The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1472

"Wrong! I heard from Mami from the next class that the chairman of the letter is a very handsome guy! He is about twenty years old and has blue eyes like the sea!"

"real or fake……"

The private Kuou Academy was very lively early in the morning.

After the short school festival, the students who didn't have fun quickly turned their attention to the next new event.

However, unlike in the past, they did not pay attention to the relationship between so-and-so and so-and-so next door, how much the dresses in fashion magazines cost, but rarely looked at the school council.

The original old woman packed her bags and left, and the new chairman is a handsome and dazzling handsome guy.

From the eyes of outsiders, it was just ordinary news, but in the eyes of these students who stayed in school all year round, it was big news enough to discuss for a week or two. Coupled with the current situation of the private Kuou Academy, the yin and yang decline, the discussions among the girls became even more intense.

"Hey, Chunji, have you met the new chairman?"

The girl in the discussion turned her head and asked the long-haired cold beauty behind her seat.

"Tsubaki is the vice-president of the student union. The student union must be notified of the important event of changing the chairman. How is it? Is the chairman as handsome as the legend says?"


Zhen Luo Chun Ji woke up like a dream, and then said angrily.

"The mid-term test is coming soon, and you are still concerned about this. If you fail this time, don't come to me for notes!"

"Hahaha, the vice president has started preaching mode again..."

"Forget it, Chun Ji is the type who doesn't care about that kind of thing."

The girl turned her head jokingly, and chatted with her friend again.

Zhen Luo Chun Ji sighed silently.

Not only does she know how handsome the chairman is, she was even lying on the bed of the chairman a few days ago.

Sometimes Zhen Luo Chun Ji really doesn't understand what the heir of the Gremory family, Rias Gremory, is thinking.

Let the strongest demon god in this world, who lives high in the sky of the underworld, come to be the chairman of Juwang Academy?

Originally, Zhenluo Chunji thought it was just Rias's joke at the banquet, but when Luo Pei walked into the school with steady steps, and then settled in the chairman's office, she almost lost the documents of the student union when she saw this scene.

Based on the girl's personal experience, this supercilious demon god would agree to such a joke, probably planning some bad ideas. Considering Luo Pena's high interest in cute girls, using power for personal gain, and even letting her play some indescribable games with him at school, are all imaginable futures.


Zhen Luo Chun Ji sighed again.

After becoming the Demon God's woman, she hadn't adjusted her mentality in time, and she was still somewhat embarrassed when meeting her.


"Ah, yes!"

Cang Na stood at the door of the classroom, looked at Zhen Luo Chun Ji with a strange expression, and tilted his head.

"Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Uh... no, nothing, just a little absent-minded."

"Because of Master Luo Pei?"


Sona and Shinra Tsubaki chatted while walking to the student union office.

The girl with short hair and glasses laughed.

"It's okay, Rias has her own ideas. Besides, Chun Ji, your current status... Well, you can't go on like this anyway."

"I know, but it's embarrassing..."

"Girl heart?"


Shinra Chunji paused for a moment before reacting, and asked Cang Na.

"President, what are we doing at the student union at this time?"

"Lord Luo Pei brought a pair of sisters here, who want to enroll in the middle school and the high school respectively, we have to help them complete the formalities." Cangna pushed his glasses: "I heard that both of them are Lord Gurefia. His disciple is also one of the Demon God's favored concubines, Chunji, you can't show your timidity in front of them, you will be looked down upon."

"Are you going to enter the drama of fighting for favor so soon?!"

"Haha, it's just a joke. Both are very good girls, it doesn't matter."

"Today's Cang Na is unexpectedly lively..."

"Really? Maybe it's because the school festival is over and I finally breathed a sigh of relief."

The two came to the luxurious student union office, but found that not only the black and white girl who was about to enter school, but also Lias and Luo Pei were there.

The black-haired young man sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding a stack of documents in his hand. Rias explained to him intimately the tasks that the chairman of the board should pay attention to.

Zhen Luo Chun Ji quickly lowered her head, shrinking herself behind Cang Na. But they didn't know that her height, which was half a head taller than Cang Na, made her more conspicuous.

"Lord Rope."

Cang Na saluted quite well.

The black-haired youth looked up and smiled.

"This is the office of Sona and the Student Union, right? Why are you still standing there?"

Cang Na and Zhen Luo Chun Ji walked in.

Before Jin Luo Chunji could sit down, a girl with golden eyes and long black hair approached her.

"Hey, are you Miss Zhenluo Chunji?"

"Yes, you are?"

"You can call him Hei Ge?" The girl narrowed her eyes and smiled, "In a sense, she is your "sister"..."


"Hei Ge, don't harass Chun Ji."

Luo Pei said without raising his head.

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