The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1531

By the way, have I now entered the dream world that Master Shangshen said?

The white rabbit-like boy stared wide-eyed at the exotic building in front of him.

Cooking smoke rises from the chimney, wrapped in scarves, the aunts with big arms and waists are talking in unfamiliar, but incomprehensible words.

This, is this the dream world of the gods? So real!

Suddenly a train whistle sounded, frightening him to sit on the ground.

Bell stared blankly at the steel monster that he had never seen before, with black smoke still rising from the top.

"What's the matter with you, Crowney?"

Bell heard someone calling him behind his back.

Turning around foolishly, he found that it was a young man with a peaked cap who was about his age.

"You, who are you?"

He asked tentatively, but found that the words that came out of his mouth had become another language.

The boy with dirty cheeks frowned and pulled Bell up from the ground.

"My God, what's wrong with you? You don't even know me?"

" are?"

"You? What you? I'm Paul."

said the boy.

"Paul Korchagin, the hero who sprinkled ashes in the face of the priest. Don't be dazed, my mother asked me to find you for dinner, and you should say something nice to me later, or I will be beaten... ..."

Bell let Paul pull, drifting with the flow.

There is only one thing he can be sure of.

This world is not as real as it is illusory.

Chapter Three Revolutionary Heroes, Redism

After several days of journey, the carriage finally arrived at the center of the world in a rickety state.

"This is Olalie."

The driver introduced Luo Pei with a proud tone.

"Master Shangshen, you only need to report your identity to the guard. I have to sell things, so I won't bother you."


Rope took out a jewel and handed it to the coachman.

"You take this as a reward."

The middle-aged man froze, then laughed and waved his hands.

"Forget your kindness! I've already received enough rewards! Walking with God, now I can brag in front of the bumpkins in my hometown when I go back."

As he said that, the coachman, who did not notice Bell's disappearance under the hint technique, drove the carriage into Orario freely.

Rope looked up at the center of the world, a city where gods and adventurers dance together, built next to the maze of monster dungeons.

The tall stone wall, the huge wall is so high that normal people can only see the top when they look up until their neck hurts, which is full of force. As the breakwater of the only labyrinth in the world, the wall that has been standing here leisurely since ancient times gives people a cold and forbidding feeling.

From a distance, the Tongtian Tower that seems to be connected to the sky shows the extraordinaryness of this city.

Magnificent beyond any kingdom, the labyrinth city of Orario!

Although Luo Pei has long been accustomed to magnificent buildings, this does not prevent him from admiring the scenery of O'Leary.

Everything is interesting in the new world.

Before the gate of the city, there are guards wearing leather armor, and the flags with spears in their hands have the pattern of elephant heads.

That is the family with the largest number of Orari, the family of the "group leader" Ganesha. Due to their large numbers, members of the Ganesha Familia are often responsible for tasks that ordinary adventurers don't care about.

When Rope was about to step towards Orario, the books in his brown robe made waves.

" it time?"

He took out the book "How Steel Was Tempered".

The slight power of dreams exerted above has bottomed out in the past few days of consumption.

But Rope doesn't plan to add any more.

The dozens of hours along the way are almost equivalent to the decades in the book. If Luo Pei adds the power of dreams to the book, I'm afraid Bell Cranney will really die of old age in the book.

This is not what Rope wants.

He found an empty corner and threw the books out.

The black book floated in mid-air, emitting colorful light from the dream.

In the light, a boy with white hair and red pupils was lying on the ground.

He looked stiff, as if he didn't know why he suddenly appeared here.

"...Here is, where?"

Bell murmured, standing up and looking around in a panic.

Finally, he noticed Luo Pei who was standing quietly aside.

The sleeping memory was waking up, and the expression of the white-haired boy gradually collapsed.


Bell held his head and murmured in pain.

"I can't be here! Paul needs me! The Bolsheviks need me too! It's not true, I have to go back... The revolution has not yet succeeded, there are still so many poor and oppressed people waiting for us to liberate them... ..."

Rope walked up to Bell and patted Bell on the shoulder.

"Calm down, Bell. Carefully recall the real memories, haven't you forgotten? Everything you experienced in that world is just false..."


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