The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1498


"If it's Master Luo Pei..."

"Well, it makes sense."

The girls nodded one by one, affirming Hei Ge's guess.

The corner of Luo Pei's mouth twitched, and he stretched out his hand to grab Catwoman's ear.

"Pain, pain, pain! Lord Luo Pei, please spare me!"

"If you have the time to tease me, why don't you take care of Baiyin and everyone else?"

"Ahaha~ Mr. Luo Pei became angry from embarrassment..."

Catwoman laughed and ran away.

After another ten minutes, the train steadily embarked on the road to Kyoto.

After reading the newspaper in his hand, Luo Pei couldn't sit still in his seat.

But looking at Lias, who was also a bit bored, a very interesting idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

The black-haired young man leaned over and said something in the ear of the red-haired girl.

"Eh? Eh? Here? On the train?"

"It's all right?"

Even though Rias was informal, she couldn't stand Lopei's boldness, and her face turned red.

Zhen Luo Chun Ji turned her head curiously and asked.

"Rias, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing..." Lias shook her head in a panic, then got up and smiled awkwardly: "I have something to do, go to the front car with Mrs. Luo Pei, and talk about yours first..."


Everyone was not very curious, after all, the relationship between Rias and Mrs. Rope is well known.

Only Cang Na seemed to see something, but she couldn't say it out loud, she blushed and lowered her head, almost buried her head in the handbag.

Then Lopez and Rias went all the way to the toilet in the carriage.

Because it is a luxury box, it is very clean without any peculiar smell. Even so, Luo Pei still cast a small spell to make the place cleaner.

"Keep quiet, okay?"

Lopez whispered in Rias's ear.

"Otherwise, if everyone finds out, Rias Gremory's majesty will be lost..."


Rias turned around, put her hands on the water tank of the toilet, and whispered.

"Please hurry up, Cang Na and Zhu Nai are still waiting for me..."

"That depends on how hard you work."

But what Rias and Luo Pei didn't notice was that in the gap between the carriages, the Fourth Miss of the Phoenix family watched the whole process of the two entering the toilet.

The juice in her hand spilled all over the floor, and Ravel's cheeks were literally dyed the color of flames.

Chapter 109 The flames ignited in Kyoto, the jade-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox and the mad dragon

Along the way, the train driver was driving the train, and Lopez was driving Lias.

Everyone arrived at their destination at a galloping speed, which is Kyoto, also known as Heian-kyo.

The train stopped, and the boys and girls lined up to get off under the organization of the teacher, and then boarded the bus together to go to the reserved super large hot spring hotel to enjoy their seven-point school trip.

Naturally, Luo Pei would not take the bus like the students.

The servants of the son of the black goat had already been waiting for a long time in several special cars, and many young girls including Lias and Canna also sat in his convoy at the invitation of Luo Pei.

"Rias, are you not feeling well?"

Zhu Nai's question made the red-haired girl a little embarrassed, the flush on her face hadn't faded, she looked like she had a fever.

Fortunately, Rias used magic to expel her own smell again after having fun with Lopez, otherwise, if Akeno saw it, even she would be a little embarrassed.

But some things cannot be masked by taste alone.

Ravel Phoenix, who watched the whole scene, sat with her head down beside the black-haired young man. Her thin body was filled with a feeling of restlessness, and she secretly glanced at the black-haired young man from time to time.

Since the underworld came to the human world, she has been following the demon god for a long time.

During this period, whether it was the daily talk of the Demon God or private meetings alone, they all revealed a sense of politeness and elegance. Coupled with Luo Pei's deceptive appearance, Ravel even felt that the violent and willful descriptions of Luo Pei in the underworld were just unrealistic rumors.

Until the shocking scene just now came into view.

At that time, Ravel remembered what happened to the demon god when she first met.

Should, should I be the next one?

For a girl in a panic, her divergent thinking is unreasonable.

Ravel's face became redder as she thought about it, and finally her whole body was about to curl up together, frantically flicking the two ponytails on both sides of her head, trying to shake the distracting thoughts out of her head.

I don't know if the girl's distracting thoughts were thrown out, anyway, her ponytail successfully attracted Luo Pei's attention.

The black-haired youth shifted his gaze from the window to Ravel.

"Ravel, aren't you used to the air in Kyoto? Or is it a bit stuffy in the car?"

"No, it's okay!"

The phoenix girl's tense tongue began to knot.

"I'm just a little dizzy, I'll be fine in the hotel after a while..."

"Oh? Is that..."

Lopez probably met more people than Ravel had eaten, and all of them were bigwigs from other worlds, so he could of course see what Ravel was hiding.

After a little thought, Rope came to a conclusion.

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