The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1492

"Hahaha, I met the young man who is the holder of the strongest god destroying tool over there, and played with him a little bit, who knew that Kabile would be so weak."

Rope laughed heartlessly.

But in the eyes of all the devil's relatives and the two church girls, it was so terrifying.

There was no sense of hostility at all, just the aftermath of the battle made it too late for the ten-winged fallen angel to escape.

The power of the demon god has surpassed conventional judgments, that is, the gap of countless dimensions cannot be seen even if one looks up.

"Anyway, it's great that things can be resolved so easily."

Cang Na breathed a sigh of relief.

"If it weren't for you in this city, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for us to face Cocabyle alone. The power of light is the natural enemy of the devil, and the enemy has survived the war between the three clans and fought against the God of the Bible. fallen angel."

"Do not make jokes."

Rope shrugged.

"How could Kabeel fight against the God of the Bible? That God and the god of destruction, Shiva, are rare existences that allow me to fight a little bit happily. It is estimated that he just threw a ball 800 miles away. The luminous gun is considered to have "battled the God of the Bible". "

The humorous words of the black-haired youth made the girls laugh.

Xenovia felt that she shouldn't laugh at this moment, but the relaxed atmosphere of the interaction between the demon god and the girls made her relax involuntarily.

After chuckling a few times and realizing that everyone was looking at her, Xenovia blushed instantly and lowered her head.

Rias rolled her eyes, and her keen observation ability saw the story between Luo Pei and the two church girls in front of her.

According to the character of the demon god who can even accept angels into the harem, she immediately figured out how to act at this moment.

"Since Master Luo Pei has come here specially, there is no need for us to be present."

The red-haired girl gave Sona a wink.

"It just so happens that my family members' revenge has been avenged. Let's go back with Cang Na to hold a celebration banquet. If necessary, I will spend the night with you later."

A girl who is sensible is likable, especially a girl who is sensible and beautiful.

Luo Pei smiled slightly and nodded to Rias.

"Welcome anytime, have fun at the banquet."

After seeing off Rias, Sona and the others and leaving, only a few corpses and Xenovia and Irina were left standing blankly, not knowing what to do.

Luo Pei turned around, patted the fallen leaves on the short rock, and sat on it without giving up.

"Want to chat?"

"You... what do you want to talk about?"

Irina barely raised her vigilance.

But she couldn't place the black-haired youth in the enemy's position anyway, and then dropped her shoulders in frustration.

"There's no need to alienate me so deliberately, right?" Luo Pei said, "I thought we were already friends, but is it my illusion?"

...not an illusion.

Irina responded in her heart.

She did regard the previous Rope as a friend.

The black-haired young man who can stand here with another identity at this moment, Irina is entangled in every possible way.

On the one hand, it is the responsibility of the church and the natural hostility of forces such as the devil's underworld, and on the other hand, it is her unavoidable affection for Rope.

"We are the holy swordsmen of the church, and you are the demon god of the underworld. In this position, do you want us to get close to you?"

The words in Irina's heart were spoken directly by Xenovia who was straight.

Rope smiled and shook his head.

"What a naive girl. The so-called good and evil are not so easy to assume based on power. In your opinion, is Rias who followed you just now an evil person? They also care about ordinary people in this city .”


Xenovia couldn't say anything to refute.

The successor master of the Gremory family was different from the demons he had seen before.

Rias could just sit at home and watch the two of them desperately trying, even Kiba's "disobedient" family members can give up, it's nothing to do with themselves, and wait until Kabile really confronts her. When they are allowed, apply for assistance from the underworld.

But the devil girl still followed.

Bring her family members, and her friends, and run over for the church's bad things.

"Although it is difficult for me to understand the mentality of running for people who have nothing to do with it, it does not prevent me from admiring the spirit shown by others, especially my girls."

Rope laughed.

"Besides, don't think that the faction is something that will never change. After this incident, the fallen angels will definitely apologize to the heaven and the underworld for the problem of Kabil. Vice-Prince Michael, 100% will take this opportunity to sign the tri-clan agreement, so that true peace will come to the earth."

"How is it possible, how could Lord Michael be with demons and fallen angels..."

"Do you know Michael?"

Luo Pei stopped the two girls with a word.

What they know is only the angels in legends and classics.

Not to mention the Archangel, even the ordinary angels have no chance to see them.

The purpose of avoiding the world of the heavens made the angels the race that came to the human world with the least number of times among the three races.

"You mean to say that demons, angels, and fallen angels will soon end the millennium-long struggle and prejudice, and move towards the direction of common progress under the signing of the agreement?"

"Is this the necessity of biological evolution? If you can't gather strength together, no matter how you move forward, it will be futile."

The dark-haired youth smiled and clapped his hands.

"In other words, the two ladies may soon lose their jobs."


The words of unemployment were naturally ignored by Xenovia and Irina.

In their eyes, the righteous heaven is about to dance with the evil forces, which makes the two innocent girls feel that all the efforts of these years have been in vain.

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