The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1534

She tilted her head, her expression ranged from happy to puzzled to unbelievable.

Then, at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, he ran to Luo Pei with his eyes shining.

"Master Loki?"

"Hey! Lord Loki, be careful to be caught by the guards for harassing others on the street!"

The Loki Familia couldn't figure out why their main god was so excited.

Loki ran up to Luo Pei, his eyes were completely occupied by curiosity, and he grabbed Luo Pei's hand with both hands!

"Hey hey hey! Are you really a god? Are you not a mortal? But it doesn't make sense at all! I know all the gods in the upper world, but I have never seen you before. What are you..."

Rope's mouth twitched.

He found himself somewhat overestimating the gods of this world.

What's the matter with this kind of personality that is like being imprisoned for millions of years without entertainment? Are all the gods of your world casually doing this on the street? No more dignity?

"Stop! Loki! Didn't you see the impatience on his face!"

"That's right, even if you see a familiar god, you can't treat him like this..."

Tiona and Tione, the Amazon sisters, each held Loki's arm, and pulled their main god away from Rope.

"What do you know, brat! I don't know him at all!" Loki shouted, "It's because I don't know him that the problem is serious! When I used to be bored and play pranks, I knew all the gods in the upper world. There is no man in front of you! Do you understand what this means?"


"A god that Master Loki doesn't even know..."

"How come, Loki, don't you claim that you have no gods you don't know..."

The members of the Loki family looked at each other in blank dismay.

After all, they are human beings, and there is no room for too much interfering in matters between the gods.

Rope sighed and spoke.

"Even if you don't know me, there's no need to make such a big commotion, right? Everyone on the street is looking at you..."

"Speak! You can speak!"


Looking at the short-haired goddess of alizarin red with no malice but only interest, Luo Pei, who came for the first time, understood how funny the gods of this world really are.

Loki broke free from the shackles of the Amazon sisters, and ran to Rope again.

"Tell me quickly! Who are you?"

"Here? On this high street?"

Luo Pei asked incredulously, it was hard for him to imagine what was going on in the brain circuit of this goddess.

"Anywhere is fine! I want to hear it! I want to hear it! I don't know a god! It's super interesting! Tell me!"

She just acted like a baby.

A goddess, just like this in the street, rolling around like a baby in full view of everyone.

Everyone in the Loki family, except "Sword Maiden" Ess Wallenstein who was looking at Rope seriously, the faces of the others all turned black. Obviously, it is very embarrassing for the main god to do this.

Even if Luo Pei's face is like an iron wall, he can't stand Loki's shamelessness.

He frowned and said.

"Forget it, there's nothing to hide anyway..."


Loki sat on the ground, pricking up his ears and listening carefully.

The dark-haired young man spread his hands.

"It's natural that the native gods of your world don't know me. I just came from another world, so I can be regarded as a traveler from another world. Of course, as you can see, I am also a god... Can you get up from the ground? This goddess."

Loki's expression froze.

The same goes for the Loki family, including the melon-eaters on the street who are listening to the gods' noises, all of them are stunned, and some even don't even realize that half a glass of wine is spilled on the ground.

Just now, what did that black-haired male god say?

Gods from other worlds?

Besides this world and the upper realm where the gods live, are there other worlds?

Loki's pretty cheeks twisted into a ball, his hands clenched into fists, and then he stood up abruptly, roaring with the loudest voice ever.

"Here we come! The most interesting thing is coming! The gods who traveled from other worlds!!!"

Loki's voice resounded over half of Orario's sky.

Chapter 5 God from Another World, Orario's Disturbance

"Hey, have you heard?"


"At the Avenue of the Adventurers in the morning, about Loki."

"Loki? The main god of the Loki family? Really, what the hell are those gods who are just looking for trouble..."

"Not Loki! I heard that Loki met a god..."

"If you go out and walk around in O'Lari, almost one out of a hundred people is a god."

"It's not from this world! It's a god from another world! The other world that Loki himself admitted!"

"……real or fake?"

With the rapid spread of the news, the labyrinth city Orario entered into an unprecedented commotion.

Adventurers, residents, merchants, they all had a heated discussion around the "God of another world".

Some people think this is a sign of crisis, and it is not good for the other world to be too close to their own world. Some are proud that Olalie can even attract gods from other worlds. Doesn't this prove that the center of the world is outstanding?

But unlike the mortals who just talked about it, the gods really exploded.

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