The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1412

"I, I am the suzerain of the Lucifer family... the second generation demon king Lucifer... save me, save me quickly! I order you, quickly take me out of this damn city!"

The demon growled in a hoarse voice, and reached out to grab Rope's trousers.

But before his hand touched Luo Pei, it was turned into dust flying in the sky by an invisible force.

"The current patriarch of Lucifer... the son of Li Zevim, the father of the future "White Dragon Emperor" Wal-E? "

It is rare that Luo Pei still has a little impression of this demon.

The "White Dragon Emperor" Vali Lucifer, one of the "Two Heavenly Dragons" in the original book, is Li Zevim's grandson, that is to say, this utterly useless male devil in front of him will be born with a human female in the future and possess the god-killing tool Vali from "Wings of Light of the White Dragon Emperor".


Luo Pei didn't care about the protagonist in the original book at all, let alone forcibly arrange the original thread of fate in order to get some rubbish god destroyer and participate in the plot.

——The world should revolve around him who is the strongest.

The black-haired young man condensed a golden blade as if giving alms, pierced straight from the top of the head of the current Sovereign Lucifer, protruding from the eye sockets and piercing through the stone slab.

"I hope you have sweet dreams, chop suey."

Retracting the golden sword gracefully, Luo Pei patted the long skirt of the windbreaker, and continued humming a little tune to leave Luciferd.

The moment he stepped out of the city, the blood river rose into the sky like a red curtain, and finally crushed the capital city of the underworld in a low-pitched buzz.

The blood mist dissipated, leaving only a large hole with an astonishing area.

Millions of demons in the capital of the underworld, following their blood descendants of the demon king, drowned in the long river of history together.

On the hillside not far away, Jetia was staring blankly at the sinkhole and the black-haired young man who came out of the sinkhole.

It was only at this moment that the demon lord officially realized what the title "Ancient Evil" represented.

At the moment when he wasn't even fully prepared mentally, the glory of his lifetime struggle, the reason for the existence of the Lukefugus family, just evaporated out of thin air.

"Lord Rope."

The black-haired youth came to the side, and Gurefia bowed her head in greeting.

"Well, everything will be fine in this way." Luo Pei shrugged: "The blood heirs of the four major demon kings, the central government, all disappeared. If the anti-devil kings still cannot obtain the ruling power of the underworld, then their waste will be It's beyond my imagination."

"Yes. But Mr. Luo Pei, the blood heirs of the four great demon kings are by no means only in Luciferd, other regions..."

"That's the matter of the Anti-Demon King faction. Without the central government, the guys who survived by chance are just soldiers and crabs. Zekram will take care of it."


He is the god welcomed by the demons, not some wage earner. After fulfilling his promise, it is up to the demons to fulfill their eternal service price.

"That, that... Lord Ancient Evil..."

Jettia hesitated.

"Excuse me……"

"Do you feel like you have an extra tongue?"

Luo Pei glanced at Jetia calmly, making the latter fall into an ice cave.

"Demon, when did I allow you to ask me questions? For the sake of you being Gurefia's father, I forgive your offense this time. It is not my responsibility to answer your questions. You just need to roll and crawl." It is enough for me to go back to my own territory and wait for the new future of the underworld like a rotten branch."


The demon lord who fought with the first generation of Lucifer was too frightened to speak.

The power and pressure in Xie Chong Demon God's dark blue pupils are really amazing.


Seeing that her father was going to make Lord Tianmo unhappy, Gurefiya quickly squatted beside Jetia, and whispered while holding his shoulder.

"You'd better go home as soon as possible. Mother, please tell me that you don't have to worry about me. Now that the Demon King's government has disappeared, everything you insist on is meaningless..."


what to do?

What else can I do.

The four great demon kings and millions of demons will be gone if they say they are gone, what can Jettia do to save him? I still can only listen to my daughter, go home first, at least that can save my life.

Spreading the bat wings, Jettia left this place of right and wrong without hesitation.

"It's just a wish, right?"

Without outsiders, Luo Pei continued to smile like a spring breeze.

"After this incident is over, the demon kings selected by Zekram should not be difficult to talk about. As long as your father still has a brain, with his identity and the energy of the Lukefugus family, the new demon kings I won't embarrass your father too much."

"...Are you still planning to maintain the "Four Demon Kings" in the underworld? "

"Could it be that you think I can play the trick of a dictator?"

Looking at Gurefia's hesitant expression, Lopez shook his head wearily.

"It seems that you still have a long way to go before you fully understand me... I'm almost regretting becoming the "God of Demons", and Gurefiya still thinks that I will treat this garbage like it is thrown into the incinerator and it won't burn through The power as a baby? The joke of slipping the world. "

Did Rope lack power?

absolutely not.

His strength is the best tool to derive power.

The God Slayer Demon King; the Savior; the only God; the kneeling Demon God of all nations; all of these have been done. If Luo Pei still wants the pitiful right to rule the underworld, then he will really live and go back.


"The demons will try their best to enshrine my position correctly, and I'm just waiting for the result from above."

Lopez pointed at Gurefia's nose.

"you, too."

"Me too... the same?" Gurefia asked suspiciously.

"You are my woman."

Rope smiled lightly.

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