The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1431

"Which Majesty defeated Ferak?"

"No one, Felak fought more evil gods than you can imagine. He was weakened little by little by my compatriots in that situation, and finally had to withdraw from the battle to protect the believers."

The Supreme Mother pointed to herself.

"I also had a short fight with him, and that guy's disgusting "evolutionary concept" was really annoying. "

Luo Pei thought for a while, and immediately knew why Shabu felt disgusted by Felak.

The Supreme Mother advocates the progress and corruption of real life, while Felak directly abandons the flesh and blood and devotes himself to the life form of minerals. The two represent different concepts of evolution, and they are fundamentally incompatible.

"In other words, is it possible for me to face a group of machine creatures, or even divine machines, in the "Mechanical Realm"? "

"Probably so. Ferak's divine power incarnation is in that world, and one or two of his attendant "Mechanical Archbishop" will definitely serve there. "

Shabu smiled.

"But Little Luo Pei doesn't need to worry about those bastards. Even if they have a little bit of divinity, it is impossible to compare with a demigod like you."


The corners of Rope's mouth rose.

"As expected of a trial world where choices are made, the identity of the enemy is excellent."

"That's right, you need to have this kind of attitude~"

After exchanging pleasantries with Shabu for a while, the black-haired youth left the residence of the Supreme Mother.

On the observation deck of the floating city, the demon felt the power of the angel's light, as well as Orpheus' strong dragon attribute arrogance.

It seems that Gabriel finally finished his report to Michael, and brought Ms. Infinite Menglong to the underworld.

Putting the matter of "God of Civilization and Technology" Ferak aside temporarily, Lopez hummed a brisk tune and walked towards the direction where the twelve-winged angels landed.

The long-awaited ambition, he had to discuss with Orpheus about the "Dragon Knight".

Chapter 71 The cat girl rubs it, life is more fun


"Is there no reason to cry?"

"But, but my first time..."

"With my excellence and beauty, no matter how you think about it, you earned it, Gabriel."

"You bully people... woo woo..."

Looking at the mournful twelve-winged angel, Luo Pei only felt refreshed.

He walked to the window, opened the curtains, and the cool breeze above the clouds rushed in.

Gabriel was still indulging in the depression of being taken away by Lord Tianmo for the first time.

"Okay, okay, don't you see that Orpheus didn't say anything?"

Rope spread his hands.

"Besides, you don't come here, didn't you yourself be very curious and happy last night?"

Orpheus, who was sitting blankly on the bed, turned his head and looked at the black-haired youth with inorganic eyes.

"I agreed to your idea, just paying the price you gave me for the "happy story". "

"Opheus, are you sure?"

For some reason, Orpheus looked away, and a blush flew up on his cheeks.

On the night Orpheus and Gabriel returned to the underworld, Rope achieved the achievement of "Dragon Knight" by coercing and luring, and by the way, he also brought the sweet twelve-winged seraphim together.

All in all, it is really a good thing to have hobbies that like girls.

Can effectively relieve all kinds of stress.

"Lord Rope."

Gurefia opened the door and came in, pushing a small cart full of specialties from the underworld.

"I prepared breakfast for Lord Gabriel and Lord Orpheus, do you need anything?"

"Just put it here."

Rope glanced at Gabriel.

The supposedly ascetic angel was obviously secretly looking at the food of the underworld, but when he found that Luo Pei was looking at her, he started to pretend to cry again.

Even the voice was much weaker than before.

"It's really not a straightforward character, is the archangel's reserve so important..."

Rope shook his head and walked out the door.

Gurefia followed behind the black-haired youth.

"How is the situation of Heige and Baiyin?"

"Heige? Baiyin?...Oh, you mean the pair of cats and sisters." Gurefiya thought for a while and said, "Yesterday, Serafulu sent the white cats and girls here. Miss Heige and She slept together, probably the two of them have woken up and are preparing for breakfast now."

"Hmm. By the way, I haven't had time to ask, Gurefia, is there anything wrong with your father?"

On the night when the Demon King wiped out the two major families, Gurefia's father, Jetia, was at Nebiros' house.

"The Underworld doesn't dare to investigate my father, but I still have a conversation with him myself."

Gurefia said.

"Father was indeed terrified, but he didn't participate in Nebiros and Naberius' plan of "Acquired Transcendence", he simply visited the other six families. At present, in order to avoid suspicion, my mother has ordered my father not to go out. "

"It's a bit miserable."

"It's also my father's lack of caution."

"Well, issue an order to the government of the underworld in my name. Restore the title of "Grand Duke" to Jettia Lukefugus, and let the Lukefugus family enter the "Seventy-two Pillars" system. At the same time as the agent of the Naberius family, he replaced the original position of the Naberius family. "


The silver-haired maid was a little embarrassed.

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