The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1300

Lan Yu Qian Cong was exhausted physically and mentally.

"Hahaha, don't be too nervous, it's just a trivial matter."

In a chaotic mood, the girl experienced the most restless beauty experience.

But when everything was over, when Qian Cong looked at herself in the mirror, her unhappiness was thrown into the corner.

The girl was fiddling with her newly-baked gorgeous hairstyle in front of the mirror, which was as bright as pale gold, full of youthful vigor and exaggeration.

"How about it?"

Qian Cong happily asked for his male partner's opinion.

"Well, so-so."

Luo Pei probably has seen more beautiful women than Qian Cong, so he won't make a big fuss because of a slight image change.

"But I have to remind you, Asagi. With this kind of hairstyle and dress, as long as your skin is a little darker, you will become a Shibuya-type black-skinned bitch. It looks like a compensated dating girl. It's the kind that will be inexplicable The type of price being asked by office workers..."

"Nonsense, nonsense!"

Lan Yu Qian Cong blushed in embarrassment, and said loudly.

"It's too much to call someone else a bitch, even you! I'm still a virgin!"

"It's just an adjective, don't worry about it."

Afterwards, Luo Pei took the initiative to help Qian Cong (bjci) settle the bill, and the two continued shopping.

Walking, the girl freed herself from trivial matters, and began to seriously think about what Lopez said earlier.

"That is to say, as long as I help you, you will be able to turn this String God Island into a more surreal existence and expand the area instantly?"

"That's right."

"There won't be any danger, right?" Lan Yu Qiancong asked cautiously: "I've read from TV and novels that generally, beings like you who seek change will cause a big storm, and girls like me are usually taken advantage of." Throw it away when you're done..."

" you need to see a psychiatrist?"

The black-haired youth raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't the persecution paranoid too serious? You're Aurora's friend, my friend. It's just "fun" to me, like I can chat with you in a hair salon grade thing. I can walk with the third and fourth true ancestors and dominate them, do you think it would be so troublesome for me to harm you? If you are tied up directly, you have no place to complain. "

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Lan Yu's shallow expression.

"I'm sorry." The girl poked her index finger and whispered: "I'm just scared. You suddenly told me that I am the "Witch of Cain", and then asked me to join some plan that sounds terrible. Everyone will worry about it..."

"And your answer?"

"Can I think about it? I really need time to sort out today's shock..."

Rope pursed his lips and shook his head.

"That's why the current high school girls are very poor. I have said it so clearly, but you still don't understand it. By the way, the Japanese government has passed this plan, and the National Secret Service Lion King will directly help facilitate it. Regarding this matter, if Asagi is not at ease, go hack into the intranet database in Japan. Don’t worry that someone will track you down, my name can guarantee you to do whatever you want in this world.”

Of course, the Lion King agency didn't know about this matter, and even Luo Pei had the idea on a whim.

But the black-haired young man is not afraid that the Japanese side will not agree.

As long as you inform him casually, with the level of sensibility of the Lion King's agency, you won't presumptuously refute his interest.

"Wow! Another amazing name appeared... The Lion King Agency, I remember it was a professional magician spy organization..."

In the end, the official guarantee was brought out, and the girl's heart became more stable.

"Also, if you're willing to help, after graduating from high school, you'll be able to get a good salary in the brand new "Itogami Island", and definitely a higher position than your father. "

"It's obviously an exaggeration, but Mr. Luo Pei, you say it's like doing a small business..."

"I'm not here to relieve your psychological pressure intimately?"

"Yes, I thank you..."

Qian Cong drooped her shoulders, looking exhausted.

The girl whispered again.

"Actually, there is no need to say anything about rewards and benefits... I will be happier if you come to me personally..."

Lan Yu Qian Cong's voice was very low, almost at a level that normal people could not hear.

However, with Luo Pei's sensory sensitivity, he still captured these words.

He glanced at the girl in surprise.

The black-haired young man didn't expect that Lanyu Asagi would have a good impression of him. On this Xianshen Island, the main female character that Luo Pei had the least contact with was Lanyu Asacon.

Luo Pei had an idea in his heart, smiled slightly, bent over to stand in front of Qian Cong, and said in a deliberately frivolous tone.

"Hey, miss here, it's still early, do you want to have fun with me again?"

"...what are you doing?"

The black-haired youth pointed to the second floor of a building in the commercial street.


Lan Yu Qian Cong waved his hand immediately and said.

"No, no, I'm underage! Minors can't drink alcohol, and no one will sell alcohol to minors!"

"It's okay, I know the boss there, a little drink is nothing."

Luo Pei looked like everything was up to me.

"Don't Asagi want to taste the wine?"

"Well... I really want to try it..."

After several ideological struggles, and with the person in front of her who she secretly likes, Qian Cong finally complied with Luo Pei's invitation.

"You can only drink a little?" The girl reminded: "If you want to drink later, I will accompany you, but I have to change it to fruit juice..."

"Indulge with peace of mind, I will give you the best protection."

Rope smiled softly.

"Comfortable vacation, not happy."

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