The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1475

"I just know that you have arranged a marriage for me. People saw it from the photos, and they didn't even say a word. How could there be an option for me to harass her? My own family members are too busy here. ..."


The suzerain of Phoenix let out a long sigh of relief, and then said viciously.

"Your marriage will be invalid from now on! In the past few years, I will stay in the underworld honestly, and you are not allowed to go out! When will Rias forget about you, and you will be allowed to go out!"


Raisel felt extremely wronged.

This guy who was sleeping soundly was suddenly woken up by his father, who then told him that the arranged engagement would be cancelled, and even he himself would be grounded for several years.

The blond young man didn't even think about what he did to make his father so angry.

"Just because I am your father, the current suzerain of Phoenix!"


People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

Seeing his father being so fierce, the blond young man didn't dare to say anything. He put on his clothes and sat on a chair to shut himself up.

"What happened, my lord father?"

At this time, a girl's voice sounded at the door.

The suzerain of Phoenix turned his head and found that it was his fourth daughter Ravel Phoenix.

Dressed in aristocratic attire, the blond girl with double drills was rubbing her eyes, obviously disturbed by the noise of her father and brother.

"Ravel, you came just in time."

The suzerain of Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now I want you to go to the human world and get in touch with Rias of the Gremory family. Be sure to express that the Phoenix family has nothing to do with your brother's marriage contract, do you understand?"

"...Huh?" The blond girl was stunned.

"What the hell happened, Dad?"

Raisel asked.

"It's nothing to cancel the engagement. I'm curious to scare you like this. What did the Gremory family do?"

"Rias Gremory couldn't bear the troubles of the marriage contract, and became the woman of the devil god."


Whether it was the blond-haired youth or the blond-haired girl, both of them were dumbfounded.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you kidding me? Is it possible that I will be affected by this matter?"

Raisel was also covered in cold sweat, and quickly grabbed his father's hand.

"Father, I really didn't even talk to that woman!"

"I know, otherwise you will be escorted by me to apologize to Lord Demon God now."


The blond youth curled up on the chair like an autistic attack.

The suzerain of Phoenix shook his head and said to Ravel.

"That's the case, daughter. Although I have greeted Rias's father, just in case, you should go and apologize to Rias in person. Don't be afraid of anything, Nebiros You also know about Naberius, you don’t want Phoenix to be next, right?”

"……All right."

Essentially speaking, this matter has nothing to do with Ravel Phoenix, but the girl saw that her father entrusted her with this responsibility, so she took on this responsibility.

This is the power brought by the prestige of the devil god.

Just a wish can make the family of the seventy-two pillars of the underworld panic so much.

However, Rias' goal was achieved.

Topics like marriage contract will no longer be a problem for her.

Chapter 96 Big Harem, Small Daily Life

Cicadas are singing, and people are broken.

The heat of midsummer surrounds Kuou Academy. The break time that was lively not long ago now seems like the mute button has been pressed. The students are obediently lying on their desks, feeling the cool air conditioning in the classroom. It looked like it was burnt out.

But in the office of the chairman of Juwang Academy, it was a different scene.


Rias raised her glass high and drank the orange juice.

Surrounded by the demons of the Gremory family and the demons of the Sidi family.

They gathered in the chairman's office, which they didn't even bother to come to. After removing the overly ornate reception table in the middle, they placed a down-to-earth wooden table and various ingredients for hot pot.

Relying on their special relationship with Luo Pei, these girls held a hot pot party in the chairman's office.

"Ha!" Yura Tsubasa narrowed her eyes happily, shook her head and said, "It's bliss, bliss..."

"Hehehe, only at this time, I am very envious of the magic attribute of the chairman."

Himejima Akeno said with a smile.

Sona, like her elder sister Serafru, possesses the magical power to manipulate "ice", just like Rias possesses the magical power of "destruction" inherited from the Baal family.

The girl with short hair and glasses, Shitori Sona sighed.

"It's not my magic power, Himejima. After Rias told Lord Lopez about this in the morning, Lord Lopez lowered the temperature of the room to an appropriate level."

"Praise, Lord Demon God!"

"Anyway, I'm liberated now. My mother and my father will never arrange any boring blind date shows for me again."

Rias said happily, and blinked at the man sitting on the board chair.

"You're right, honey~"

Luo Pei put his legs off the table, removed the newspaper covering his face, and smiled.

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