The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1390

"During the years I was away, Shabu, you have become an outstanding god. The personality and power of the three pillar gods make the multiverse fearful. I have heard a lot of your glorious deeds."

"...Thanks to the gift and blessing of my mother."

"Gift? Asylum? Stop giving me nonsense, I never gave you that kind of thing, everyone just performs their duties."

Azalea sneered.

"Nyarlathotep, Shub Nicholas, Yog Sothoth... Oh, there is no Yog. You and Nyarlathotep are really my "good daughters". My own mother robbed her lover. "


Shabu finally knew why Azathoth came to find fault so aggressively.

It's a bit dumbfounding casually.

As an indeterminate Evil God of Eternal Age, her great mother would actually come to trouble her for this kind of thing, which really made Shabu at a loss for what to say.

"...Mother, you have loaded too many female personalities."

Shabu said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter in front of little Luo Pei, but in front of me, you don't need to do this, right?"

"Oh? What do you mean to say, the accusation after I uploaded my character is nothing to you?"

"No, my lord..."

The Supreme Mother was deflated.

In the entire multiverse, even in the state where the evil gods are sealed, there are very few existences that can deflate Shabu.

But it's hard to die, the petite girl sitting in front of her is the most qualified one.

"Did I make you stand up?"

Azalia didn't look stupid and cute in front of Luo Pei at all, as if she was venting her dissatisfaction, she demanded about Shabu Nicholas' posture.

The poor mother sheep just stood up, but was scolded and knelt back.

"You; Cthulhu; Cthugha; Nyogda; Nyarlathotep; Hastur; each of them jumped on my favorite Ape like a shark smelling blood. Relying on the fact that he didn't dare to refuse your request too much, he greedily tried to take away his ownership and snatch things from me..."

Azalia clenched her sharp silver teeth, her eyes turned into hexagonal worm pupils.

"Now I'm finally free to educate you, don't touch other people's things casually! Except for that very pure Hastur, I haven't forgotten any other punishments, just from you who happened to be here start!"

Shabu's beautiful face tends to turn into a remnant.

In fact, she really wanted to say that a slap can't be slapped, and that Luo Pei himself has problems. And on her, Luo Pei almost took the initiative to play and play with her.

But looking at his mother's eyes burning with anger, Shabu felt that he had better shut up.

"What do you want, my lord mother?"

Shabu knelt on the ground and asked weakly.

"Or, what should I do so that you can turn a blind eye to the matter between me and little Luo Pei?"

"Don't even think about it!"

Azalea screamed.

"I want to smash your incarnation! When I completely lift the seal and get back the original power, I will strangle all of you to death on the edge of the boulder base, and let positive and negative energies hit your immortal soul in turn! Let Yog Sothos personally guards your execution! I want to..."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Shabu spread his hands.

"If you want to crush me, it's easy to incarnate. Who made you His Majesty Azathoth? But have you ever considered, who will help little Luo Pei in this trial after crushing me? You said that you can only Existing for seventy-three hours, right? And how does little Luo Pei think of you who are furious because of a mere physical relationship?"

Since Azathoth does not use the way of thinking of a god to deal with her, Shabu also uses conventional thinking logic to deal with her.

No evil god is better at this than Shabu.


Sure enough, Azalia was stuck by what Shabu said.

She really wanted to smash the little bitch in front of her into pieces, and then throw it out of this world like trash.

But from Ape's point of view, he really needs an incarnation of a god as insurance for unknown trials, especially this key trial that symbolizes a turning point.

In addition, if she did too much, it would make her beloved Ape frown, and Azalia couldn't help but think about it again.

"Look, don't you?"

Shabu gave a charming smile, got up gently and walked in front of Azalia, squatted down and kissed the back of her hand.

"My honorable mother, please don't be angry with your daughter. Your daughter's divinity is "reproductive", and I am attracted by the outstanding and rare little Luo Pei. Doesn't it explain your correctness from the side? ? "

"...Do you think that you can escape my punishment?"

Azalia pulled out the back of her hand calmly.

At the same time, she folded her left hand together as a knife and pierced directly into Shabu Nicholas' chest, cutting off the lungs and spine of her mimic body.

Shabu frowned, and a trace of black blood involuntarily leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Even if you don't smash your incarnation, you don't even think about being able to walk out of this room easily."

Azalea said grimly.

"My lovely daughter, come and have a good chat with my mother who has been away for a long time~"


Physical damage is nothing to Shabu, after all, the avatar can recover infinitely as long as it is full of divine power.

But her mother certainly wouldn't make it so easy for her.

Seeing himself being eroded by his twisted right arm and the powerful divine power of "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra, Shabu sighed silently.

Little Luo Pei, this time I really suffered a disaster for you...

Not to mention Azalea, who was having a great time playing with her daughter, far away from the edge of the forest in the dark city, attracted by the festival of insects, demons and angels arrived at this troubled mountain at the same time.

""Seraphim" Gabriel? ! "

"This feeling... the destructive power of the "Great King" Baal family! ? "

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