The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1334

Fortunately, the gods are not vegetarians. After the main gods of each god system took action, some evil dragon kings were still dismembered and sealed away. Although rebirth is inevitable, it will be hundreds of thousands of years later, which can be regarded as greatly relieving the immediate urgent need.

On Mount Olympus, the divine domain of the Greek gods, a robust middle-aged man with a white beard sat calmly in the main seat, waiting with his eyes closed.

In about thirty minutes, this specially vacated conference room was filled with all kinds of people.

"This is our first meeting with you, isn't it? Zeus."

The middle-aged man, Zeus, the god-king of Greece, opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful black-haired boy who took his seat at some point.

"Are you the only one in your god system?"

"Vishnu and Brahma have to deal with the attack of the evil dragons, only I am free, so I come to attend the boring meeting held by you guys."

Shiva put the three-pronged fork beside him and leaned on the seat with his hands crossed.

Hearing this, the one-eyed old man in a blue robe next to Shiva and holding a spear said playfully.

"Lord God of Destruction is still saying uncomfortable things as before. He thought that your battle with the demons outside the territory would change you a little, and you would no longer be so calm and arrogant."

"Oh, say what you like, old Nordic man."

Zeus scanned everyone who was seated.

Almost all of them are the rulers of various gods, the main gods.

Celtic mythology "God of Light" Ruger; Egyptian mythology "Sun God" Aton; Indian mythology "God of Destruction" Shiva; Norse mythology "God King" Odin...

Such a powerful faction gathered here for no other purpose than the current chaos of the evil dragon.

"I won't gossip." Zeus said: "This is the first time that the gods of our different systems have gathered together like this. The "evil dragon chaos" has intensified, and all the gods have suffered major or minor attacks. We can no longer sit still and wait for death, we must unite and take the initiative to attack and completely seal those mischievous dragons. "

"How to implement it?"

Asked Teshub, the "sky god" of Hittite mythology.

"We almost never communicate with each other. The soldiers have different habits. Joining together is easy to say, but easier said than done."

"Did the dragon kings not make a statement? The evil dragons are their distant relatives. In the current situation, the dragon kings have an inescapable responsibility."

"Dragon has always been so willful, how could we order them."

"Fortunately, the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor of Ertianlong died in battle on the battlefield of the three tribes of the Bible. Otherwise, if those two dragons were involved in nonsense, I can't imagine how bad the situation would be... Speaking of this, the Bible The God of God is really powerful. In such a situation where the power is overdrawn, he can seal the Ertianlong and kill the four great demon kings..."

Zeus waited silently for the discussion to end.

Wait until the voices of the gods have faded before speaking.

"No matter how big the cultural differences and customs are between us, the crisis is before all of us. No matter how big the difficulty is, we must overcome it. To tell the truth, I had a fight with the evil dragon three months ago. I have fought against the Heavenly Dragon-level powerhouse "New Moon Dark Dragon", and its power has exceeded my imagination. With the blessing of the Infinite Dragon God and the Extraterrestrial Demon, I was almost left on the battlefield by him. "

"What? Even Zeus, you..."

"...It's tricky."

Odin, the main god of northern Europe, pushed the brim of his hat with a long spear in a very imageless way.

"It's the same situation with me. When I led the Valkyrie army to kill the mass-produced evil dragon, Nidhogg, the power of the evil dragon that was born and raised in the ice and snow country shocked me... Sure enough, that guy has It is very likely that it is the cause of "Twilight of the Gods"..."

"Old man, have you started talking about your imaginary prophecy again?"

"Twilight! "Ragnarok" definitely exists! "

"Only each of you knows the situation best."

Zeus glanced at the gods present.

"You can't think about this matter slowly. The crisis of the evil dragons is imminent. Every day of your delay will bring unnecessary casualties to the soldiers. Lord God of Destruction, what do you think?"

"The evil dragons are raging, I can do it by myself, and it doesn't matter if I agree to join hands with you."

The black-haired handsome boy stared at Zeus sharply.

"For the sake of our current alliance, let me tell you a piece of crucial information - don't think about taking action against the "King of Evil Dragons". "

"But he is the leader of the evil dragons, if we don't annihilate him..."

"Is your strength enough to make a move in front of me?"

Shiva calmly asked the god, who was speechless.

Shiva, the god of destruction, can be said to be the most powerful god in this world besides the god of the Bible. Whether it is Hades, the god of the underworld in Greek mythology, or any other gods, they are not Shiva's opponents.

"Just like the gap between you and me, the gap between me and that foreign demon is also exaggerated." Shiva said: "Vishnu's reasoning is not to provoke him. During the century-old chaos of evil dragons, demons have never Without a shot, if we unconsciously approach the door, then what awaits us will not be a good result...Of course, I personally want to fight him again, but for the sake of the gods, I still put this The words were spoken."

·· 0 for flowers······

The gods were silent.

Zeus let out a breath of foul air slowly, stood up and pressed the table lightly.

In the sky, dark clouds are densely covered, and golden thunders are constantly shuttling through the clouds.

"Then it's decided, gentlemen."

Zeus looked like lightning.

"Only as an ally, unite the power of all the gods to completely seal the evil dragons, and they will never stand up again!"


The domain of gods that originally belonged to Persian mythology became the spoils of war for the evil dragons after the defeat of the "Supreme Good God" Ahura Mazda.

Luo Pei used powerful and elusive magic to stabilize this different space from the edge of dissipation, and it became a rare lair for evil dragons.

At the highest peak known as "Dragon's Cradle" at this time, the black-haired young man was in a daze in the quiet and boring temple.

Orpheus sits in the side hall, giving power to every evil dragon that comes. Anyway, for Infinity Dragon God, there is no such thing as boredom at all. It is really nice to be able to walk and chat with Luo Pei, and loneliness is not a big problem. During this time, Luo Pei has been looking for Orpheus more often.

.......... 0

"Almost this kind of game is getting tired of playing."

Rope sighed.

"I really don't know what's going on with those dragons. After a hundred years of attacking and fighting, can't they eliminate their desire to play? The boring war, I've watched it so many times, I'm tired of it..."

'In the final analysis, Ape, your vision is too high. ’ Azalia said: ‘You create exquisite tactics and war strategies for them, they hardly have any worries, just fight as much as you want. But this kind of role can get a little pleasure at first, and then it is a mechanical repetition. '

"It's not that I have high vision, it's that the opponent is too weak as an enemy. Let's not talk about strength, even tactics are inferior to me..."

'Wearing the divinity of "war", plus the secret books you have read all over the world, this terrifying knowledge content, who do you want to beat you in the war? '

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