The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 143

"It seems that I have asked many times..."

The silver-armored Valkyrie sighed, retracted his bow and arrow, and a scimitar appeared in his hand, looking at Luo Pei with lightning-like eyes.

"Evil Rakshasa King, let me, the son of Ganges, Vishma, follow the good deeds of King Rama and end your violent rule!"

Chapter Thirty-One Its Name—Bishma

Vishma, also known as the oath of heaven.

He is the great hero throughout the first half of the Indian epic "Mahabharata", the son of the Goddess of Ganges and King Fushen, and the guardian of the Kuru royal family.

The Oath of God is described in this epic as a demigod of great skill and great virtue.

His force is unmatched on the earth. In the entire Mahabharata, only the incarnation of Vishnu, his master Mara the axe, can contend. Others, even the sun god Su Liye was also terrified under his arrows.

He attaches great importance to filial piety and tradition. For the happiness of his father and stepmother Zhenxin, as the first prince, he voluntarily gave up the right to inherit the throne, and swore to his mother, the Goddess of Ganges, that he will never marry a wife or start a family. Dedicate the rest of my life to the glory and prosperity of the kingdom and royal family'.

This is the origin of his name Bishma, which means 'one who makes terrible vows'.

In other words, he has been a virgin all his life.

Of course, this is not the worst.

Because his father Fushen Wang felt the depth of his oath and gave him a blessing - no one in the world can take away the life of the oath, he can only ascend to heaven when he chooses to die.

There seems to be no problem, and the immortality of this blessing even deters even the gods.

But precisely because of the existence of this oath, the oath of heaven has experienced unimaginable pain, holding the country and pandu, five sons and a hundred sons competing for the reserve, and finally, this virtuous demigod guarded the kingdom for nearly a hundred years before dragging With an extremely exhausted body and mind, he was settled by the princess with long hair who had a long-standing grudge, and was able to ascend to heaven.

"The patron saint of the kingdom, the god of steel, the son of the Ganges, the great Vishma..."

Rope smiled cruelly, and supported Erica in the water.


Erica asked puzzled. "If I'm here, at least I can help you."

"No, my power is a bit special. It has the characteristics of the God of Disobedience that I killed last time. If I use it with all my strength and you see it again, my sanity will be gone. I am fighting against the God of Steel. I have no time for you."

To be precise, it is the characteristic of Cthulhu's secret technique. In the future, he still wants her to help him, so as to avoid the possibility of this blonde girl becoming a madman.

—He still liked Erica quite a bit.

With a wave of his hand, Rope sent her far away, so as not to be affected by the next battle between himself and Bishma.

When Erica left, he pointed the revolver in his hand at Bishma, who had been watching quietly.

"Son of the Ganges, I wonder if my skill today can break your father's blessing. I'm curious."

"Then come and try, Rakshasa King."

Bishma smiled confidently, held the knife in his backhand, and swung the knife at Luo Pei's from a long distance, as if declaring war.

The saber air was mixed with thunder and lightning, splitting the ground beside the Ganges River, and slashed towards the new godslayer. The aftermath of the storm even caused the nearby forest to tremble.

"Indra's Thunder?"

Luo Pei smiled when he saw the golden thunderbolt, and he didn't even want to take a defensive posture, letting the wild thunderbolt strike his body abruptly.

But it didn't do anything.

The Nephilim were born in lightning and were naturally immune to thunder and toxins. Although Indra's thunder was strong, it was not enough to make this fighting race fear.

"Sorry great Bishma, thunder and lightning have no effect on me."

As if responding to Bhishma's attack, Lopei held up his left hand and uttered the words of his power.

"Oceans, lakes, rivers, obey me! Destroy the enemy in front of me with the power of ten thousand waves! Deprive him of his life!"

In the eyes of Vishma, the mantra was rising and burning like a flame, but strangely, there was no movement around Luo Pei.

Suddenly, Bhishma's ears moved, and his keen hearing made him aware of the flood that was gushing in the distance.

Then, his face became filled with anger——

"King Rakshasa! You actually drove my mother to turn into a flood to attack her own child!"

"Haha, isn't it interesting that the son of the Ganges drowned in the Ganges?"

Lopei laughed and jumped into the flood that had come behind him, and disappeared like a fish in the blink of an eye, leaving only Bishma in silver armor to face the raging attack of the Ganges River alone.

The majestic momentum, the surging river, and the deafening sound. The rushing river is domineering on the earth, unstoppable! Like tens of thousands of cyan dragons with teeth and claws, roaring all the way rolling the mud.

Can't hide, can't hide! This is the mother's river. If you hide, it is tantamount to refusing the mother's hug, which is disrespectful to the son!

Bhishma closed his eyes, plunged the long knife into the ground, clasped his hands together and silently recited the words.

"—The brave conquers evil, the steel manifests righteousness, my father, please grant me strength, and protect me from the river and pressure!"

On his body, a divine light flickered, symbolizing that Bishma had rejected the river and pressure to take his life.

——This is the blessing of King Fushen, and it is also the compensation for the oath.

Ten thousand tons of river water poured down on his head, and Vishma remained motionless as if he had taken root under his feet, and he did not resist, silently enduring his mother's tears.

Beneath this calm expression was a gradually fermenting anger.

"I heard... the mother's mournful cry, please don't be sad for your son."

Opening his eyes, looking at the underwater world, Bishma clenched his palms tightly and murmured in grief.

"...I will immediately kill that daring Rakshasa King, and relieve you of the humiliation of being controlled by him!"

He twitched all over his body, showing great strength.

After a few seconds, Bishma stretched out his hands, as if holding something, and roared angrily.


boom! boom! boom!

Under the mighty power of the god of steel and the son of the Ganges, he forcibly parted the invisible water flow, revealing the soaked earth under the sky again.

At the moment when Vishma divided the sea, Luo Pei pulled the trigger of Azure Rose.

"Second stage charge! Reload: Anexplosionofanger!"

PS: Alas, when I wrote about Uncle, I thought of Chiguo and Pandava, and then I thought of the phrase "Pandu laughs all his life, but Chiguo never sees it all his life", it tortured me to death...

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