The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1429

Hei Ge looked at Luo Pei blankly, his eyes slowly focusing, as if his memory had come back to life.

"Ro... Pei?"

She stretched out her hand and caressed the face of the black-haired youth.

"Why... haven't you already..."

The handsome young man who died behind Heige was the only experience of a girl crying for others.

But now he is completely intact, sitting here without the slightest injury, sitting in this strange and noble room.

"I'm afraid I have to apologize to you, Heige."

Luo Pei took the small hand of the cat mandrill girl and put it in his palm.

"I'm sorry, I deceived you for some nasty reasons. In fact, I was not injured at all at that time. I just performed according to the atmosphere."


"As you can see."

Luo Pei tilted his head, smiling like a spring breeze.

"At the moment when the sun rises at dawn, all disasters, misfortunes, and turmoil will end. You will no longer be wanted by the underworld, and your sister will be able to grow up healthily. You two sisters will belong to my shelter Next, I promise in the name of "God of Demons" Rope. "

Hei Ge's brain is not stupid at all, after she sorted out her memory and the young man's words at the moment, the facts she got made her whole body stiff.

"...You, are you really Rope? The demon god who dominates the top of the underworld?"

"terribly sorry."

"You lied to me from the beginning, and then performed that drama in front of me, and then watched me cry for you?"

"I do not deny."

Hei Ge raised his head and stared at the ceiling for fifteen minutes.

A self-deprecating smile formed on her lips.

"So that's how it is. What I thought was my liberation and the redemption of someone I care about turned out to be nothing more than a self-movement in a lie. Thank you for your hard work, great Lord Demon God."

"Is that all you want to say?"

"What else do you want me to say? Oh, yes, this is in front of God. I am not worth mentioning. As a toy devil, I should kneel in front of you..."

Speaking of Heige, he stubbornly wanted to get up, but Luo Pei's palm was full of force that the girl could not resist, forcing her to stay in place.

"Don't make trouble anymore."

Rope shook his head.

"I know you have resentment in your heart, but be rational. Compared with Heige, you are exiled in the human world and separated from your sister. The current situation is much better, isn't it?"

The young man's words calmed Hei Ge, who was full of resentment.


Still relying on the demon god's evil jokes, if Luo Pei really fulfills his promise, then she will be in a state of absolute safety in the underworld. Neither the Demon King nor the great nobles will blame her for the crimes she committed. In this way, she could even see her younger sister Baiyin again.

Smart people know how to adjust their mentality.

Heige lay down obediently again, her golden pupils staring at Luo Pei.

"Except for the performance at the time of escaping, I have not deceived you in other matters, Hei Ge." Luo Pei pointed to his head: "I will never lie to my happiness. Since I feel that I have taken you from the It will be very interesting to bring out the Bellius family, then I will put it into action, and this intention is not false."

"So, is it true that you care about me..."



Hei Ge turned over, and the cat ears on the top of his head drooped.

"...Master Demon God, I'm still a little tired, can you let me be alone for a while?"

"You should keep calling me Rope, and of course you can."

Rope stood up.

"There is no need to worry about anything, Heige. Your sister will arrive at my place soon. By then, your sisters will be reunited, and you will no longer be hindered by pain."


After the black-haired youth walked out of the door, Heige got up and looked in the direction where Luo Pei left.

After she knew the truth, she didn't care about "why the demon god would stare at her", maybe it was her appearance, maybe she was really interested in cats again. From the current established facts, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The girl just wanted to convince herself to accept that joke.

But then Hei Ge found out that her unbelievable heart actually started to find excuses for him after the devil god apologized.

What about "joy of being in a superior position", "acting personality" and the like.

"Did I... like you?"

Hei Ge asked himself, but there was no answer.

Living in a world of intrigue and intrigue, girls don't know what it's like to be in love.

But there is no other explanation for this feeling of being cheated and feeling overwhelmed.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was just an ordinary woman, Hei Ge simply covered his head under the quilt in aggrieved manner.

However, the girl has the only certain mood.

—It's very good that you didn't really die.

Chapter 70: Ancient Mysteries, the Spirit of Myriad Opportunities that Protect Civilization

The Heige matter needs some time for her to accept the status quo, and Luo Pei knows this very well.

So he also let the cat girl to be alone, not to disturb her.

Anyway, now that things have come to this, it is impossible for him to give up the black song that he has already obtained.

Walking in the air corridor of the floating city, Luo Pei slowly walked towards the palace where Shabu Nicholas was.

The difference between the Supreme Mother Goddess and other evil gods is that she will not be filled with trouble-making thoughts. As long as Luo Pei does not ask her to do so, she will stay in her place peacefully and do not do unnecessary things .

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