The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1439

Cang Na looked at Zhen Luo Chun Ji.

Shinra Chunji nodded and took the phone.

"Lord Leviathan, I am Shinra Chunhime, the "Queen" of Sona. As for the appearance of the jet-black blaze, he was dressed in an otaku attire, with short black hair and blue eyes, and was quite handsome. "

"Black hair and blue eyes? Good looking?"

Serafluu repeated two features, and then her voice froze suddenly.

After a long time, just when Cang Na thought that the phone was malfunctioning, Serafulu spoke slowly.

"That one... is indeed the existence that all of us demon kings allow to go to the human world."

Cang Na took the phone back.

"My lord, who is he? If I work here, I need to know some information."

"Actually, Cang Na, you have seen him... Forget it, Cang Na, you don't need to worry about it, anyway, he is not a bad person." Serafulu said.

"Compared to this, Cang, when will you go back to the underworld to see my sister, my sister misses you so much..."

beep beep.

Cang Na hung up the phone without hesitation.

After slightly sighing, she said to Zhen Luo Chun Ji.

"My sister is unwilling to reveal the identity of the other party. It seems that there is something hidden. The only thing that is certain is that the other party is a harmless demon."

"Then we'll deal with it normally, don't we?"

"Yeah. Tell Rias and the others about this news tomorrow."

I've seen... black hair and blue eyes... black hair and blue eyes...

The memories in Cang Na's mind flashed quickly, and suddenly paused on a figure that she couldn't believe.

When she was young, she followed her sister to visit the real face several times, and Cang Na was very impressed by the majesty and dignity standing on the throne.

"...Tsubaki, in your personal opinion, what kind of person is that dark flame envoy?"

"People don't know which sentence is true and which sentence is false; frivolous enough to say private topics to strangers; a fanatic otaku..."

"Huh? Well..."

Cang Na couldn't connect these characteristics with that majestic and noble figure.

She has seen quite a few demons with black hair and blue eyes. This kind of vague description has caught a lot in the underworld, and she can't be sure that her sister is talking about that existence.

Check it out when you have time...

After making up his mind, Cang Na put this matter behind his mind.

The three of them started dinner time, and after the meal, Hua Jietao took the initiative to do the work of washing the dishes as if to thank her.

"Cang Na..."

Zhen Luo Chun Ji hesitated, and asked in a low voice with reddish cheeks.

"What do you think, I swapped my knee socks for pantyhose...?"


Cang Na's gaze turned to Zhen Luo Chun Ji's beautiful legs, and he chuckled softly.

"Tsubaki looks so serious and cold, but she always likes to pay attention to things that I can't even think of. The school doesn't have regulations on what girls should wear. Except for school uniforms, as long as they don't go too far, pantyhose are also acceptable."

"Is that so..."

"What's the matter? Suddenly asking this kind of question. Could it be that Chun Ji, who is the vice president, also started..."

"No, I just care a little bit."

That night, Jinra Chunji took out the pantyhose that was pressed at the bottom of the closet.


On the hill at the edge of the city, there are priests in cassocks overlooking the whole city.

He has white hair and relatively good cheeks. But Accelerator's smiling face destroyed this point, making the priest look a little crazy.

"I smell, the smell of those shit demons..."

The priest was restless.

"Pull out the devil and all the sinners related to the devil to execute... Hehehe... Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it."

He turned his head and growled behind his back.

"Aisia, why are you still dawdling? I don't want to sleep on this empty road! We will arrive at the local church in an hour!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Father Freed."

A blond girl in a nun's attire came over.

She holds a wounded bird in her hands, its wings healing under a magical green light.

Then flapped its wings and flew out of her hand.

The priest who saw this scene curled his lips in disdain.

"As expected of the former "Holy Maiden" of the Church, this compassion is really touching. "


Asia lowered her head and did not answer.

"Hmph, let's go."

Perhaps because he didn't want to waste time with Asia, Fried just sarcastically walked forward.

Asia followed the priest on foot. I don't know if it was her illusion. With the help of the faint street light, she saw black feathers falling from the sky out of the corner of her eyes.

When Asia wanted to catch it, the feather disappeared without a trace.

Chapter 76 The Gorgeous Demon of Red and Thunder, The Nun Who Meets the Demon

——The universe began in chaos, and it will end in chaos.

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