Celesta is in the happiest period of her life.

Five-year-old girl.

"She is too lazy to care so much.

It's nothing more than tidying up the housework level of your own room, and if you can't go to accompany her, "Sister Aurora, brother sleeps, Celesta can't wait.

She put aside her identity as a priestess, but a genuine Shilin who has been mastered by Sister Aurora" is a terribly handsome and noble god, and Celesta completely feels that she has earned the right to sleep with her.


It's time for Nan to eat, go wash your hands..."

"I want to eat strawberry ice cream!"

"But, is the ice cream on the boat condemned by God?" Sister, you ate it all. "

"Hey, Xia Yinchan, look at mine. Come here at a gallop, the enchantress's Cang Bing..."

Not only Gong Nayue couldn't bear it now, you hit Aurora's head hard with a folding fan.

"Little devil, you are not afraid to lift the newspaper if you use the beast in this kind of place.

"Cut... Then Sister Yue is always unreasonable. The beast is still my own, so it's my freedom to use it however I want?"

"The cruise ship didn't listen to me, did they learn to contradict me?"

"Ah, ah, Ape, save me!"

The black-haired young man sat at the main seat. She lifted her face to cover her face, and turned a deaf ear to the scene of Nangong educating Aurora that month and the cries for help.

Peaceful and convivial atmosphere.

The return route leads directly to String Kami Island.



Clang, clang, clang The sound of the kitchen knife chopping the chopping board filled Jieragi Yukina's ears, and she, like Sayaya Hua next to her, felt a little restless.

The root of the problem comes from the identity of the girl in the kitchen.

Her blond hair was tied into a ponytail, and she was wearing ordinary everyday home clothes.

The master of the deep space star sea, the Great Evil God "King in Yellow" Hastur is like a too young housewife, wearing an apron, making lunch for Yukina and Sayaya Hana. This daily life reveals an abnormal appearance, which makes the two girls feel very uncomfortable.

As if the next moment I will be carried by Hasta and made into a delicacy...

Pickled cabbage is very stressful.

She finally couldn't help it, and said softly with an embarrassed smile.

Your majesty, let us do it, it is not suitable for you in your capacity..."


Hastur refused to go to the chopping board without looking back, and Rope will be back soon. This time, I must make a dish that suits his taste. You all sit there honestly, and give "Hasta price" after eating.

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