The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1513

After all the troubles were over, he was taking her girls as guests at Fushimi Inari Shrine, sipping tea made by Yasaka himself.

Rias and a group of girls were demons, since it was the first time they came to a place like the shrine, they had already run around to take pictures for souvenirs, and it seemed that they wanted to make up for the embarrassing experience of never being in the shrine.

Roseweizer, who had just transferred from Odin to work in the underworld, was dragged away by Rias for no reason.

There were only Luo Pei and Yasaka Kunou mother and son in the tea room.

"What do you think?"

This beautiful young woman whose race is a nine-tailed fox is just like the real incarnation of Yamato Nadeko, so gentle and outrageous.

Not only is the tone soft, but any posture is full of charm and elegance unique to mature women.

Coupled with the same blond hair and golden pupils as her daughter Kunou, such a scene was naturally used by Luo Pei as a small side dish for drinking tea.

"My sense of taste is very dull, and I can only distinguish between good and bad black tea."

Rope shook his head and smiled.

This was trained by that month in the blood-devouring attack on the world. After all, that gothic loli doesn't drink anything except black tea, so she can be called a black tea madman.

It was Luo Pei's joke, but Yasaka took it seriously and got up immediately.

"Although I don't know if there is black tea in the shrine, I will prepare it for you..."

"Don't be nervous about anything, sit down, Yasaka."

Rope said.

"Your daughter is calmer than you."


Kunou pursed her lips and smiled, as if she was happy to be compared with her perfect mother by Luo Pei and slightly better.

With a two-day buffer period and Luo Pei's unchanging gentle personality, the little girl has completely recovered the intimacy with Luo Pei after being frightened on the battlefield.

Yasaka was not shy at being told that, and just patted her daughter's head submissively.

"Jouzhong is still young and doesn't understand things. In front of such a noble god like you, how can I be as ignorant as my daughter?"

"The thousand-year-old nine-tailed fox..."

Yasaka brushed the tea bowl quietly, asked Kunou to add new tea foam, and asked curiously.

"Lord Luo Pei, may I ask you a presumptuous question?"

"Say it."

"At this moment when the gods have left, is there any important thing for you to stay in the capital?"

Yasaka was a little nervous when asked this question.

She was not diluted by Luo Pei's gentle appearance. Nine-Tailed Fox still remembered the rampant words of Yamata no Orochi and the identity of the evil dragon king long ago.

If Luo Pei intends to save his subordinates and indulge them, then the unrecovered Kyoto may suffer another heavy blow from the evil dragon.

That evil dragon, imprisoned for thousands of years, is full of anger waiting to explode.

And this time they couldn't even take a shot to stop Yamata no Orochi, just because Luo Pei was standing behind the evil dragon. If you offend the demon god, Kyoto will face a tragic end of death.

Just like those god heroes who were easily crushed by the demon god.

"Important matter? Probably not... I came with the students on the school trip. If I have to say an important matter, that is, as the chairman of the board, to supervise them not to mess around?"

Rope didn't understand Yasaka's worry.

The Nine-Tailed Fox swallowed, and asked again involuntarily.

"I heard that, long before I was born, you were the king of evil dragons and ruled them, and even launched a disaster called "Evil Dragon Rebellion" against the gods..."

"It seems so, and then?"


Yasaka went all out.

"Among the evil dragons, there is a great evil dragon known by the world as the "crazy dragon that devours the spirit", Yamata no Orochi... Its hometown is the island country at the foot of my concubine. After being sealed, the soul also naturally drifts away So far..."

Yasaka looked miserable.

"I am not talented. After serving as the general of the Japanese monster Dongdong hundreds of years ago, I have become the guardian of the soul of Yamata no Orochi. And the evil dragon claimed that you have arrived in Kyoto a few days ago, as the evil dragon. The king will liberate it and return to the world."


Rope finally understood what Yasaka was talking about.

The blond lady lay down on the tatami, and Kunou stared blankly at her mother's humble posture.

"I want to ask you to show mercy, but I hope you don't want to unseal your old department! If the seal is unsealed, the 1.5 million souls in the world inside and outside the capital will never recover! That evil spirit with the power of Tianlong Dragon, will pour all the anger over Kyoto!"

"So that's how it is."

Yasaka raised his head cautiously, looking at the Demon God's cheek.

Unlike the rage she imagined, Luo Pei's expression was still peaceful.

Rope spread his hands and said.

"Your worry is really unnecessary."

"You mean... you don't intend to lift the seal of Yamata no Orochi? Even if it is your old department?"

"My contract with the evil dragon was terminated in ancient times, so my title of "Evil Dragon King" has become a thing of the past. Luo Pei laughed and said: "It's also my fault that I like to seal my perception in my daily state, otherwise I will definitely find the arrogance of Yamata no Orochi, and I won't let Yasaka you bear such a long time of worry." "

The stone hanging in Yasaka's heart finally fell to the ground, and her expression immediately turned cloudy.

"I'm really sorry, but I'm too afraid of the consequences in Kyoto..."

If Yasaka was alone, she would definitely not be so afraid of Yamata no Orochi.

You are an evil dragon, and I am a nine-tailed fox. If you want to fight, you can fight whoever you are afraid of?

But Yasaka has a group of people who need shelter, and a daughter who must be protected no matter what, which makes her weakened countless times invisibly, and she is tied up, thinking about this and that.

Yasaka said with a smile all over his face, saluted and got up.

"It's getting late, and I'm going to prepare lunch for everyone. The rice grains at Fushimi Inari Taisha are all gathered from the power of the harvest, and they have a special flavor. Please enjoy it."

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