The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1427

The angels who hunt demons, the gods of various pantheons who look at each other covetously, the heroes who hold artifacts in the world... Even the devil king has to be cautious when he arrives in the human world.

But... is it really okay to just run away like this?

Hei Ge turned his head and glanced at the dark forest again.

Reason told her that the black-haired youth could not survive, but Heige felt that since she could remember, she had been living in the lies woven by others and herself, and now she had to lie to the existence that bought her time with her life. Over the next three abuses.

"One hour... just wait for one hour, if you don't see him, leave the underworld immediately..."

Hei Ge kept telling himself this.

But the girl's feet moved involuntarily to the way they came.

Although she is exhausted now, these things will recover quickly after her magic power returns. Even the most advanced demons will not be discovered as long as they use the magic carefully... yes, they will not be discovered.

Just go and have a see if that guy is dead...

If the opponent is already dead, just run away immediately.

"Woo! Be an idiot, be an idiot, at least you can let your heart..."

With a low cry, Hei Ge jumped up and shuttled through the shadows of the forest at an unknown speed several times faster than when he ran over.

She raised her vigilance to an unprecedented level of acuity, and no trouble could hide from Maoji's excellent hearing and vision.

There is no flow of magic power used by the superior demons, and there is no sound of battle in the ears.

Coupled with the vague smell of blood coming from the wind, Hei Ge's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

When they arrived at the place where the two were originally separated, Heige became light-footed, scanning the surroundings for any traces of enemies on the branches.

Soon, she saw a black-haired young man collapsed under a big tree in an inconspicuous place.

The latter looked quite bad, the luxurious black windbreaker was covered with dust, and there was a big hole in the stomach, almost the opposite view could be seen. In terms of breathing, there is more air out and less air in.

However, fortunately, he is still alive.

After repeatedly confirming that there were no enemies around, Heige ran down from the tree frantically and came to Luo Pei's side.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up meow!"

She shook Rope gently, her tone full of worry.

The young man slowly opened his blue eyes.

"You...cough cough...why are you here?" He raised his hand weakly and pushed Hei Ge: "Hurry up... Those guys thought I was going to die and didn't execute me with their own hands. They haven't Go away, you..."

"Don't talk meow!"

Heige covered Rope's wound with both hands, and began to use healing magic.

"Are you going to run away after playing cool in front of girls? It's a beautiful idea. When we run away together later, I'm going to make fun of your stupid behavior. Also, you bastard hasn't Tell me your real name, how can..."

He was rambling on, but Heige's hands were shaking.

It was very strange, her healing magic had been quite proficient after years of training, but the injury suffered by the young man did not improve at all.

It seemed that there was some weird force in the wound that was preventing the healing magic from taking effect.

"What's going on here?! What kind of attack did you get hit by!"

Heige was in a hurry.

Luo Pei shook his head flatly, and pushed away the girl's magic hands.

"I know my body best... This kind of injury can't be saved by healing magic anymore... Ahem... Leave me alone."

"There must be a way."

Hei Ge gritted his teeth, and carried the young man behind him.

"Let's go to the human world! The God of the Bible has left as many artifacts as stars, and there must be one that can heal your injuries! Until then, hold on meow!"

"Don't waste your time, Heige..."

"Speak less!"

The cat-drill girl made a high-pitched voice.

"I, I have never wanted to do my best to save a person so much. You are the first, and I hope to be the last, so don't let me leave regrets!"

Running with the young man on his back, Heige was silent all the way.

After a while, Rope said in a hoarse and weak voice.

"I learned about the existence of the two of you from some gossip in the underworld. Out of curiosity about the cat mandrill, I started to look for the whereabouts of your sisters. It was only yesterday that I learned that you are living in the territory of Naberius. , and then I came here today, I didn't expect to walk around and actually meet you..."

"No wonder you know my name, you've been running after me from the very beginning."

Black Song said.

"However, before you tell the details, shouldn't you look at your own state? Is now the time to talk about this?"

"Shut up and let me finish. If you don't say it now, I'm afraid you won't have a chance in a while."


Hei Ge's footsteps paused, and then continued to run with Luo Pei on his back.

"Then... after seeing me with your own eyes, did you feel disappointed?" Hei Ge asked, "The rumored cat mandrill had this kind of virtue, and even killed his master..."

"That's the problem of Sovereign Naberius himself, and it has nothing to do with Hei Ge."

Rope shook his head.

"I know what Naberius is planning."

"...You really know a lot."

"Don't you... still think I'm some ordinary demon?"

"You must be the young master of a family who is ignorant of the world. How could a normal person do such a stupid thing."

"Hahaha, in front of the person who saved you, Heige, your evaluation is so vicious...cough cough."

Luo Pei coughed again, and a few drops of blood splashed on Hei Ge's face.

The girl begged.

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