The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1529

The gods of the upper realm are extremely popular among the humans in this world.

The uncle coachman jumped off the carriage and roared loudly towards the back.

"Boy! Take the plush chair in your car out of your backpack! Give me a little work for you, a free ride, and Lord Shangshen will take the car too!"

"Lord God!?"

In the carriage, came the boy's exclamation.

Almost rolling and crawling, a rabbit-like boy with white hair and red eyes jumped out of the carriage, and was about to rush to Luo Pei with a face full of excitement.

Luo Pei smiled unabated, looking at the emotional young boy.

—Bell Clowney.

The adopted grandson of Zeus, the god of heaven, a pure boy with heroic aptitude is rare.

It is also the protagonist in the original fate of this world before the demons come.


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Chapter 2 Heroes and "How the Steel Was Tempered"

"Master Shangshen, what does the upper realm look like?"

"My lord, have you just arrived in the lower realm? Are you planning to go to Olalie to establish your family, and then write the legend of your family's heroes in that dungeon legend?"

"My lord..."

After sitting in the carriage with Bell Cranney, this rabbit-like boy never stopped talking, full of curiosity and worship of God.

This is also understandable.

All the knowledge Bell Craney has learned since he was born has only stayed in the mouth of that small mountain village and his grandfather. Since his grandfather "passed away", this was the first time that Bell walked out of that remote place, and really looked at the world alone.

But even with such a strong curiosity, Bell still didn't lose his manners in front of Rope.

Bell asked for a while, seeing that Luo Pei was unwilling to answer, he lowered his head in frustration and stopped talking.

——At the same time as being innocent, the boy's considerate character is also clearly visible.

Luo Pei sat on the soft chair specially provided by the coachman, holding a novel in his hand, leaning on his right hand to support his cheek.

"Mr. Clooney."


Bell heard God calling his name, and quickly straightened his back and replied.

He scratched his head rather embarrassingly.

"You can just call me Bell. Mr. Clooney or something, I can't afford to be called that..."

"All right, Bell."

Luo Pei fit the book in his hand, looked at Bell and asked.

"This carriage is heading towards Orari, is your goal also there?"

"That's right!"

Mentioning Olalie, Bell's face flushed.

"The center of the world, the underground city of Orario! I'm going there to become an adventurer, and then look for the encounter that grandpa said!"

"Looking for encounters in dungeons?"

"Yes, this is my wish!"

"only these?"

Asked by Luo Pei, Bell noticed the blue eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and he felt embarrassed.

He whispered shyly.

"And...and, I want to be a "hero"..."

Teenagers yearn for heroes.

The books that accompanied him throughout his childhood, and the gorgeous stories in Hero Tales, have become Bell's biggest dream outside of "Looking forward to Encounters in the Dungeon".

He wants to be an adventurer.

Then defeat the star-studded monsters in the dungeon and become an outstanding hero in the eyes of the people and adventurers.

This simple desire has never changed.

Bell closed his eyes, ready to bear the ridicule from Lord God. After all, he himself knows that he is no longer a child and still yearns for a "hero", which is really embarrassing.

but no.

Bell opened his eyes and found that the black-haired youth was looking at him seriously.

"Hero, nice wish."

The God named Rope said that, affirming Bell's innocent longing.

"You, do you really think so?" Bell was excited.

"My lord, can I really be a hero?"

"I would not deny the possibility of 'being a hero'. "

Rope said flatly.

"Everyone has the qualifications to be a hero, big or small, as long as they can walk on their own path with a clear conscience, even a gangster can become a "gangster star", and a villain can become a "savior of the villain". But the way to become a hero is full of various changes, Bell, have you ever thought about what kind of hero you want to be? "

Luo Pei's question made Bell freeze in place.

He began to think about what kind of hero he wanted to be.

"If, sure enough, it's the kind that repels the strongest monsters and wins the favor of beautiful girls?"

Bell hesitantly spoke of the simplest kind of hero.

Rope shook his head and smiled.

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