The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 130

There was no respect in the blond girl's words. Anyway, Salvatore's one-sidedness is recognized by everyone, so there is nothing wrong with saying that.

"Then what should I do..." Liliana was a little lost.

Milan was the hometown where she grew up, and she didn't want to see her hometown being destroyed in the hands of the God of Disobedience.

Erica casually pulled away a person who was trying to attack Liliana from behind, then sighed helplessly, and lightly tapped the Reinhardt in her hand on the silver-haired girl's shoulder.

"Since the God of Disobedience is being dealt with for the time being, let's leave it to him first. If you really care about it, you will be in chaos. You have even forgotten your own job as a knight."


"Isn't the job of a knight to protect the people?"

Erica withdrew the sword in her hand, turned around and walked towards the chaotic part of the city.

"Uncle is not your turn to worry. He is a knight ten times stronger than a little girl like you. Now we just need to do what we can."

She already had a plan to stun all the crazy citizens along the way and minimize the disaster as much as possible.

"Maybe...we might witness a miracle today..." Erica said uncertainly.

As for the man who Liliana said was fighting against the God of Disobedience, as a woman, she felt that it was not that simple to die.

And only one of God and man can survive.

This also means that, perhaps, a new overlord will appear on this land.

The seventh God Slayer King!

Chapter 20 The Weakness of the Ismeth Circle

Crazy Hell. White Gospel.

Forged by the evil gods, transforming the subspace into the rudiment of the kingdom of God, and then presenting the world through the nightmare of Rope's subconscious

"I'm such a fucking dog."

Luo Pei sat in an office, drinking coffee on the table and vomited bitterly.

"How do you tell me to fight? The magic immunity is high, and the attack power is also ridiculously strong. Nima's pliers are like a meteorite hitting the earth. I think the local gods of Godslayer are easier to deal with."

It's nothing more than a tall object resisting a high attack, and the magic immunity really took Luo Pei's life. There is a feeling that a lion has nowhere to attack a hedgehog.

"...Speak less, the first time you use this ability, it will only last about 20 minutes." Azalia's voice was full of helplessness.

‘Instead of complaining now, it’s better to think about how to deal with it after going out. '

At the moment when the crab claws fell, Luo Pei used his stand-in ability to hide in the white gospel.

Originally, if he used it at the first time, he might be able to drag Basatan into this space, but it didn't work just now. His body has become so huge that it has exceeded the current capture limit of Madness Hell.

‘By the way, your world is really unique, it feels like a horror game. '

Azalia chatted casually in order to ease Rope's nervousness.


But it seems to have the opposite effect.

Luo Pei sneered, looking at the white walls in the dean's office, there was only unforgettable resentment.

"This is the darkest time in my life. I have experienced the ugliness and loneliness of the human heart. It is understandable to treat it as a nightmare in the subconscious."

This is a pure white world——

A nursing home, or a hospital is more appropriate.

White walls, white chandeliers, white corridors, white beds, white flowers, white soil, white, white, white, pure white, blinding white...

A hopelessly monotonous white.

Except for the color, this place is exactly the same as the hospital that Luo Pei once stayed in, and the white gospel shows it exactly, except that those disgusting humans are missing, and some other unique things are added.

At this time, Luo Pei saw a few monsters walking outside the door.

The one in the front was wearing a doctor's gown, its humanoid body was bent, and its face was firmly fixed by iron bars, which fixed his expression on 'indifference'. Behind him, several nurses followed closely.

Those nurses had mouths all over their bodies, rustling and speaking obscene language. Their faces had no eyes, no ears, no noses, and only mouths.

The 'cold' doctor, the 'foul language' nurse.

These are the people he once hated. They have been alienated into monsters under the power of the white gospel, and they can only obey Luo Pei's orders respectfully and fearfully.

With a thought, Luo Pei didn't want to see those guys again, so he closed the door.

"Shadows of the past are everywhere."

He leaned on the back of the chair and looked at the ceiling as if caught in a bad memory.

'Let it go, you are free, no one can restrain you. '

Azalia suddenly thought of something, she fell silent for a while, and then continued to speak in a bitter voice.

'except me……'

She thought about it, the system saved Luo Pei, but deprived him of his freedom again, and threw him into this life-threatening task world, and she, who was integrated with the system, had to follow this rule, driving him in a disguised form. with him.

Will Lopez, who longs for freedom, hate her? Azalea thought up and down.

Seemingly feeling the concerns in Azalia's words, Luo Pei smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"When did you become so sentimental? You are my best friend, and I would do anything to not be erased by you. For the hope you gave me, these dangers are just a small reward for what I can do. .”

Luo Pei knew that his mental state was very problematic.

But what does it matter?

This is a judgment made by oneself, and no one can interfere.

Azalea and him are two in one, ever present, present present, and eternally present. Anyone who dares to destroy this relationship, even if Rope is dead, as long as there is one cell that remains active, will attack him, never stop.


Feeling the heavy feelings of her host, which has surpassed love, Azalia murmured complicatedly.

No creature has been kind to her since her birth.

The ancient gods accused it of being the culprit of the Big Bang, and they all wanted to seal her, so much so that seeing the old masters defeated by the ancient gods of order, they had no choice but to separate their souls and bodies.

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