The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1414

Having said that, I have to mention the current situation of the new devil kings.

Different from the luxurious life of the feasting demon king imagined by the bottom demons, except for the occasional symbolic appearance of Gurefia, the newly appointed demon king, the remaining three are really busy.

They don't want to be the rice bug rulers who play tricks like the blood heir of the old devil king.

Even a calm demon king like Serafulu is sometimes so busy that he can't even go back to Sidi's house. Sergex and Ajeka, who are the main output policies, are even worse.

According to statistics, Sergex Lucifer worked at least 29 days out of 30 in January, and the remaining day was spent in screening work, and his food and lodging were all provided by the central government. Ajieka has not been out for almost two hundred years since he plunged headlong into the research institute for scientific research. What happened to these two demon kings made many noble demons joke that it was fortunate that they did not become demon kings.

But after all, there is no devil who does not admire the efforts of the two.

Sergex and Ajeka can sit back and relax and let the underworld develop naturally, but they still use their limited energy to devote themselves to the infinite development of demons. The lofty posture makes many nobles of the old demon king sect dumbfounded.

Of course, in addition to these major events that affect the underworld, there are also several small events that quietly happened under the purple sky.

One is Serafulu's younger sister, the birth of Canna Sidi, the new successor master of the Sidi family.

The other is the birth of Sergex's younger sister, Rias Gremory, the new successor head of the Gremory family.

This made Luo Pei, who heard the news at the time, lamented that time passed so fast, and it was time for the new generation of demons to surge in the blink of an eye.

In the south of the underworld, the forbidden forest Rekaton Mountains, where the dark floating city of the demon god floats.

But none of the demons dared to trespass into this forbidden area to worship the great spirit.

It's not just respect for the supreme god of the underworld. Among the horror rumors of various demon gods, the most recognized one is the legend that this forest will eat demons.

Except for the existence allowed by the demon god, any demons will not be able to come out after entering the Rekaton Mountains.

"Hey, Master Luo Pei, listen to me..."

In the forest feared by outsiders, there is a girl's soft voice.

One of the demon kings of the underworld, Serafru Leviathan, was sitting under a parasol, lying on the table with a flushed face.

"Cangna, Cangna is so cute! I never thought that there would be such a cute child in the world! The moment I saw her weak hands, I was captured by her, and as Cangna slowly When I grow up, I feel that I can go to war with the world for this child!"

"Yes, the world is really messing with someone..."

Luo Pei was wearing beach shorts, showing strong muscles on his upper body, with a helpless expression on his face.

He took a sip of the fruit juice from the underworld.

"Miss Serafulu, I have to remind you that you have said similar things to me more than a thousand times since the birth of your Jia Cangna. Not to mention me, I am afraid even Gurefia knows how cute your sister is." It's..."

"Ten thousand times is not enough!"

"Yeah, okay, okay, okay, Cang Na is very cute...and then?"


Serafru puffed up her cheeks and turned her face away in anger.

"...I want to share my joy with you so much, but you always come to perfuse me."


Luo Pei drank the juice and suddenly asked as if he remembered something.

"How old is Cang Na now?"


Seraflu raised her head and nodded her chin in thought.

"Eleven years old... I didn't pay much attention to Xiao Cang's age. Anyway, the appearance of demons is almost fixed after they reach adulthood. Normally, demons over ten thousand years old will undergo slight changes in appearance."

"Eleven, that means it's about time..."


"It has nothing to do with you."

Luo Pei put down the juice and continued to lie on the beach chair.

"I remember, Serafulu, you have a lot of political affairs to deal with as the devil, right? It's been almost a month since you returned to Sidi and then came to me. Do you want to exhaust Serjex to death?"

"it's okay no problem."

Seraflu waved her hand indifferently.

"That guy Sergeux's heart is burning very hot, and it hasn't been extinguished for hundreds of years. Sergex can withstand this little pressure. It's also thanks to that guy's dedication that I can be so leisurely... oh, By the way, Lord Rope, how did you go to the Greek gods before?"

"What about?"

"You still have a wife in the Greek gods, don't you? Darkness... Goddess of the Night?" Serafulu smirked: "You went to the underworld for hundreds of years and didn't come back. Didn't Miss Nix blame you?"

"Where does she have the guts to blame me? Everyone has an infinite lifespan. What is the difference between hundreds of years and a few hours?"

Rope shrugged.

"Orpheus glared at me several times."

"Oh? The infinite dragon god, one of the two dragon gods?"


Rope had given Orpheus a lot of comic books before. But no matter how long a manga is, it will be ruined after hundreds of years. Of course, Orpheus was dissatisfied with Luo Pei's inability to provide a new story in time, but the infinite dragon god's indifferent temper didn't know how to express it, so he could only stare at Luo Pei with his eyes, hoping that he would wake up.

Then Rope woke up.

In two days, after Gabriel returned to heaven to report to Michael, she estimated that she would bring Orpheus to the underworld.

"I'm really looking forward to it, Lord Infinite Dragon God... what will it look like?"

"You will regret it, Orpheus is just an indifferent loli who grew up."

"Anyway, it's His Majesty the Dragon God, Mr. Luo Pei, you are too rude..."

"What kind of disrespect? The Chilong God Emperor who is stronger than Orpheus was beaten up by me, so let's forget about Orpheus."

Luo Pei paused, touched his chin and smiled.

"But you said it was impolite, I really want to see how Orpheus will deal with it. Will my next plan show a different cute expression?"

As a carnivore in the carnivorous department, Luo Pei is thinking about drinking this fine wine that has been brewed for hundreds of years while Orpheus is here to send him thousands of miles away.

It should be enough to make people happy for a while, right?

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