The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1298

"Not quite right. Currently, I have three officially registered wives, La Folia, Haze Natsune, and Nangong Nayue. It should be said that your Nangong teacher is just one of my wives."

The ideas under modern education are collapsing bit by bit.

In the shops on the pedestrian street, Lanyu Qiansong's three-dimensional view has been strongly impacted. .

Chapter 121 There is only one answer!

On the second floor of a cafe on the pedestrian street, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was temporarily taking a break from shopping, was holding a brand-name smartphone, sipping ice-cold juice, and searching for anecdotes about Luo Pei through online news.

From time to time, she peeked at the black-haired young man across the table, amazed.

"That's an exaggeration. The last time I looked for your information on the Internet, at most it was related to the "Honorary Marquis of Ardikia". Now, Mr. Luo Pei has supported a lot of companies that make money from lace news in disguise... Did you really marry the eldest princess of Ardikia and her aunt? "

"Well, is it worth the fuss?"

"Wow! Thanks to Xia Yinchan for agreeing to such an outrageous marriage, she didn't show any signs of sorrow or pain during her school days. It's so surprising."

Lan Yu Qian Cong covered her mouth with her phone, her cheeks were flushed.

"It also said that you and the third true ancestor are lovers? In addition to the fourth true ancestor Aurora, the only two female true ancestors were all taken down by you... This is the nobleman's Erosion of private life?"

The girl's reserve made her instinctively feel shy about these things, but Qian Cong couldn't stop her curiosity, she didn't want to end this topic so simply, and kept asking Luo Pei.

"I don't like the adjective erosive."

Luo Pei lightly flicked the rim of half a glass of watermelon juice, and the glass made a crisp and pleasant sound.

"Those girls, including Aurora and Garda who are the true ancestors, still chose to have fun with me even though they knew that I had other lovers, and I didn't do anything to force them. Isn't Asagi Do you think that they are able to make this choice in the face of secular eyes, is it a manifestation of spiritual freedom and freedom?"

Among the many concubines of the Demon God, of course not all of them voluntarily join his harem, and the statement of "no coercion" is an untrue lie.

But the wayward Luo Pei chose to ignore this small fact at this time, making his image taller all of a sudden.

"This, that's it. It's also..."

Although Lan Yu Qiancong felt that something was wrong, she couldn't tell what was wrong, so she could only agree with it ignorantly.

The girl possesses "supernatural power" level of hacking skills, and she definitely has much more consultation readings than people of the same age, or even older people. She is very clear about the various dark histories among those upper-class people, as well as the truth of the erotic facts. This made Lan Yu Qian Cong's vision naturally surpass that of ordinary girls.

Besides, since the lovers of the other party know each other and still choose to maintain this wrong relationship, it shows that they are very firm in their ideas.

Regardless of whether the outside world looks a little bad, this persistence is commendable.

"Then, those two often stay with Aurora-chan, and Himeragi and Kosaka are Mr. Lopei's lovers too?"

"That's it."

"Sure enough, handsome nobles don't lack women." "Lan Yu Qian Cong muttered softly.

"Thanks to me... my friend still wants to get to know you better, so let's come and try it out for a year..."

The girl originally wanted to talk about herself, but in an instant, she realized that she was in front of her, and she came to a sudden stop and made friends out of nothing.

Maybe Luo Pei himself didn't know it, but on the night of the "Banquet of Flames", his magnificent appearance and domineering posture left a deep impression on Lanyu Qiancong. If she hadn't learned that Luo Pei was Aurora's guardian and Nangong's husband that month, she would have come to thank her so that the relationship would not be so weak now.

But light doesn't mean that Qian Cong has forgotten this feeling, she has been firmly hiding it in her heart.

"Oh? Is your friend pretty?"

Rope tilted his head jokingly.

"If you are beautiful, please don't worry about Aurora, just introduce it to me directly. I like female high school students very much, and I don't mind increasing the number of lovers."

"So frivolous."

Lan Yu Qian Cong cast dead fish eyes, staring at the black-haired young man sadly.

But it may be that Luo Pei is too frank and free and easy.

Normally, if Qian Cong heard about this kind of scumbag, he would definitely criticize him with disgust. But at this moment, the aura exuding from Luo Pei's body made Qiang Cong feel like "it should be like this".

Is it a little heatstroke...

Lan Yu Qian Cong stroked her forehead, feeling in disbelief at her thoughts.

——The powerful charm of God, especially one that an ordinary girl can resist.

"Speaking of it, according to Asacon's ability, have you heard of Cain's name?"

"The one from the 'Ancestor of the Demon Race'? As long as you have studied history carefully, even elementary school students will know about Cain. "

The girl recalled.

"The creation of many demons, and the inexplicable silence at the end... The official records are like this. I have found some different reports through the infiltration of hackers, saying that there seems to be some kind of grievance between Cain and the Fourth Primogenitor, It was also the Fourth Primogenitor who killed Cain at the beginning... Is this true?"

"Aurora stayed with you all day at school, and you didn't ask her?"

"How is it possible to ask questions!" Qian Cong leaned on the table: "If I touch on the secrets that I couldn't tell in the past, I'm afraid of getting into trouble. Unlike you people who stand at the top of the world, I'm just an ordinary person. High school girls."

Perhaps because she was born in a political family, Lan Yu Qian Cong is a girl with a very keen sense of smell.

Why do textbooks refuse to publish this truth? Naturally, there are reasons that are inconvenient for the public to know.

Being overwhelmed by curiosity and asking questions, getting into trouble in the end is not what Qian Cong wants.

"That's not certain."

Rope smiled meaningfully.

"But the information you read is correct, the "God of Blame" Cain is indeed directly related to the Fourth Primogenitor. Well, it's not Aurora, it's the former Fourth Primogenitor. "

"Has the Fourth True Ancestor changed yet?"

"Have you forgotten the scene when we first met? That is the "Flame Banquet" that re-corrected the Fourth Primogenitor. "


Lan Yu Qian Cong didn't quite understand.

"Why are you telling me this?" The girl laughed and teased, "Even if you don't have something to talk about, you can't use such an ancient secret in front of a girl. Mr. Luo Pei's chatting skills are terrible."

"Forget it, let me tell you directly."

Rope showed a mysterious smile.

"Blue Feather Light Onion!"

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