The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1316

The future greatest prophet in Judaism, a middle-aged man was crying like a child.

"It must be the gospel of the Hebrews and a gift from God to meet you. Your knowledge is as profound as the ocean, and your help to me is no less than that of God. Although you and I only met for one afternoon meet, but after this conversation, you are without a doubt my teacher!"

"No such gesture, Moses, it's just our chat, isn't it?"

"I beg you, Moses begs you, tell me your precious knowledge again, I am willing to be your servant and lead your horse forever...soft"

"I don't want an old man to be my servant. Well, there are no other things, so it's okay to talk about it. But if you go into more detail, it would be a long story..."


In later generations, according to the records of the Bible of Judaism, this passage of "the prophet receiving a teacher" is regarded as a chapter that every believer must study.

And the mysterious and noble person, the name "lopei" also appears frequently in the Bible, and is considered by scholars to be "the greatest wise man in human history", "the leader of the teachers who stand shoulder to shoulder with God", and "rootless". Unconditional, dissociated consciousness".

Of course, only the evil god himself knows what the truth is. .

Chapter 4 The Shepherdess and the Black Goat of Thousands of Descendants (Second Watch)

A few days later, at the home of Jethro, a Midian herder.

Moses reluctantly looked at Luo Pei who was about to leave, and tried several times to persuade him to stay.

"Teacher, I don't intend to question your itinerary in this world, but whether it is me or the Hebrews, I really want to get your knowledge... A few days of talking with you even gave me the feeling of wasting the first half of my life." I feel that the knowledge you hold is too colorful and gorgeous."

"I don't remember when I became your teacher, Moses. We just met by chance and sat down and chatted occasionally."

Rope laughed.

"The affairs of the Hebrews belong to the Hebrews, and your affairs belong to you. Why do you want me, an outsider, to worry about it?"


Moses clapped his hands and sighed.

The prophet longed for the Hebrews to be taught by the wise man before him, but nothing moved him. In terms of dignity and status, just looking at the conversation and knowledge, you can tell that extraordinary people, even if the property of the Hebrews enslaved by Egypt is added together, it is estimated that the pendant on the chest of the black-haired young man is not worth enough.

"Although you don't recognize you as my master, Moses has already regarded you as a teacher in his heart. Your teachings and your principles are firmly in Moses' mind, and he will definitely practice them among the Hebrews. Until we break away from Egypt and build our own kingdom independently, we will not forget it."

"Even with the help of artifacts, the road is long enough."

"Yes." Moses bowed his head: "But I will not give up. Whether it is ten years or forty years, I will take this as my goal before Moses completes leading the Hebrews to escape from the rule of Egypt. May God Watch and bless me."

"Come on."

After bidding farewell to the Prophet, the black-haired youth continued on his aimless journey.

The so-called pursuit of Orpheus is just a boring goal that Luo Pei set for himself. He needs to think about the key points of completing the trial, even if it may take hundreds or thousands of years to think about it, but Luo Pei doesn't care at all. He had already stood on the bank of the river that passed slowly by time.

"Sunshine Redemption" and "The End of Tyranny"...

Could it be the choice between saving the world and destroying the world?

Rope didn't think it was that simple.

It may be difficult to target the former, after all, the meaning of "salvation" is too broad.

But if it is the latter, Luo Pei will drive Wushuang all the way to overturn all the gods in this world, and then release divine magic to pollute the world. The sword of war will slash the surface and evaporate the ocean. He does not believe that there will be any living creatures by then.

The option of destroying the world, (bcfa) is easy for him.

It is precisely because it is so easy that it makes people feel suspicious and cannot act rashly.

"Master! Master!"

Thinking, Luo Pei turned his head amidst the girl's shouts.

Miria, a girl from Midian, was running over from the hillside with an old cloth skirt.

When she was about to approach Luo Pei, Miria staggered and almost fell to the ground, but the black-haired young man reached out to catch her in time, so that the girl's face would not touch the ground.

"Master! Please, take me away!" Miria looked at Luo Pei with tears in her eyes: "I can wash clothes, cook for you, please don't leave me here. I want to follow you , and go outside of Midian together."

If Rope had the most conversations with Moses during these days, then Miria had the second most conversations.

From the mouth of the black-haired young man, the girl opened up a new world, and all kinds of shocking knowledge emerged one after another, making this girl who has never been in contact with the outside world since birth and is estimated to spend her whole life cooking and raising children. new ideas.

She didn't want to stay in Midian.

She doesn't want to be trapped in this small mountain like her mother, her sister, and girls her age.

Miria was illiterate, but like her brother, she was quick-witted and intelligent enough. She knew very well that the honorable master in front of her was her only chance, and if she missed it, she would never be able to experience that rich and colorful life again.

Rope scratched his face and blinked.

He didn't think that he would get a little fan girl from casual chatting. Although Milia's appearance was barely good, but Luo Pei had seen so many beautiful women, so he didn't think about getting into the pocket at all.


Milia continued.

"I am fifteen years old this year. After a while, my father will marry me to someone I don't know at the price of a few sheep. It may be a man of the same age, or it may be an old man as a concubine You opened a brand new door for Miria, may God have mercy, please save me."

All that said, sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

If the girl in front of her hadn't heard Luo Pei's gorgeous stories, she would have been content to walk towards her original future with a calm mind instead of being so worried.

Luo Pei thought for a moment, then he had an idea in his mind, and squatted down to look directly into Miria's eyes.

"You want a different life, don't you?"


"Milia, you need to know that I am not an extraordinary person. I used to be, I am today, and I will always be there. Even if I take you to walk on the earth, you will be turned into bones due to the fatigue of the journey and the erosion of time."

Before the girl could despair, Luo Pei pulled a playful smile on the corner of his mouth and said again.

"But for the sake of these days and your hospitality, I am willing to give you a chance, Miria."

He took out a well-decorated book from his pocket.

Milia had never seen anything so precious. Books are the things that are most directly linked to knowledge. In this era, knowledge is very valuable. Even the tribal leader's home is just a few sheepskin scrolls, which are regarded as rare treasures.

The girl accepted the gift from the black-haired youth in a daze.

Rope whispered in her ear.

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