The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1419

‘Wait, wait, Master Luo Pei, what do you mean by this? Did those two offend you? '

"I didn't provoke me, I just want something in their hands, and I don't like them."

Luo Pei paused.

"I want to kill, do I still need a high-sounding reason?"

'……unnecessary. '

"Then help me convey the order to Sergex."

After hundreds of years of peace, the underworld tonight will be stained with blood again.

Chapter 64: The Cat-Drilling Girl Who Devours the Lord and the Realm of Despair

The black phantom flashed across the forest, and by the time Hei Ge stopped, she had already returned to the main entrance of Naberius' villa.

Because I took a detour and didn't want to go back in a hurry, it was almost dusk at this time.

Heige didn't immediately enter the iron gate of Naberius' house, but leaned against the wall covered with green ivy, with her right hand covering her chest.

Heart pounding.

There is nothing that can be called a sense of crisis when encountering a strange black-haired youth.

But no matter how Hei Ge persuaded herself not to panic and adapt to the situation, she just couldn't return to her usual state of mind.

The leak of information about the two of them and the Naberius family was too bad.

Although Heige has been unhappy with her "king" for a long time, it is undeniable that they are indeed grasshoppers on a rope.

If the Naberius family's research was discovered by the Demon King's government, Heige felt that those high-ranking rulers and demons would definitely not let the two sisters be spared because they knelt down and said that they couldn't help themselves. The best result That is, one person and one head fell to the ground, simply and neatly.


Heige gritted his teeth and punched the wall.

The deal is done, and now the thing to consider is whether to pass this news to the Suzerain of Naberius.

After thinking for a long time, she came to a conclusion——no.

The suzerain of Naberius has never seen her as one of her own, at most she is a useful experiment.

If the news of the unknown black-haired young man alerted Sovereign Naberius and planned to temporarily destroy all research data and personnel to ensure the safety of the family, Black Song would be "destroyed" first.

Although she didn't know what happened to her, she knew a lot about Naberius' dirty experiments.

"Miss Heige?"

An old man's call made Heige's eyes widen.

The moment she turned her head, she had put on a gentle smile.

"What's the matter? Mr. Avis Butler."


The demon old man stared at Hei Ge strangely.

"Where are you going? The suzerain has been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't go to see the suzerain soon, she will lose her temper soon."

"I'll go right away, please come out and find me."


Walking at a leisurely pace, Hei Ge returned to the main hall full of anxiety.

The suzerain of the Naberius family was eating elegantly with a knife and fork in hand.

The female demon picked up the napkin and asked after wiping her mouth.

"How is your body?"

"Slightly injured, but it has healed itself through magic."

"Well, you are a rare sample of the cat mandrill family transforming demons, and you are the only demon who has mastered the two powers of immortality and magic. In order for the next experiment to proceed smoothly, don't let your body suffer too much damage."

... Who do you think did it?

Hei Ge slandered Naberius in his heart, but his face was still full of smiles.

"Yes. I will keep your instructions in mind." She paused, then continued to ask: "I heard from Steward Avis... Lord Naberius is looking for me? May I help you?"

Naberius stopped in mid-air with his hand holding the red wine, and then put down the wine glass.

"Hei Ge, it's been a long time since I adopted you when you were young, right?"

"Yes, Lord Naberius' kindness in adopting us who are homeless will never be forgotten."

"For you, I used two "bishop" chess pieces to help you transform into a demon, but after such a long time, you only have the strength of an intermediate demon..."

"...I will continue to work hard, Naberius-sama."

There is nothing wrong with Hei Ge being a genius, but a genius also needs time to brew.

Even if her age is based on the monster race, she is just a young girl who has just emerged from the budding stage. Hei Ge thinks that it is enough to work hard enough to reach the middle level demon at this age.

But her "king" apparently didn't think so.

"Too slow, Black Song."

The female demon looked at the cat mandrill girl.

"The experiment needs more strength from you to make progress, but you can't meet this requirement. Not only that, the progress of the experiment under the condition that you are not disabled is so slow that people want to sleep."

Hei Ge was silent, thinking about what Naberius' words meant.

But Naberius' next words made her nails pierce her palm, and her mind went blank.

"I plan to transform your younger sister Baiyin, so that she will also have the honor of becoming my family member."

Naberius took out a chess piece and placed it on the table.

It was the "castle" piece among the devil's pieces.

"Baiyin is about the same age. As a cat mandrill, she should be able to master the power of fairy arts very quickly. With the two of you sisters at that time, the progress of the experiment can be accelerated."

"My lord Naberius, this is different from what you said..."

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