The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1482

"Eh? Eh? Woohoo!"

Ravel tried to stand up in a panic.

But she seems to have forgotten her sleeping position.

Amidst a burst of chaotic voices, the girl and the man on the sofa fell backwards.

Regardless of her painful head, Ravel got up as fast as she could in her life, and then stood still in front of the black-haired young man to salute.

"I'm very sorry! I actually fell asleep while meeting the Demon God!"

Ravel Phoenix is ​​in an unprecedented panic.

Being a little tired and suspected of being let go, she wanted to relax a little, but fell asleep lying on her stomach in the demon god's room.

And most importantly, this ugliness was watched by the ruler of the underworld.

Woo... It's over... It's all over now.

The girl was breathing heavily, her mind filled with all kinds of bad endings. Including the Phoenix family, which was wiped out under the wrath of the demon god, was removed from the underworld, and became a family that only existed in the history books of the underworld.

Luo Pei came over and lifted the sofa and put it away. The girl couldn't help laughing seeing the girl's gesture of wanting to help but not daring to move.

"Adjust your breathing, Miss." He said, "You have done nothing wrong. It should be me who should say sorry. Some things have delayed a little time and made you wait for a long time."

"No no no no!"

Ravel shook her head frantically.

"An existence like you must be very busy! It is my honor that you can take time out of your busy schedule to meet the tiny me!"

"I told you not to be so scared...forget it."

Luo Pei walked to the table, took out a bottle of oolong tea from the plastic bag, and threw it into Ravel's hand.

He pointed to the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

"Before we start a friendly chat, it's better for the lady to wipe the drool from the corners of her mouth."

"Okay, okay!"

Ravel wiped her saliva on the sleeve of her expensive dress, blushing.

She began to break the cans and fall.

Anyway, the embarrassing image made the demon god all look at it, and he would never suffer from it now.


The blond girl looked at the black-haired young man who was smiling in the evening sun, and for some reason, her flustered mood calmed down a little.

That smile seemed to have a magical appeal.

After the farce was over, Lopez and Ravel sat on the sofa.

In fact, the girl wanted to answer standing up, but the black-haired youth forcibly ordered her to sit on an equal footing with the demon god on the grounds that "lifting her neck is too tiring".

"Anyway, I'm really sorry for the rudeness just now, Lord Demon God..."

"It doesn't matter, you can't get tired of seeing the sleeping face of a cute girl."

Ravel took a deep breath, threw the mixed feelings to the corner, and said seriously.

"Thank you for allowing me to meet you directly. I am Ravel Phoenix, the fourth daughter of the Phoenix family. This time, I came here to meet the Lord Demon God, mainly to clarify my elder brother, the third son of Phoenix and the Gremory family. Some misunderstandings about the marriage contract of the second daughter..."

"Ah, Rias has already reported that matter to me, there is no need to repeat it, I am not narrow-minded enough to get angry for no reason, and Rias didn't add fuel to me and speak ill of the Phoenix family. Before that... "

Lopez rested his chin on his left hand, staring at Ravel's legs seriously.

"...I have a question, I hope Miss Ravel can answer me truthfully."


Ravel straightened her back.

"Although my shallow knowledge is not enough for your case, if I can answer your doubts, I am very happy!"

"Why would you choose to wear lace white socks instead of stockings?"

Rope looked deeply.

"Isn't it better for a girl, a dress, and stockings to go together with the wicked socks?"

The Phoenix girl's expression froze.

Chapter One Hundred

The atmosphere in the office froze for a moment.

No, or it could be said that only Ravel Phoenix was solidified.

Luo Pei was not at all embarrassed, and stared at the blonde girl seriously.

Ravel Phoenix blinked her eyes, and suddenly felt her mouth dry.

She had simulated many questions from the devil god in her mind, ranging from gentle homely to sinister questions, but she never expected that the devil god would ask such an extraordinarily private and irrelevant question.

But you can't help but answer.

The girl tugged at the hem of her skirt involuntarily, trying to cover the jade legs that the black-haired youth was staring at, and stammered.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, I just... just picked one at random..."

"Oh? Do you dare to choose one "randomly" when you know that the object of the interview is me? "

"No, that... sorry... I didn't know you liked long socks..."

Ravel began to panic while being shy.

"If my outfit offends you, then please give me a moment, I'll go change your favorite socks now!"

"It's so cute, Miss Ravel."

The black-haired young man smiled very happily.

"Just kidding, if it were Rias, I'm afraid she would tease me the other way around. Based on this alone, the girls who are both great nobles in the underworld have really different personalities."

"Is that so..."

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