The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 141

Chapter 29 Cutting off the Ganges River, the God of Steel Appears

Hearing Luo Pei's words, Erica was surprised to find that the water of the Ganges River that she and others had driven all the way had changed drastically at some point.

She took a few steps, lifted the hem of her skirt, put her hand into the river to scoop up a little water, put it under her nose and smelled it.

There was no rancid smell at all, and a fragrance of lotus came to her face, which lifted Erica's spirits.

"—quite advanced water quality."

Erica let the water flow down the crevice. "This kind of water can already be used as holy water for church baptism. If an ordinary person drinks it, his body will be blessed by the gods, and he will not suffer from any illness in his life."

"It is estimated that the God of Steel turned the Ganges into its original form."

In Indian mythology, the Ganges is a branch of the water of the Milky Way, which itself has magical purification power.

It is rumored that the king of the Sun Dynasty, Bhaji Rata, carried out arduous penance in order to make his great-grandfather's 60,000 brothers. Finally, these actions moved the heavens. He descended into the Himalayas and relieved the sufferings of Vajradha's brothers.

Luo Pei found a rock, brushed off the dust and sat on it.

"How about it, do you have an idea?"

"There are too many related gods, but if you add steel and military gods, there are only a few."

Erica thought about it and said in detail.

"The first one is the son of the Snow Mountain Goddess, Shi Jiantuo, the god of war. He once led the gods to fight against the mighty Asura Doraka, and finally won the victory, so he possesses the godhead of 'Military God'."

"I have heard this story, but Shi Jiantuo is the son of Shiva, as an orthodox god, it is impossible to use the script of the Kshatriya caste?"

Kshatriya is the second-ranked existence among the four surnames in India. Most of its members are princes and nobles and the ruling class. Although they have a high status, they should be a little worse than Brahmins who serve the gods.

War God Shi Jiantuo should have no reason to use the coat of arms of Kshatriya instead of Brahman.

When Erica thought about it, this was indeed the case, so she denied the possibility that "the God of Disobedience is Shi Jiantuo".

"Then the next one is the half-human, half-god hero Karna, the son of the sun god Surya and the mortal Kunti."

Thinking of what the resident who had seen the God of Disobedience once described as having a "sun god-like appearance", Erica felt that the possibility of this great hero was very high.

"The sword is hard to hurt, the armor that is integrated with the body..."

Rope pondered. "It is indeed the characteristic of steel. Karna himself, as a descendant of the country, is an orthodox Kshatriya nobleman. He has also commanded the army and fought in battle, and he has a great connection with the Ganges."

Kunti, Karna's mother, learned the supernatural power of the god's descending son from the Clothed Immortal when she was young, so Kunti cast a spell on the sun to test the supernatural power, and finally gave birth to the sun's illegitimate son Surya. Karna was born with divine armor and earrings, but the young Kunti didn't care about it, so he put Karna in a bamboo basket and drifted with the water, and was finally adopted by a coachman as an adopted son.

And the water carried in the young Karna is the Ganges!

"Then let's assume that the god of disobedience this time is Karna."

Erica said with a slight headache. "But if the king wants to fight him, how can we find him? Judging from the signs, this god has no intention of causing trouble to the people, but has been hiding from the world to purify the river. If there is only this clue, it can only be a needle in a haystack. "

The total length of the Ganges is 2,700 kilometers, and it does not know how many cities it passes through.

If you search for them one by one, it is really possible that you will find no results.


Luo Pei snorted disdainfully, walked up to Erica, and held her shoulders.

Before Erica could respond to this intimate gesture, he made a little force to turn the blond girl around, facing the rushing water of the Ganges.

"You don't need to look for him, just know his purpose."

"Oh? Wang, you mean..." Erica looked at the river, still feeling ominous.

"Isn't he purifying the Ganges?"

Rope smiled.

"Since he wants the Ganges River to return to its original state, I will not let him do so. As the ruler of the sea and lakes, before the goddess of the Ganges River appeared, I could not control the water flow here any easier. As long as this Dry, I don't believe he didn't appear in front of me."

It's over.

This was Erica's first thought, and then she began to calculate the losses that the Indian government would bear.

Money is still a trivial matter. The Ganges River has considerable influence on both Hinduism and the country. Just like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in China, it is considered to be the location of the dragon vein of the country.

If Luo Pei really drained the water of the Ganges River, among other things, first of all, those magicians who used the essence of water would not play with Luo Pei.

However, they can only think about it in their hearts. The reputation of the godslayer has oppressed the world for many years, so they dare not have any dissent.

But harming people for no reason... As expected of a Demon King.

Erica thought with a wry smile. She is very clear that at this juncture, she must not speak out. Not only will she not be able to stop this action, but she may also lose the bond she just established with the new king, which is not worth the candle.

... Forget it, it's none of your business, and it's not in Italy, so Ah Sanai can do whatever she wants.

Just as Erica was feeling numb, Luo Pei had already put his right hand into the water of the Ganges.

Power - "Sigh of the Shallow Sea" activates.

Starting from around Luo Pei's hand, the originally clear river water turned into lumps of lime, and spread out at a fast speed, completely turning this piece of water into a 'dead' state.

Basatan's life taking is not 'absorption', but 'dispersion'.

Its meaning is to feed back all the essence of the target to the world, not to absorb it into the body.

In this way, Rope without the 'Ismith Circle' would not be able to withstand the huge energy absorbed at all, so there is no upper limit.

In the blink of an eye, Rope had completely turned this section of the watershed into gray-white lime, blocking the flow of water from the Ganges.

——Also at this moment, the sound of horseshoes came from the sky.

Hearing this movement, Erica had carefully pulled out her Reinhardt and entered a state of preparation for battle.

"Can't sit still?" Luo Pei sneered, looking up at the sky.

Four white horses draw a magnificent chariot—

On the car, just as the citizen described, he had a radiant face like the sun god, a strong body wearing silver armor and gauntlets, and a red pattern on the center of his brow, which was given as a Kshatriya when he spoke. A status symbol of happiness.

The heroic gods are coming slowly——

When he saw the disaster that Rope had created, he uttered angrily.

"Who dares to obstruct the flow of the Ganges!?"

Chapter Thirty: The True Identity of the Disobedient God

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