The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1490

Kiba Yuto walked to Balpa's side and held up the magic sword in his hand.

"For the children you killed! You die with pain!"

For a moment, the entire forest was filled with the old priest's painful wails, as well as the sickening sound of sword blades intertwined with flesh and blood.

Wisteria Irina seemed unbearable and wanted to step forward to stop Kiba Yuuto from torturing, but Xenovia grabbed her arm and shook her head at her.

"Don't go there." Xenovia said: "That man is the main messenger of the artificial holy sword user's plan, and the person who wielded the sword is the victim of the holy sword user's plan. They have unresolved resentment. It is considered that Balpa deserved what he deserved, let his pain comfort the spirits of those children in heaven."

Compared to the naive Irina, Xenovia has a better understanding of the dark side of the church.

She did not lose her sense of justice and follow the church blindly, so when this happened, she would put herself in her shoes and draw her own conclusions.


"Well, compared to that, we think there's still work to be done."

Xenovia watched as Rias and Sona descended from the sky.

"Devil, you must know something about that energy, right? It's so evil and terrifying, killing a ten-winged fallen angel in an instant, this is no longer something we can ignore!"


Beside Rias, Himejima Akeno smiled maliciously.

It seems that the death of the fallen angel cadre made her very happy to some extent.

"Miss exorcist of the church, are you questioning us?"

"I don't think so." Xenovia said calmly: "I'm just standing on the side of the church, and I want to get an answer that will make us all happy."

"The teeth are sharp. Now that the holy sword incident is resolved, our agreement will no longer work. Letting the two holy swordsmen die here will definitely be of great benefit to the devil, right?"


Irina and Xenovia immediately picked up the holy sword and pointed it at Himejima Akeno.


Rias stepped forward and stood between Himejima Akeno and Xenovia.

"It's not a secret that can't be told. I'm afraid that adult won't care about being known by you."

After all, there are Seraphs in Rope's city.

It is no secret to the underworld that the Seraphim of the heavens and the Archangel Gabriel are with the God of Demons, but as long as the brain is not bad, no one will go to Luo Pei to ask him why.

The violent demon god never relents when he kills people.

"You're lucky, ladies."

Rias laughed.

"It's a very good time. The master of all demons, our god of the underworld, is taking a vacation in this city. But Kabil made a mistake that he absolutely shouldn't have made, and he actually wanted to find something in the place where the demon god is. To be honest , if his intelligence work is done better, he will not be in such a dead body now..."

"The God of Demons...why I've never heard of it before." Wisteria Irina muttered softly.

"You were only born in this world more than ten years ago, how could you possibly have heard of Lord Luo Pei's name?"

Rias proudly brushed her long red hair, obviously talking about the noble demon god made her very proud.

This is of course, Rias Gremory is now the woman of the God of Demons.

"Lord Rope?"

Xenovia asked in surprise.

The name that came out of the mouth of the red-haired female demon reminded her of the encounter a few days ago.

That handsome and gentle man with the protection of an angel also had this name.

"Any questions?"

"...No, no."

Is it my own illusion?

How could a virtuous person who was blessed by an angel have anything to do with such a terrifying title as the God of Demons.

Xenovia thought.

Then, the two girls put away the holy sword.

No matter how abnormal the current situation is, after all, their mission has been completed strangely.

The fallen angel Kekabil died, Balpa died, and the three lost holy swords returned to his hands, so that the church can accept this result.

"Finally, this long journey is over..."

Wisteria Irina sighed.

"If it weren't for the help of that angelic person, I can't even imagine what we would be like now. The holy sword of the church makes street jugglers beg, I can't even imagine... Xenovia, let's hurry to the holy Put the sword away and go back to your residence to take a shower, shall we?"

"Wait a minute, Irina."

Xenovia squatted halfway, brushed her fingers across the blade of the "Fantasy Holy Sword", and said in a dignified tone.

"If the dark power just now was created by the "devil god" in the mouth of the female demon, then what is the reason for the demon god to use this power? "

"Is there any other reason, isn't it Cocabele?"

"No, the power is not directed at Cocabyle."

Xenovia said.

"It's not so much an attack, it's better to say that Kabil was affected. In addition to the power of the demon god, I also felt an extremely strong sacred flame. Although it was only a short moment, I can't feel wrong !"

"It seems that there are indeed..."

Irina and Xenovia looked at each other and nodded in unison.

They wrapped the three holy swords in imitation holy relic cloth, stood up and said to Rias and the others.

"Since the matter is over, forgive us for leaving in advance."

"Don't stay in this city for too long, Miss Church..."

"Needless to say, we don't intend to stay in this heretic city either!"

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