The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1550

He will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.

After a while, everyone put down the script.

It is indeed a good story that makes men silent and women cry. Compared with the boring biographical hero stories currently circulating on the market, the depth is not known to be higher.

Among them, Refia, an elf girl from the Loki family, even sobbed softly.

"Lorne is so infatuated. Even if he becomes a ghost, he still doesn't forget the goddess he loves..."

"Is it so exaggerated? It's just a drama story... Come on, let me be healthy!"

Loki reached out and grabbed Refia's manuscript.

Watching slowly, Loki's smile disappeared.

No being can empathize with this script more than God.

The short-lived children, the immortal ones, even some gods complained during drinking and banquets, why they have such a long life, and cannot grow old and die with the children.

The unspeakable loneliness and pain, as well as the feelings of Xiangyang, all deeply impacted Luo Ji's heart.

Rocky is autistic, but it doesn't mean that everyone is autistic.

Finn looked at the script and then at the projector on the wall. He instinctively sensed that this would be a big event that would change the form of Olalie's entertainment.

The head of the little human race said to Luo Pei seriously.

"Lord Luo Pei, thank you for being able to find our Loki family. I swear in the name of the Loki family that I will obey your arrangement and work hard to complete this matter that we have never touched before."

"Full of energy!"

"That's great, I also want to have such a lingering and infatuated love story with the leader..."

"...Tionne, are you cursing the captain to die?"

"shut your mouth!"

"Then without further ado, let's start today."


"I'm going too, I'm going too!" Loki raised his hand high: "Rope~ I want to participate in your script too, give me a role in a drama~"

Rope sighed.

"……talk later."

Not to mention that Hestia started to use his taunting skills again, promoting himself as the heroine, and arguing with Loki.

After looking around, Luo Pei didn't find the blond girl.

"Where's Miss Ace?"

"Eh? When I first came here, I seemed to see Ais practicing sword..." Tiona nodded her chin and said, "There's no need to call her, right? Ais's expression rarely changes, and this kind of acting job is not suitable for her." La."

"The famous sword girl Olali is also a unique scenery. If you want to be serious, you need to be grander."

Rope said and got up.

"Take me to meet Ai Si, and there are some other things I want to talk to her about."


Ignoring the two goddesses, the Loki family and Lopez headed all the way to the backyard of the villa.

From a distance, Luo Pei saw the girl with blond hair and golden pupils, holding a rapier, dancing fiercely.

Ais's level is LV.5, she possesses a physical ability countless times beyond that of a mortal, and the rapier in her hand seems to be calling for a storm.

"Ais is always like this. When there is no dungeon expedition, she either stays in the room, or practices the sword silently by herself. She even rarely goes shopping. Last time I went to buy equipment with her..." Teona said.

Looking at Aisi's sword dance, Luo Pei could clearly feel the girl's eagerness and confusion.

After becoming LV.5, the delay in promotion made Ais very worried.

She has her own goals, and she can't just stop at this level.



Rope raised his finger, interrupting Tiona's call to Ace.

The streamer was shining, and he stretched out his hand to shape a golden blunt sword without an edge, and walked towards Jian Ji.

"Let me play with Ace for a while."

Teona wanted to say something, but was stopped by Finn.

"it does not matter."

"But... Mrs. Rope is a god?" Diona said worriedly, "If you use the divine power that night, Ais will definitely die instantly!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Luo Pei is a measured person, and my eyes can't make mistakes in seeing people."

Finn said.

"Looking at Mr. Rope, he plans to fight Aisi with a sword. Unlike our useless gods, I also want to see the swordsmanship of gods from other worlds."

Hearing this, the Loki family held their breath and looked at Lope and Ais in the middle of the field.

Aisi also noticed the arrival of Luo Pei, and the sword dance in her hand stopped.

Seeing the blunt sword that Luo Pei showed her, without using words to communicate, the girl immediately understood, nodded and rushed towards Luo Pei.

There was a huge sonic boom as the blades collided.

Lopez held Ais's sword and said with a smile.

"Don't worry about hurting me. I am a god. There is no way for your sword to really touch me. Let me see your sword skills. Similarly, I will respond to you with the skills that truly belong to the gods. Swordsmanship from another world."


Afterwards, golden and sharp flowers bloomed in the Loki family's garden.

Chapter Fourteen Sword Skill "Bounce", Aisi's Sword Skill Instructor

In the eyes of Luo Pei, who has already surpassed the level of "Sword Master", Aisi's swordsmanship is full of flaws.

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