The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1505

The one-eyed god king seemed to be making jokes out loud.

"Hey, hello, Lord Demon God, you treat me differently from beautiful girls. After all, I am also the God King of Asgard..."

"If you can't control your mouth, how about I take it down for you? Odin."


Under Luo Pei's gloomy gaze, Odin withered again.

The silver-haired Valkyrie, Roseweisse was secretly laughing.

I don't know why, seeing the Nordic god king deflated, she felt very happy from the bottom of her heart, and felt a little elated.

Odin pushed his monocle and said helplessly.

"Since the victims' daughters have all appeared, there is no need for me to tell you about the great monster in Kyoto. Lord Luo Pei, I want to remind you that there will definitely be a very powerful one at the meeting of the gods in three days' time. The enemy came to make trouble and disrupt the peace meeting between the gods. If my guess is correct, Loki is likely to join forces with Indra."

"Oh? Indra?"

"That's right, maybe you don't pay attention to those trifles. The 33-day enemy of Mount Sumeru has insisted on the idea that war creates heroes since I met him, and he hates peace to the extreme. In addition, since a hundred years ago, Emperor The secret relationship between Shi Tian and Hades..."

"It doesn't matter."

Lopez stood up beside Kunou.

There was a killing intent in his eyes.

"I have already given my name to Michael. Although I am tired of trivial matters, if those guys really dare to show up at the meeting of the gods, I will let them know the consequences of underestimating my name."

"If you make too much trouble, we weak people will be very distressed... then I won't bother you."

Odin shook his head and turned to leave.

Rossweisse also left with her main god.

At the moment of leaving, Rossweisse seemed to want to look at Rope again, and secretly turned her head.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around this time, he was caught by Luo Pei.

The black-haired youth smiled and waved goodbye and said.

"Miss Roseweather, I feel very good about you, don't you? Please don't return to Northern Europe immediately after this mess is over. If there is a chance, I would like to invite you for an afternoon tea."

"Eh? Are you serious? How dare you invite me... Although I really want to chat with a great demon god like you, I still have to be Lord Odin's bodyguard..."

The silver-haired Valkyrie twitched.

How could the seasoned Odin fail to see the Valkyrie's thoughts, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he made an obscene gesture at Rope where Roseweizer couldn't notice.

Rope gave Odin a puzzled smile back.

Odin coughed lightly.

"Rossweisse, I'm not old enough to make you worry about everything. It just so happens that I want to experience Japan's most famous custom business, so you don't have to follow me all the time. It just so happens that Mr. Luo Pei invited you. You have to hold on to your honor..."

"Go and die on those women's bellies! You perverted old man!"

"Know how to respect the old and love the young, useless Valkyrie..."

The Nordic God King left with the Valkyrie, and Lopez turned and continued to face Kunou.

The blonde fox girl blinked her eyes, as if the interaction between Rope and Odin opened the door to a new world for her.

Before officially seeing the real gods, she always thought that the gods of other gods outside were full of majesty, just like her mother when she was working.

"If there is still a misunderstanding, I will clear it up for you, Kunou."

"No, I believe you!"

Kunou suddenly took a step forward and grabbed Luo Pei's hanging left hand.

The young fox girl stared at Luo Pei with piercing eyes.

"I heard my mother, if you are the devil god, the event in Kyoto is held in your name, right? You must have a way to get my mother back, right?"


"Please! I am willing to do anything! Please save my mother!"

His schedule in Kyoto is quite full.

Several girls need him to accompany them on dates, and the disappearance of the Nine-Tailed Fox in Kyoto is not within the actions of the Demon God.

But the black-haired young man saw Kunou's expression about to cry again, and immediately gave up his boring schedule.

"Since it is a beautiful child like Kunou who asks me, then I naturally have no reason to refuse."

Lopez stroked Kunou's little head.

"Okay, I promise with my name that your mother will return to you intact."


The big monster who was supposed to cause trouble in the world with its beauty, but Kunou didn't inherit the "fascination" of the Nine-Tailed Fox at all.

Her smile was like a lily of the valley, exuding a low but dazzling pure light.

Chapter 113 Poor Valkyrie, Gods Peace Conference

Pushing back the original schedule, although some of Rope's girls complained, they still obeyed the will of the demon god very well.

They form cliques in twos and threes, and plan to enjoy themselves during the seven days in Kyoto.

In this kind of behavior, Luo Pei actually saw some signs of harem assignments. For example, Sona and Rias, the young ladies of the underworld, are inseparable, and their relatives also surround them. Although Heige and Baiyin seem too lazy to form a clique, Xenovia and Irina have made friends with Catgirl.

It made Luo Pei a little dumbfounded.

So, during the first three days of the school trip, Lopez stayed with Roseweather during the day, and went to Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine at night, chatting with princesses from both inside and outside of Kyoto all night long.

Favorability increased rapidly.

Until the night of the third day, the specific time when the meeting of the gods began.

Although Kyoto has lost its leader, Yasaka, things like the meeting of the gods cannot be sloppy. Yasaka's cadres are searching for their general in a hurry, and at the same time, they have completed the arrangement of the meeting place flawlessly.

In the twilight sky, countless meteors, invisible to ordinary people, fell towards Kyoto.

Those are the noble gods and Buddhas whose names are engraved in various myths. For the peace of the worlds, they gather in a meeting that exalts the name of evil gods.

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