The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1421

And the two demons in the lead are existences that everyone in the underworld knows, and even Heige can clearly identify them.

The demon king named "Lucifer", Sergex. The demon king named "Leviathan", Serafru.

Chapter 65: The Crisis of Heige, the Debunked Lie

Sergex seemed a little anxious after receiving the notification from Serafulu.

Ever since he took the name "Lucifer" and gained the position of Demon King, this gentle red-haired young man has rarely disturbed his mind due to external factors. Even if it is a variety of problems caused by "Devil Chess Pieces", he can easily solve them.

But if it has something to do with the demon god, that's another matter.

Although the demon god has stayed where he is for hundreds of years, it doesn't mean that the demon kings have forgotten the horror of this terrifying demon.

Serjex led the demon troops from the new capital of the underworld all the way to the location of Serafulu, and asked with a serious expression.

"Seraflu, what is it that makes Master Luo Pei so violent?"

he asked.

"Leaving aside the Naberius family, the Naberus family is one of the "Six Lucifer families". Gurefia, who serves beside Lord Lopez, is the current grand duke of Lukefugus, one of the six families, apart from being the titular demon king. This..."

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

It was rare for the girl to put on a custom-made devil king's robe for women, and she scratched her long hair without any image.

"I received an order from Lord Rope to convey that passage to you. No matter what the reason is, we must get rid of the pure-blooded demons of those two families before the moon rises, or Sergex, your little Life is not guaranteed."

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Seraflu.

With the relationship between her and Luo Pei, even sitting in the mansion drinking tea, the devil god would not blame her.

But considering the life of her colleagues and the reason why Luo Pei was furious, Seraflu still stood up and participated in this matter. If it became more and more unmanageable, she could talk to Luo Pei a little bit.

Floating in the sky, Sergex sighed silently as he looked at the Naberius territory in the distance at dusk.

I didn't expect that now that the peace has already achieved initial results, he can still issue such an order...

Then, the red-haired demon raised his hand and gave an order.

"All the members set off in two teams, led by the highest-ranking demon. One team will go to the territory of Nebyros to clean up, and the other team and I will go to Naberius' house. If one team encounters stubborn resistance in Nebyros, then Temporarily delaying the time, even if Master Leviathan and I rush to the scene to support."


The demons flapped their wings and quickly disappeared beside the two demon kings.

"Doesn't Ajieka need to notify him?" Seraflu asked.

Sergex shook his head.

"It's not necessary. If Mr. Luo Pei doesn't have any deep meaning, I can deal with these two alone. Two demon kings have already come forward, and if Ajieka is allowed to leave the research institute, I'm afraid the entire underworld will be in an uproar."

"Then you should act quickly."

Serafluu looked at the gradually darkening sky.

"The moon is about to rise..."

When Sergex, Serafulu and the others rushed to the mansion of Sovereign Naberius, the noise in the house did not escape the ears of the two demon kings.

"Master Demon King, it seems that something happened to the Naberius family, we..."

"Leave that stuff alone."

Sergex waved.

"The target is all the pure-blooded demons of the Naberius family. Well, be careful, don't do anything to those transformed demons..."


The subordinate demon flew down with the troops.

Sergex hesitated for a while, and asked Serafulu for advice.

"It shouldn't matter if I let go of the newly transformed demons, right? Lord Rope's orders, as long as we get rid of the pure-blooded demons."

"Well, no problem."

Seraphro stared at Naberius' mansion for a moment, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lord Luo Pei's words are more credible than Jinshi's. Since he said so, Sergex, you can just do so. But..."

The girl's eyes were a little serious.

"Sejakes, I have to warn you, if you have compassion for the pure-blooded demons of the Naberius family because you are the devil, and try to secretly save some of the fire, I may fight you here and say indefinite."

Like Gurefia, Serafluu put herself in the position of Rope.

Even if it was her friend in front of her, if she violated the order that Luo Pei personally gave, Seraphro would not ignore it.

The girl is well aware of her own identity.

"……I see."

Sergex sighed again.

It's hard to be a good demon, especially a demon king who is a subordinate of an ethnic group.

Sergex, who has the strength of "transcendent", is probably the most authentic and gentle demon in the underworld.

After a while, Seraflu noticed movement in the woods below.

A female demon like a cat demon ran out, staring blankly at the demon kings in the sky and the other demon soldiers who were in charge of guarding them.

"That direction and appearance... Is it the demon of the Naberius family?"

Serafulu waved her hand, and the two demon maids beside her immediately comprehended, and the bat wings moved to the side of the cat demon with a shock, pressing her to the ground one left and one right.

Although she would not do life-threatening things to the reincarnated demon, but it was related to the Naberius family, it was impossible for Seraph to just watch the cat demon run away.

Anyway, grab it first.

"Okay, it hurts!"

The cat demon caught by the two maid demons didn't struggle, and her expression immediately changed from dull to weepy.

"Accidentally offend Lord Demon King, please spare my life..."

"Stop arguing!"

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