The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1404

He turned his head, looked at Serafru's tense face, and immediately smiled.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it. Anyway, I'm in such a good mood today, there's no need to let trivial things arouse anger, just see you when we meet."

"Okay, I'm here to inform them."

After Seraphro left, Luo Pei was left alone on the balcony.

The black-haired young man looked up at the sun in the purple sky, and suddenly raised his hand and waved his fingers.

A phenomenon that cannot be described, but that only Rope himself knows has happened.

In less than an instant, the underworld produced a powerful twisting force. This force even almost made the sun of the underworld lose its light and exploded.

"Is this the chaos that shattered order..."

At the moment just now, Luo Pei used the source of darkness obtained from Azathoth to negate the truth of "1+1=2", and it became equal to three, equal to four, equal to five, equal to infinity The chaotic rules of large numbers.

Don't underestimate this small change.

The law of order is a ring within a ring. In the most intuitive description, if the rule "1+1=2" is negated and tampered with, then two things put together will not become "two". And become some kind of chaotic distorted concept, its number will grow and weaken rapidly in uncertainty.

The power contained in it, if superimposed in geometric multiples, is enough to turn a world into a chaotic singularity.

But the world is not a wooden doll without resistance. The order will repair itself and eliminate loopholes, so Lopei's tearing up order is only a short time that can hardly be called a moment, and it cannot cause any major impact.

Just absorbing a little source knowledge is so powerful, then when he devours all Azalia's gifts...

‘Now you know what I’m doing, right? '

Azalia's voice sounded in Luo Pei's mind, too proud.

'What I'm giving you isn't the defective products of those guys, but the real good stuff. '

"Are you waking up now?" Luo Pei said with a smile, "I thought you would sleep a little longer, Azalea. After all, coming out of that place temporarily, there must be troubles that I don't know about."

‘It’s really troublesome, but... well, it’s okay to have a few words with you. '

"That's good."

Rope looked at his fair fingers.

"I always feel that this power of "chaos" is very compatible with me, is this because I am a demigod of the evil god department? "

‘That’s because you have the divinity of “Chaos”. '

Azalea sighed and said.

"That guy Nyarlathotep knows how to save money, and directly cut a large piece of "Chaos" divinity from himself for you. With the similarity between "chaos" and "chaos", you can absorb it so quickly. "

"Chaos" in the concrete sense and "chaos" in the conceptual sense? "

'That's right. '

Azalea said.

'Don't look at that guy frolicking all day long, she is also one of the three pillar gods after all, both in strength and personality are top-notch. According to my opinion, Nyarlathotep's god nature is slightly higher than Shabu's... Well, although the two guys are about the same strength. '

A petite girl with silver hair and green eyes appeared in Luo Pei's mind, as well as her smirking face all day long.

I don't know if it's because Nyarlathotep is too good at disguising and incarnating. Anyway, Rope can't have the real feeling that Nyarlathotep is so strong.

'Then I'll go to sleep, and I'll be busy with a lot of things if I get out of the system temporarily. In the rest of the time, Ape, you can adapt to your own needs and don't miss me too much...'

"Go to sleep."

The feeling of increasing strength is always so happy.

The Prince of Pleasure appreciates this pleasure.

After the report was completed, Seraphro quickly returned to Rope and led him through the maze in Sidi's spacious mansion.

After turning a few turns, the two came to the living room where the maids stood in rows.

The atmosphere in the hall is a little dignified.

No one is sitting.

The leader of the Baal family, Jekram Baal, stood up straight and looked at the black-haired young man calmly. He was followed by several high-ranking demon nobles, among them Serjex Gremory, whom he had met not long ago.

"The current suzerain of the Baal family, Zekram Baal, thank you for your permission."

Zekram introduced himself in a loud voice.

"I've heard of you for a long time, a noble demon from outside the world. Your legend is still brilliant after the baptism of time. It is really a rare fate that we and other demons can meet you face to face here."

"Stop talking nonsense, you guys are definitely not rushing to see me to say how honored it is to see me, let's get straight to the point, my time is not wasted on you trash."

Luo Pei waved his hand boredly, and went directly to the main seat of the long table in the hall and sat down.

That natural gesture made the real owner here, Seraphru's father, Sect Master Sidi, very embarrassed.

But he didn't dare to say that it was his position, so he could only stand there quietly with his wife.

"Of course. How dare you waste your time."

Zekram paused and asked again.

"I wonder if I can have a seat in front of you?"

"No, you can just stand up and talk. Take it as the punishment for that Mr. Sergex Gremory over there for not being able to understand human language."

"..." Sergex was silent.

As soon as these words came out, some nobles who followed Zekram frowned slightly.

They all know that the ancient evil is terrible, but no one has personally experienced how terrible it is. So of course, this unreasonable attitude made them feel that the ancient evils didn't take them seriously at all.

In fact, Rope did not take them seriously.

"Since this is your order from Lord Tianmo, then stand still."

Different from the IQ of the old ordinary aristocratic suzerains, the king's Baal family can occupy the head of the seventy-two pillars, there must be two brushes, at least they will not be mentally handicapped.

Czechram smiled like a breeze, and didn't care about Rope's making things difficult at all.

"My grandson Sergex once visited you, but he was really young and ignorant of manners. How could he enter empty-handed to meet a distinguished lord like you? The first reason I want to meet Lord Omen is to Make up for my Sergex mistake."

The old devil stretched out his hand, and his subordinate immediately handed over a roster inlaid with gold.

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