The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1433

She was touched.

After spending every day in fear and anxiety, are you finally able to settle down with Baiyin now?

The cat-drill girl got up from the chair, and knelt at the feet of the black-haired young man in a Japanese-style kneeling ceremony.

"Honorable demon god, my master. Although I have committed the act of killing the master, please believe at this moment that Maoyou Heige will become your most loyal servant and subordinate."

"There's no need to be so formal."

Luo Pei smiled and reached out to help Hei Ge up.

Unexpectedly, the girl seemed to have no bones on her body, so she fell into the arms of the black-haired young man.

Heige's golden pupils are full of smiles, and there is much less camouflage than before.

She leaned close to Luo Pei and whispered in his ear.

"Master Luo Pei, this is also one of your goals..."


Rope readily admitted.

"Since Hei Ge is so smart, I have a request and you can help me complete it now."

"Yes~ my master meow~"

"I haven't touched the ear girl's ear for a long time, give me the ear to play with."


It's not that Luo Pei doesn't know Heige's thoughtfulness of inviting pets after he changed his position, it's just that he just finished being a dragon knight, and then discussed the mysteries of the body with the angel. .

Besides, petting cats is really a very pleasant behavior.

Touching the pair of black cat ears on the top of Heige's head in his arms, Luo Pei thought with relief.

Chapter 72: Demons in the World

There are always various misunderstandings in the process of history and mythology.

Just like the "teacher of the prophets" and "the greatest wisdom of mankind" worshiped by Judaism; the destruction of Zoroastrianism stems from the sudden birth of the "evil god" Angora Mainyu and its dragon army; Xun; in the deepest part of the underworld hides the demon god who brings the end of the world...

Regardless of the results of these misunderstandings, the process of history continues to move forward, and the truth is always in the hands of a few people, or gods.

Ordinary mortals don't know that the names in the above-mentioned famous myths actually refer to the same existence.

Luo Pei stood in a modern city that he hadn't seen for a while, calmly watching the torrent of rushing cars, and lamented the wonder of time.

In a blink of an eye, the time has come.

If he hadn't heard Serafluu's gossip in the process of absorbing "Knowledge of the Origin of Darkness", saying that her younger sister Canna Sidi and the eldest lady of the Gremory family, Lias Gremory, went to the human world for an internship , I am afraid that Luo Pei will miss a lot of interesting things.

"Lord Rope, this is a city in a country called "Japan" in the human world. According to the report, this is the territory of the Gremory family, the seventy-two pillars of the underworld, the former relatives of the demon king Sergex, The current person in charge is Rias Gremory. "

Beside him, Gurefiya introduced meticulously.

"However, it seems that Sergex and Serafulu have reached an agreement. Canna Sidi, the successor of the Sidi family, is also in this city, and together with Rias Gremory, he will govern the stability of the world here. .”

After the new devil government took power in the underworld, it has always followed a stable route.

They strictly ordered the demons not to continue the bad habits, and gradually improved the form of contract between demons and humans, and in the end it almost became a harmless type of contract.

"I already know all of this."

The black-haired youth patted Gurefia on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about the rest. Believe me, my adaptability to the current form of human society is definitely higher than any of you."

"But I am your maid, how can I leave my master alone in the human world..."

"You have your task." Luo Pei sighed: "Although I can't stay in the human world for a long time, there are still guys in my territory who can't take care of themselves. You have to help me look after Ophelia Si, by the way, you have to teach Baiyin and Heige magic, so you can't just play around with me leisurely."

Gurefia thought for a while, nodded and asked again.

"Then what about your agents and servants in the human world? Do I need to send demons from the underworld?"

"No, Miria is ready for everything."

The girl he once bestowed on the cult is now a thousand-year-old saint in the Midian Church.

Under the blessing of Shabu Nicholas, the country named Midian is world-renowned for its excellent agriculture and animal husbandry. Although its land area is not large, its economic strength firmly occupies the top ten positions in the world. It can be called the "breadbasket of the world".

Hearing that her longing master was coming to the human world, Miria flew to Japan overnight by private jet, and prepared everything that Luo Pei needed in the human world.

Gurefiya glanced at the Midian girl who was wearing a gray hooded robe and was silent in the shadows.

"Then Lord Rope will leave it to you, Miss Miria."

Milia bowed politely.

"I will serve my master well, Demon Lord Gurefia-sama."

After Gurefia left, Rope stretched himself and got into the black limousine that Miria had already prepared.

The girl carefully sat next to the black-haired young man. Even after a thousand years, she was still the same as before, without any change, which made Luo Pei feel helpless and also somewhat nostalgic.

"I heard that Nix ran to your site a few days ago?" Luo Pei asked casually, "How is she now?"

"Yes, Miss Nix is ​​still so energetic. She seems to have the idea of ​​going further in the "dark night". She came to Midian to ask me about "darkness". . "

"In the long life of the gods, there is only power left to pursue."

"It's not just that. Since the prosperity of luxury goods, Miss Nix has a very strong interest in art."

"I haven't had time to congratulate you on being promoted to the "Great Mystic", Miria, you have not let me down. "

"Thank you very much, master." Miria smiled sweetly: "If it weren't for His Majesty Shabu's love, I would definitely not be able to be promoted to the "Great Mystic" based on my aptitude, and according to His Majesty Shabu, I am a This kind of "Great Mystician" is just barely passing, and he failed at all. "

"All in all, you have that qualification."


The atmosphere in the car was very warm. While tapping his knees, Luo Pei watched the crowd coming and going outside the car window.

It seems that it is time for school to end, and the students wearing the uniforms of the most famous local school, the private Kuo Academy, are walking back in twos and threes. They played and played, and a strong daily atmosphere relieved the pressure brought about by "the enemy is the ancient god", allowing Luo Pei to relax completely.


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