The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1470

In front of Luo Pei, the "crazy bloodthirsty hand" started acting like a puppy, rolling on the ground with its belly up.

"As expected of an artifact you made, so close to you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, what is the result I want? You have studied it for a long time, isn't it just to raise it to the forbidden hand level?"

"of course not."

Azazel wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, showing a confident smile.

"We can be sure that as long as you have the carrying objects equipped, your mysterious power from outside the world, which we still don't understand, can be compatible like a normal artifact! It will become a product that can resonate with the soul, emotions, and personality! "


Rope got the answer he wanted.

Chapter 93 Rubbing white cats during the day without dozing off. Rub the black cat at night and sleep soundly.

It was already the morning of the fifth day when Luo Pei returned to the human world from the Son of God monitor.

During this period, he absorbed all the "artificial artifact manufacturing techniques" improved by Azazel into his mind, and used the materials and instruments of the fallen angels to make a lot of hands-on things.

From the initial ferocious lord-killing hand armor to the final perfect fit for the host, it can even follow the host's soul to upgrade while possessing evil power, to achieve an excellent work of banning hands.

But without exception, in Luo Pei's view, they were all too childish.

No matter how delicate, those things can't match the power that the black-haired youth has at this moment.

Perhaps more realistically speaking, there is no material in the world that can completely withstand a high-level demigod to give it a go.

So after he came back from the fallen angel, he planned to see if there were any materials available for exchange from Azalia. After all, since he was crowned a demigod, his rewards are about to become moldy, so it's time to use them.

Thinking, Luo Pei returned to the top floor of his building along the elevator.

It is worth mentioning that after the black-haired youth stepped out of the elevator, it was not Miria who greeted him.

"...Why did you come to the human world?"

The black-haired young man looked at the two girls in front of him strangely.

Short white hair, white cat ears. Long black hair, black cat ears. Uniform golden eyes.

It was his two twin cat-drill girls.

Hei Ge naturally took Luo Pei's right hand and buried it in the middle of his majestic chest.

"I didn't expect that, Mr. Luo Pei~"

"I'm sorry, it was my sister who insisted on coming to you, she said that the underworld is too boring..."

Baiyin sincerely apologized.

"I'm not asking why you came to me."

Luo Pei rubbed Bai Yin's little head, and then said to Hei Ge.

"I entrusted Gurefia to take care of you, and her personality cannot be persuaded by such reasons. Could it be that you sneaked out behind Gurefia's back?"

"I didn't mean to cause trouble for Gurefia-sama~"

Heige said coquettishly.

"It's just that Gurefia-sama's character is a bit old-fashioned, so in order to avoid a lot of trouble, we presumptuously came to the human world through the natural passage of the underworld. Anyway, we came to see you, for your lovely cat, after that Lord Rope will intercede with Lord Gurefia for others, right?"

Luo Pei had no intention of grounding the two cat-drill girls, so this time Hei Ge and Bai Yin's coming to the human world is not a trouble.

"Ha, what a feral cat."

The black-haired young man touched Heige's forehead with his fingers, then said to Baiyin with a smile.

"Baiyin can't imitate your sister like this?"

"...Mmm." Baiyin nodded.

"Meow meow~"

Hei Ge didn't care at all, as if matching Luo Pei's cat words, she made a soft meow.

Greeted by two catgirls, one big and one small, Rope returned to his bedroom.

Taking off the windbreaker, the black-haired young man sat on the single sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window with a glass of red wine.

Baiyin unfolded Luo Pei's windbreaker neatly and hung it on the hanger, and Heige stuck to it from the back like a gummy candy.

"Hey, Mr. Rope, I heard what Mrs. Miria said?"

"What did she say?"

"In such a short time since you came to the human world, you have already personally hit two girls, and they are both rare beauties."

No matter how Luo Pei heard it, it didn't sound right.

How could it be possible for a person with Miria's personality to say such witty words to Heige.

Tilting his head to see the playful eyes of the black cat girl, Luo Pei knew that Hei Ge must have added fuel and jealousy in his own way.

"Those two people's names are Asia and Shinra Chunhime."

Rope sighed.

"If you have time to worry about this, it's better to improve your strength. It took so long to reach the level of "superior devil" after being taught by the devil himself, and after being modified by the devil's chess pieces. Even Baiyin is about to catch up with you, so try a little harder. "


Hei Ge said as a matter of course.

"Anyway, Mr. Luo Pei will protect my safety and my future life. What use is my strength? All I need to do is like this..."

The black-haired young man suddenly felt two round balls resting on his neck.

"... Baiyin is still in front of you."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Hei Ge said indifferently: "No matter in the eyes of anyone, Baiyin and I are your concubines, and it will be a matter of time before she learns this kind of thing. Hey, Mr. Luo Pei, listen to me Tell me, the last time Baiyin talked in her sleep when she fell asleep, she called you by your name..."

"elder sister!"

Although Heige's voice is very small, Baiyin is also a cat demon with an exceptionally developed sense of hearing.

She blushed instantly and shouted loudly.

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