The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1552

"I didn't expect that you are not only so powerful, but also have such outstanding fighting skills! Is this the almighty god of another world?"

It's nothing more than a girl will be surprised.

The gods of this world may indeed have relatively powerful power to unlock the seal, but their technology is really hard to compliment.

Not to mention Loki, it's Ares who bears the title of "God of War". His swordsmanship can't last a round under Aisi's hands, and he kneels in a standard second.

After listening to Luo Pei's explanation of the problems she had just fought, Ai Si fell into deep thought while holding the broken sword.

"Sorry, Ais, I will pay you back the original price of your sword, or if you can adapt to the new weapon, it doesn't matter if I give you a better one."

Ace, who had received great help, was about to say "it's okay", but Tione immediately rushed over and tightly covered the blond girl's mouth.

she said with a smile.

"Then trouble Mrs. Rope~"

The landlord's family has no surplus food!

The "Sword of Despair" is a rare weapon with the "indestructible" attribute. According to the price of Orario, it will cost at least a few hundred million mana. You can't let the girl who is naturally dumb just say no to it.

"Ais, the family has a new mission." Finn spoke only at this time.

"Master Luo Pei will hire all of us to participate in the drama performance, and each will be paid 50 million Farley. You may also have to play at that time."


Ace was a little distracted.

She kept staring at Luo Pei, as if she wanted to ask something.

Finn, who noticed this, sighed and said to Rope.

"Although saying this will cause you trouble, I still want to ask Mr. Luo Pei, can you explain Aisi's doubts a little bit."


"Then we'll go back and make preparations before that, and we'll come back to you later."

The Loki family returned to the house while discussing the battle of Rope just now.

In the end, there were only Ace and Luo Pei left in the courtyard.


"...Well." Ai Si nodded slightly: "Even if you give me a detailed explanation, I put myself in the shoes and think about it, but I can't reach your level."

"It depends on years of practice, eagerness can't solve things."

"I can feel that my progress has stagnated... Simply killing those monsters in the dungeon can no longer bring me improvement." Aisi clutched her chest: "...I don't like this feeling."

"So you're masochistically sparring against the air?"

"You can't trouble others, they also have their own things to do..."

Looking at the girl's slightly troubled expression, Luo Pei smiled gently.

"If you don't mind, come find me."

"Looking for you? But, you are a god..."

"A god who can defeat you." Rope jokingly said, "What? Could it be that my skills are not qualified to be your training target?"

"No." Ai Si blinked: "Won't this cause you trouble?"

"I don't think so."


Ace thanked her sincerely.

"Oh, right."

Rope began to fiddle with something in his pocket.

"Although I just said that it's okay to pay with money, but I don't exchange that much cash now, it's just gems. I'll give you a good sword weapon right now."

Then, as if by magic, the black-haired youth took out a sword from his pocket.

Yes, that's right, in the shallow pocket of the jacket.

If it wasn't for the dazzling brilliance of the sword, Ais would have pursed her lips and smiled.

"Is this... a magic weapon?"

"That's right, but it's different from the fragile magic weapon in your impression that will be destroyed after being used a few times. This weapon is absolutely indestructible. You can use it as a magic skill with a limited number of times."

Lopez handed over his rapier made of "dark matter".

This sword can be charged three times a day, sending out a black slash with a strong gravitational effect.

Considering that Aisi may hate the character of relying on external power to improve her strength, Lopez deliberately constructed this indestructible blade that is not exaggerated.

"This... is too expensive."

It is common sense for people in this world that the magic sword will be damaged after use.

A magic sword that will not wear out, I am afraid that the blacksmiths of all Orario will go crazy.

This thing can no longer be measured simply by money.

"It's okay, I'm a god, and gods always have all kinds of treasures." Luo Pei laughed.

"...Thank you so much."

"One more thing. Your left foot was hit by my wind pressure just now. I'll treat you. We're about to go out to work soon. It's not a good habit to work with injuries."

Rope squatted down, reaching out to grab Aisi's calf in white stockings.

The girl dodged subconsciously, but was immediately caught by the black-haired youth again.

Feeling the temperature of Luo Pei's palm and the tingling pain that gradually disappeared, Ai Si blinked her eyes, her heart filled with an inexplicable throbbing that she couldn't describe.


Ace asked weakly.

"Can I call you... Teacher?"

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