The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1278

"...You obviously scolded yourself too!"

"Haha, I'm a special case. Don't expect my colleagues to have such a clear and gentle soul, especially those mystics and interstellar priests who focus on studying the courses of "Life Corruption" and "Life Sublimation". Use the above words to describe They're all a compliment... the image alone is enough to make your scalp tingle. "

Luo Pei stretched out and lay lazily on his side on the tatami.

"This is the end of today's story. Tomorrow I will give you a formal introduction to science, about the secrets of the evil gods, starting from the "head of all demons" Azathoth, to the three pillar gods..."

Misaki Kiriha, who was meditating, suddenly opened her eyes, and Yukina also got up from the futon, looking at the paper shikigami that was shining in her hand.

"Lord Luo Pei, the people from the Lion King Agency are here."

"Oh, let them in then."

Luo Pei randomly took out a magazine, lay in place without moving, and just flipped through it.

With God's permission, Yukina walked out of the room lightly.

In less than a moment, the footsteps of three or four people came into the room softly, and outside the door, the faint shadows of several girls knelt down in front of the door.

"One of the "Three Sages" of the Lion King's organization, An Bai Nai asked for an audience. "

Like a maid of Kaze, Yukina gently opened the door after Anbaina informed her.

Luo Pei put the magazine down slightly, and saw the three girls kneeling and saluting outside the door.

In addition to the familiar "Three Saints" Anbai Nai, there are two girls who follow the pale-haired shrine maiden. They wore crimson and black student uniforms, lowered their heads, and looked a little nervous.

But... Should it be said that the Lion King Institute is worthy of being a loyal believer in elite education?

Not to mention strength, the appearance of the two girls can be called outstanding. Although their temperament is somewhat inferior to that of Yukina and Sayaya Hua, their uneven figures make up for this shortcoming.

"Oh? Who are these two girls?"

Rope asked with a little interest.

Anbai Nai raised his head and gave the two of them a wink.

The two girls introduced themselves nervously.

"Lion, Lion King Mechanism Sword Shaman, Yu Bo Weili, I have seen Lord God..."

"The Lion King's mechanism dance Wei Yuan, Hikawa Shio..."

Luo Pei smiled playfully and said to An Bai Nai.

"Does the Lion King Agency have such a manpower? On the battlefield that is suspected to have evolved into the "Holy Annihilation Legacy", such green fruits are sent up. Aren't you afraid that two girls will die on the battlefield? "

"Age has nothing to do with ability. Both Yubo and Fei Chuan are excellent attacking magicians. I trust their abilities very much."

Anbai Nai said without hesitation.

"But it is true as you said, because of the blockade of the entire Kamishawa Lake, the current manpower of the Lion King Agency is very short, so we can only arrange the two of them as your attendants for this trip to Hakone. Between Hiiragi and Kosaka, I will provide you with convenience, and please forgive me if there is any incompetence (bjae)."

"Huh? Where are you going to take Yukina and Sayaya Hua?"

"The most central part of the Rope Lake."

"Then why bother so much, I will go there too, and I don't need to accompany such things."


An Bai Nai's expression was a little awkward for a moment, and she lowered her head deeply.

"Regarding this matter, I want to beg you to raise your hand."

"Speak clearly."

"Through the exchange between Xianguyong and Nangong Nayue, your majesty in the realm of chaos and Aldikia deeply shocked the hearts of us mortals, but... please forgive me, maybe the God Rope Lake" "Holy Annihilation Legacy" is not worthy of you showing the power to scare everyone again..."

There are a lot of good things to say, but in fact, Anbai Nai is just afraid.

Sasara Macchu's "Sword of War".

In the capital of Ardikia, the demon god created a "cloud of terror" covering the whole of Northern Europe.

Although Anbai Nai didn't see what was in front of him, he broke out in a cold sweat just listening to the report of the gaping witch's chat.

She absolutely does not want the legacy of the Saint Annihilation to be unresolved, and the demon god who raised the interest will show that level of power again. If the demon god is so happy and really descends that power on this land, I am afraid that Kanagawa Prefecture will say goodbye to the Japanese territory.

"Request dismissed."

Rope continued to look down at the magazine.

"Whether it's worth using power or not is up to me to judge. But given the attitude of the Lion King agency for a long time, I can at least guarantee that there won't be too much trouble."


Now that the gods have said so, there is no other choice but to accept orders. Anbai Nai smiled wryly.

"However, since you brought them here, please stay with me for the time being, this..."

"Umi Yuri, Hikawa Shio."

"Well, Yukina Yuri, Hikawa Shio. I will arrive at Kamisawa Lake in two days. Before that, you can take Yukina and Sayaya Hana there first, in case of emergencies."


The pale-haired witch put her five fingers together and bowed respectfully.

"Then I'll leave now. Miss Himeragi, Miss Kosaka, please get ready to salute, and come with me to Lake Kamisaka."

"Okay, okay."

It seemed that An Shirana would use honorific words to surprise the two of them, and Yukina stuttered in her answer.

This is one of the strongest attacking masters in Japan. The two of them used to be directly under the top leaders of the organization, but now they kneel down under them and call them "you".

The main reason was the black-haired young man lying on the side.

Yukina and Sayaka are already his women, so their identities are naturally not equal to those of ordinary people.

Several girls left one after another. Shio Hikawa and Yuri Uami seemed to have something to ask Anshirana, and they also followed out after obtaining Luo Pei's permission.

In the empty room, only Misaki Kiriha and Lopez were left.

"They...the Lion King agency is increasing their stakes." The black long straight girl said softly: "Your continuous display of strength has made them realize that the status quo is not safe, so they hope to establish a closer relationship with you, so that Two girls will appear in front of you..."

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