The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1358

Even with the identity of "Chosen One", Luo Pei's genius is a little too much.

After a while, Shabu returned the mold to the black-haired young man.

"How about it?"


Shabu considered his words.

"Although this mold is already very good at Little Luo Pei's current level, but as long as I raise my vision a little bit, it will be..."

"Is it."

Luo Pei was not discouraged, but instead asked energetically.

"Excuse me, where did I start to make mistakes?"

"The measurement unit of chaos has been calculated incorrectly from the very beginning. It is true that little Luo Pei is aiming at the true god, but in terms of setting, you have gone too far. There are also errors in the calculation of the world's trace elements and laws... "

The Supreme Mother is like a careful mentor, explaining to Rope his mistakes one by one.

The black-haired young man listened carefully, and took out notes to record directly at the end, striving to record every mistake and laying the foundation for success.

"...The above are the deficiencies of Little Luo Pei's mold."

"Well, thank you very much for your advice."

"One more thing."

asked Shab.

"Little Rope, have you ever witnessed the real destruction and birth of the world?"

"No." Luo Pei shook his head: "I have been running all the way in the trial, and I put the completion of the trial as the top priority. How can I have the time to see such a magnificent scenery?"

"Then little Luo Pei, you'd better find a chance to see him."

Shabu's expression was a little gloomy.

"The destruction of the world, the destruction of the living beings, collapse and re-creation... There is a wonderful power in all of this. Being able to recognize this invisible and intangible power will be of great help to your kingdom of God. Hmm , I can only talk about this, and if I talk about it, it will inevitably contain my subjective consciousness, which is not good for you, little Luo Pei, to establish the Kingdom of God."

"I see."

Rope nodded seriously.

"I will take this matter to heart, Sister Shabu."

"Congratulations." Shabu clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "Although the mold is not worth mentioning as I said, please don't really think that it is useless. Little Luo Pei can start from scratch and take this step. One step is really something to celebrate and be happy about.”


The road has been opened, and the rest just needs to keep moving forward.

As long as we keep moving forward, there must be a new road ahead.

Looking at the useless mold in his hand, Luo Pei immediately felt refreshed after crushing it.

Finally, the goal of his promotion became a little clearer.

"Hey, little Luo Pei, should I reward my sister for worrying about you..."

At the end of the business, Shabu hung on Luo Pei's neck again.

The black-haired young man also smiled slightly, got up and picked up Princess Shabu, and walked towards the candle-lit temple.

"Then without further ado, Majesty Shabu is invited to taste another technique of mine."

Chapter 29: The Fierce War Between the Evil Dragon and the Gods

The war to end the Evil Dragon Rebellion finally started vigorously in Asgard.

Soaring in the sky, the soldiers of God bravely and fearlessly fight against mass-produced evil dragons. The Valkyrie swayed the magic and combat skills of the Nordic system, and beheaded the mass-produced evil dragon that dared to invade the God's Domain. There are even more legendary human heroes holding shining artifacts and running hard on the terrifying battlefield.

As for the main god, the ruler of Egypt, the "Sun God" Aton, burned the golden divine fire, destroying the body of the dragon king-level powerhouse, "Treasure Tree Protector Dragon" Radon, and sealed his soul into the volcano farthest from the coastline. , used to suppress its evil wood aura.

"Magic Forbidden Dragon" Ari Dahaka and "Primary Dark Dragon" Apep joined forces to fight against the enemy, and the power of darkness and magic filled the entire sky. Odin's Eternal Spear streaked across the sky, Thor's Thor's Hammer gathered bright thunder, and Di Shitian held a simple and simple gun, and fought against the strong physique of the dragon for countless rounds.

The strongest dragon among the evil dragons, "New Moon Dark Dragon" Clone Kuwah wanted to turn the tide of the battle, but "God of Destruction" Shiva's three-pronged fork lay in front of him like a mountain.

Most of the rest of the evil dragon kings faced the famous gods in the mythology, and the situation was not much better.

When the gods unite and get serious, the evil dragons realize how powerful these guys who have been invisible to the world are.

Even with the blessings of extraterrestrial demons and infinite dragon gods, the evil dragons still feel that it is difficult to face such a large number of powerful gods.

This long front spans two continents and three worlds.

The flames of war and the roar of the dragon destroyed all the scenery. While the angels were tired of dealing with the evil dragon, they still did not forget to manifest themselves to protect the displaced mortals.

"It's okay, hurry up and go to your parents..."

Gabriel squatted in the depths of the woods next to a small town, folded twelve wings, and comforted the crying children in front of her.

The blond beauty's face is as pure as the Virgin's, and her eyes are full of pity.

"How about you, big sister Angel?"

"My sister has to help other people."

Gabriel smiled.

"Don't be afraid, you will be safe after passing this forest. You and your parents will usher in a new life..."


The dragon's roar changed Seraph's expression.

Not wasting time, she immediately stood up and ordered the lower-level angels serving beside her.

"The children will be handed over to you. The trauma they have suffered is already very serious. Don't let them be frightened anymore. Take them to a safe place quickly!"


The lower-level angel took the lead and drove a piece of light power to lift the children up and fly to the outskirts of the forest.

Gabriel stared at the distant sky, and there was a dead dragon flying towards him rapidly.

It has a strange appearance, as if it has been parasitized by something, and its whole body is covered with tentacles. Long Tong's eyes were cloudy, apparently possessed by madness.

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