The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1456

The girls followed suit and followed Rias, applauding.

Cang Na pushed his glasses slightly annoyed, and muttered in a low voice.

"Why are you here to introduce me..."

"Huh? Did Xiao Cang just say something?"

"No!" Cang Na said angrily, "Also, don't add "Xiao" in front of my name! Rias, I'm the same age as you! "

"I mean temperament, Xiao Cangna."

Rias straightened her breasts that should not be underestimated, smiling confidently and proudly.

"Although the attributes of glasses girl and literary girl are not outdated, no matter who looks at it, they will come to the result that I am more mature than you? If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Luo Pei~"

"Rias, you are actually in front of Lord Lopez...!"

"Haha, don't be angry, an atmosphere of speaking freely is needed here."

Luo Pei smiled and reached out to stop Sona's anger.

Then looking at the young man's happy smiling face, Jitori Sona suddenly realized.

What the devil god needs is not some respectful service. As the ruler of the underworld, he has long been tired of that kind of formalism. The willingness to agree to the banquet invitation of the two little devils is probably because of the joyful atmosphere of the banquet itself.

Looking at Rias's expression again, her smiling face of "Can you see?" made Sona stay silent.

Both are heirs of the Demon King's family, and both are women, and their strengths are basically similar. Since childhood, Rias has been friends with Rias in various ways, but at this moment she has to admit that in terms of observation and In terms of judgment, Rias is better.

With Sona and Rias taking the lead, the subordinate demons also slowly relaxed.

"...Are you really the God of Demons?"

Yura Tsubasa plucked up the courage and asked cautiously.

"The most vicious and powerful demon god that President Cang Na said?"

"Is that how Cang describes me?"

Luo Pei looked at the girl with glasses, who lowered her head in embarrassment.

Cang Na used a lot of exaggerated descriptions in order to prevent the subordinate demons from not understanding the rules and annoyed the demon god. Although they were not necessarily wrong, they undoubtedly left a deep impression on the subordinate demons' hearts.

He smiled and spread his hands.

"Although there is no wrong description in general, I would like you to tell me about your own feelings, this..."

"Yura Tsubasa."

The girl with short water blue hair introduced herself.

From the way she speaks, it can be seen that Yura Tsubasa is a very healthy and energetic type.

"How do I feel..."

Yura Tsubasa thought for a long time, and finally said seriously.

"Like a noble young master whose family has been ruined, he lives fiercely and gently! It's not as exaggerated as President Cang Na said!"

Luo Pei touched his hairstyle, thinking that this girl's intuition is quite accurate.

He chose Virgil's hairstyle and color-changing windbreaker in "Devil May Cry", and the first half of the girl's description very correctly stated Virgil's background.

"Congratulations Miss guessed wrong?"


"Cang Na's description is correct. I am indeed a cruel and power-supremacist demon god."

Rope laughed.

"But Sona didn't tell you one thing. The coexistence of cruelty, arrogance, and reckless disregard for human life does not conflict with maintaining a gentle personality."

"Ahaha, so that's how it is..."

"Hey, Lord God of Demons, what kind of existence is a god?"

"Idiot! No matter how gentle God of Demon God is, you can't ask such a question, right?"

"Master God of Demons! I heard that you have a very close relationship with President Cang Na's sister, Lord Leviathan Demon King. Can you tell us about it?"


Chatterbox was opened.

When the subordinate demons knew Luo Pei's character at the moment, they immediately scrambled to ask.

After all, this kind of opportunity to meet the demon god is a rare one. No one is sure whether there will be a next time. Whether it is gossip or purely to satisfy curiosity, it is a fool to shut up at this time.

Even the taciturn werewolf Lugal opened his mouth to preach about the witch's ecological issues, as if it was related to his life experience, but Luo Pei didn't know about those things, so he simply said he didn't know.

The atmosphere of the banquet became lively again.

The girls enjoyed the dinner happily, while Rias and Canna sat on the left and right sides of Lopez, fulfilling their duties as landlords and serving wine to the demon god.

"To be honest, I was a little scared when I saw you at the church."

Rias propped her cheeks and sighed.

"When I was young, I often heard the horror legends about you from my parents. At that time, I thought that you would eat several demons every day, and that you would not sleep peacefully without a beautiful maidservant. In addition, Xiao Cang kept scaring me, I walked into your mansion with some uneasiness. It turned out to be nothing but worrying."

"I didn't scare you!"

"Oh? Then who said that I'd better be mentally prepared to be called to bed by Mr. Luo Pei when I go there?"

Cang Na stared at Rias's smiling face in disbelief.

She couldn't understand how this woman could seriously ask her what she didn't have at all.

"Cangna, have you ever said such a thing?"

Luo Pei also stared at the short-haired glasses girl curiously.

In the youth's impression, Canna Sidi should not be a girl who can talk about such general harassment topics.

"I don't!"

Sona made a high-pitched voice, then stared at Rias fiercely.

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