The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1361

"Using the ability of the "messenger" to invade my kingdom of God again and again, if this was in ancient times, I can almost recognize your offensive behavior. "

The voice of Yog Sothoth's soul was untouched, but Nyarlathotep could hear that the other party was in a bad mood.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time..."

The silver-haired girl scratched her face, and kicked back the bubble that was under her feet as a ball to Yog.

"Here, I'll give it back to you. Actually, I'm here mainly to say that your old lover, Shabu, has slipped into the world to find little Luo Pei. Should we put some eye drops on that bitch? Look, Shabu Boo has always been out of touch with us..."

"The affairs of the elector are handled by the elector himself."

Yog didn't like Nyarlathotep's way of diverting the topic at all, and the suffocating divine power began to mobilize.

"Countless years have passed since the last time we fought against you, let's take a look at this long-lost fight, Nyarlathotep..."

Yog Sothoth felt that it was necessary to let Nyarlathotep know the importance of "knocking" before entering.

Otherwise, relying on his own convenience, this guy will almost regard his divine kingdom as a place for leisure and entertainment.

"Idiot! Moldy soap bubbles! Don't release your divine power like this! Your divine kingdom can't hold it! This body of mine is just an incarnation..."

The silver-haired girl began to run wildly in the kingdom of God.

Yog Sothoth was like swatting fleas, driving extremely terrifying divine power to capture Nyarlathotep.

It is conceivable that if Naiyazi is caught, 100% will be banished to the "giant stone pedestal" by the One Who Returns All Things to be imprisoned.

Accompanied by His Majesty Chaos' scolding and hiding, the quiet and simple Kingdom of God, where all things return to one, was bustling after a long absence.

Chapter 31: Arriving at the underworld, the filthy testing ground of evil gods

The world-famous Evil Dragon Rebellion war lasted for fourteen years.

Extraordinary battle lines, burning ground, air that burns the lungs with just a breath.

No matter how brave the warriors of the gods were, they fought bravely, and the long war made the soldiers feel great pressure.

Just when the tight string was about to break, on a snowy winter day, Michael, the seraphim from the heavens, held the blade of the holy light and chopped off the head of the last mass-produced evil dragon.

So far, except for the sealed Heavenly Dragon and Dragon King level evil dragons, all the reincarnated evil dragons participating in the war have been silenced.

The Alliance of Gods paid a heavy price. The Alliance Legion lost three-tenths of its soldiers and about one-fifth of its gods. Their bones were forever buried in the invisible dust.

"It's too miserable..."

Gabriel stood on the top of the cloud, looking down at the scorched land below and the charred and indistinguishable corpses.

The gods were victorious, but none of them could laugh.

Even Di Shitian, who advocated war the most, was silent under such a doomsday scene.

They were really caught off guard by the evil dragon addicted to extraterrestrial power. That kind of weird and poisonous power was unheard of and full of danger.

Gabriel is praying for fallen warriors and gods.

Michael withdrew the long sword of the Holy Light, and the seriousness on that handsome face finally eased a little.

He turned and said to the gods.

"Everyone, the war is over."


The one-eyed Nordic god king, Odin held the Spear of Eternity on his shoulder, and said with a sigh.

"I never thought that just fourteen years would be so long... Now, whether it's our Asgard or other gods, we can all get relief."

"The reconstruction after the war is also a problem that cannot be ignored. Both God's Domain and Human World need our help."

Said Zeus, whose right arm was broken at the elbow.

When he was fighting with Ari Dahaka seven years ago, he was unfortunately hit by a powerful magic, and he had to rely on the gods to spare no effort to save his life.

"That fellow Aton, if only he could see this scene..."

The God King of Olympus sighed.

Among the kings of gods, Aton, the "sun god" of Egypt, disappeared.

"A reckless fool, a hot-blooded king, if he can be more rational, he won't be given by the "New Moon Dark Dragon"..."

"It was also thanks to the sacrifice of the sun god that I was able to defeat the strongest evil dragon and seal my soul into the depths of the earth."

"Destruction God" Shiva said calmly.

The double-faced drum on his three-pronged fork was beating softly, as if playing mourning for a god-king.

"I'm sorry, it's my problem." The Nordic Thor said with grief: "If I could have been faster then, that guy who was burning with flames would not have died with his life."

"This is not your problem. No one expected that the power of the evil dragons would become stronger with each battle."

Odin glanced at the tired gods around him, and couldn't help but smile.

"Although it is not appropriate to say this at this time, my impression of you has changed. In the past, everyone stayed in their own gods, and we were able to stay on the tragic front for fourteen years. We have also established a rare What about friendship?"

"The world is truly peaceful now."

Michael said.

"How about we just sign a non-aggression treaty as gods while all the adults are here? Let the things of mortals belong to mortals, and don't let the war of superhumans lead to such a terrible disaster. You have experienced war , all deeply know that peace is hard-won, and better understand the importance of maintaining peace.”

"no comment."

"I agree."

"I really don't want to fight this exhausting war..."

"Second the Archangel's proposal."

The gods have fought enough and don't want to fight anymore.

They love the world, and even the most warlike gods cannot deny that the gods and the world are in a symbiotic relationship.

"...The war is over and the alliance is disbanded, so I will go back first."

Di Shitian neither agreed nor opposed, but put his spear on his shoulder and left the cloud where the gods stood without saying a word.

"Hmph." Odin snorted unhappily: "Obviously I don't feel well in my heart, but the result is that I can't let go of the belief I have been holding on to."

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