The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1515

"I can't do that, Cangna." Serafulu shook her head, "Look at how favored Lias is, if she doesn't know how to use a weapon as a woman, Cangna-chan will soon be defeated. At that time, not only you, but even my sister will lose face in front of Serjex."

"Don't force your younger sister just because of the emotional dispute!"

Sona couldn't bear it anymore, pinched Serafulu's cheeks and pulled them apart.

she whispered.

"I don't want to take the initiative...Girls should be more reserved..."

"Oh? So if Master Luo Pei takes the initiative, you will immediately follow?"

Seraflu's eyes lit up.

"Great! My sister will tell Master Luo Pei tonight, and promise to satisfy Canna's girlish heart!"

"Shut up! Sister, if you do this again, I will return to the world!"

The other girls also had their own joys, having a lively breakfast.

After dinner, Gurefia led the girls to choose their favorite room.

The floating city is very large, and the palace complex that is the main accommodation for Rope is even more outrageously large, and it is decorated according to different styles, so there is no need to worry about not being able to satisfy the accommodation tastes of the girls.

Luo Pei held Kunou with his right hand and walked on the city's clean white stone streets.

At first Kunou was afraid of those black goat cubs wandering around, but when Luo Pei called a black goat cub and ordered it to lower its head for Kunou to touch, the girl seemed to have opened the door to a new world, The hideous appearance of the black goat cub gradually faded in Jiuzhong's eyes.

"Do you like it here? Kunou."


The blond fox cub nodded vigorously.

"It's beautiful, much more beautiful than Kyoto! Since yesterday, I've been thinking how great it would be if I could live here for a long time."

"What's the matter?"

The black-haired young man hugged Kunou up to his waist and let her sit on his arms.

"It's not easy for Jiuzhong to want to live here? When I take care of your mother's trivial matters, if you don't dislike the emptiness of this place, you can come and live here for a long time after school holidays. Even after you graduate, you can also live here." You can come to work here in the underworld."


"I won't lie to Kunou."

"Speaking of mom..."

Kunou looked at Luo Pei hesitantly.

"Some time ago, my mother often left Kyoto, saying that she was going to Mr. Luo Pei, what happened between you and my mother? Every time my mother came back, she had a strange expression..."

"Uh... let's not mention this."

Luo Pei hugged Kunou up so that she could look directly at his face.

"Jinou thinks that I have a good relationship with your mother, is it good or bad?"

"Of course it's a good thing! I like Lord Luo Pei very much, and I like my mother very much!"

"Then Kunou can treat me as a family?" Luo Pei combed the young girl's hair: "You can tell me if you are unhappy, you can act like a baby in my arms when you feel depressed and tired, and I will always Protect Kunou and your mother."

"This, this, is this a confession?"

Although Kunou is pure, she doesn't know everything.

These words made the little girl bow her head shyly.

"I am very willing to treat Mrs. Luo Pei as a family... But my mother said, I can't cause you too much trouble."

"How can this be troublesome?"

Rope laughed.

"Your mother is also my subordinate, Kunou only needs to listen to me, and I will explain it to Yasaka."


Compared with Yasaka who can attack with a straight ball and forcibly capture him, Kunou will have to step by step.

After all, age and experience are there. Too strong will cause rebellious psychology. The fine wine that Luo Pei wants to taste is not like that.

Thousands of years old fritters, Luo Pei is already familiar with controlling the psychology of girls.

Walking, suddenly Luo Pei's footsteps stopped.

At the entrance of the independent side hall belonging to the "Supreme Mother Goddess" in the distance, there is a girl in a white dress standing alone, facing the warm wind blowing from the south of the underworld, pressing a straw hat with sunflowers on her right hand.

She turned around and smiled at Luo Pei.

Luo Pei nodded as if responding, and then put Kunou on the black goat cub who was following him.

"For the rest of the place, this black goat will take Kunou around, right? Don't be afraid of any scary creatures, they can't hurt you."

"Where is Mr. Rope?"

"There is a little bit of trouble here." Luo Pei said with a smile: "See you at lunch, okay?"


The black goat cubs left with Kunou on their backs, while Rope strode towards Shabu.

Shabu Nicholas, the mother goddess of one of the three highest pillars, has been staying in her bedroom since the door was built, and ignored Luo Pei. Compared with other evil gods that Luo Pei came into contact with, she seems to be less Got a lot of energy like that.

To be able to walk out of her own bedroom today, to be honest, Luo Pei was quite surprised.

Originally, he had planned that if Shabu didn't come out tonight, he would take the initiative to find her.

"How are you playing? Little Luo Pei~"

Shabu still has that gentle and maternal voice.

Rope smiled.

"Of course I played well, and with the divinity of "Happiness", I will definitely not treat myself badly. "

"That's good."

"It seems that you are waiting for me specially. Did something happen while you were behind closed doors?"

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