The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1495

Loki strode out between the thrones of Asgard.

Odin asked loudly.

"Where are you going, Loki?"

"Get out of your shadow, and go where I want."

The old man clenched the spear-like stick in his hand, and after struggling for a few times, he finally did not throw his "Eternal Spear" towards Loki.

There was an aura of cracks spreading in Asgard.

That breath was extremely cold.

After Loki walked out of Odin's Asgard, he came to his temple.

In the dark shadows, a huge wolf sleeps.

The wolf slowly opened his eyes, staring at Loki who walked in front of him.

"Fenrir, I need your strength, help me." Loki said: "I must not let the real peace come, no matter what I want to prevent the signing of this peace treaty, even if there are people entrenched on the sky The haze of the extraterrestrial demons!"


Fenrir didn't speak, and nodded after a while.

As for what the devil wolf thinks in his heart, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

"Very good! With your power, plus the mass-produced "Ending Dragon" Mithgaohm... No, not enough! "

Loki's expression suddenly became serious.

"If we want to counter the power of that demon, we alone can't match it. I have to find some more helpers, even if I don't expect to defeat the big demon, just hold him back... By the way! Fenrir, can I trouble you A trip to the East?"


Fenrir made a suspicious sound.

Loki smiled.

"Yes, the East. I am not the only god who is not reconciled to peace. The emperor of Mount Sumeru, the "God of War" Di Shitian will never sit idly by and let the world go to peace. He will definitely be interested in my plan. It is also his only chance. Once the peace treaty is officially signed, it will not be so easy to stir up the wind and rain. "

"I will only tell Di Shitian what you said exactly..."

"Okay, that's fine."

Accompanied by the laughter of the evil god Loki, the wind and snow in the cold god's domain roared more intensely.


While the careerists are afraid of peace, in the office of the chairman of the private Kuo Academy, Luo Pei is very happy with his masterpiece.

Fallen Angel Governor Asazel stared at the thing in the hands of the black-haired youth with amazement.

In his thousands of years of life, he has never seen such a dazzling and awe-inspiring artifact.

No, maybe that has surpassed the scope of "artifact" and "divine destroyer", and has become something more than a dozen dimensions higher.

The power contained in the crown held by the demon can even change the world itself!

"It's finished... an artifact that only belongs to my soul resonance!"

Name: "Demon Crown"

grade:? ? ?

Abilities: divine power coordination, self-improvement, idealistic power.

Evaluation: The divine crown cast by the demigod Rope with the spirit of Gufkaf, its existence surpasses the casting technique itself, and it has become a true god's weapon that is eye-catching even in the multiverse, comparable to the symbol of the evil gods things, and it will resonate with the owner's soul and grow together.

Forbidden Hand: "Dark Glory of the Tyrannical Lord".

Luo Pei looked at the rusty simple crown, smiled slightly, and put it on top of his head.

In a trance, the magic crown disappeared on the forehead of the black-haired young man.

"Divine power coordination, self-sublimation, spiritual power... not bad, really good."

Rope closed his eyes and sighed comfortably.

"I can do this with the technology of this world, Azazel, I have to thank you."

"Please don't say that, I just provided the superficial knowledge."

Azazel said sadly.

"Even if you let me watch the casting process, I still can't understand what you did to turn those unknown materials into such a thing under the technology of artificial artifacts."

He originally wanted to see how the power of demons outside the world would react with the artifacts in this world.

But Azazel had never regretted his vision so much, as if he had lived for thousands of years in vain.

He couldn't understand Luo Pei's craftsmanship and casting process at all, and that behavior seemed to be highly poisonous. Once his attention was too deep, he, who was a twelve-winged fallen angel, couldn't bear the terrible poison.

"Anyway, you provide me with help and ideas, that is your help to me, I am not a stingy person. Tomorrow I will go to hell and help you transform that place into a garden of Eden that is not inferior to the seven heavens. "

"Ha, so Fallen Angel will usher in a new increase soon..."

Azazel shook her head with a laugh.

"We have also studied the technology of transforming humans into fallen angels, but it seems that most people don't like the environment of purgatory very much..."

"Let's not talk about this, Michael should have contacted you, right?"

Luo Pei walked to the back of the desk and sat down, asking with a smile.

"Now you can study your artifact with complete peace of mind, and you don't have to worry about ancient racial hatred anymore."

"Compared to that, I am more surprised that you will play the role of guarantor in it."

"It's just a name, I won't let trivial troubles come to me."

"That's enough exaggeration... That's the name of an extraterrestrial demon. You don't know how terrible your name is among the gods, do you?"

"One of my wives is Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night, and I think I know better than you what the gods think of me."

"Hahaha, the expressions of those guys are very interesting when you think about it..."

Boom, boom, boom.

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