The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 156

After the speech spirit recited, Salvatore's blade was gradually squeezed out by Rope's muscles.

"Hmm... is this the true face of your power?"

He found that after Ropey finished using his authority, no matter how hard he tried to increase his strength or his spell power, he couldn't push the blade of the magic sword forward.

Just like Luo Pei's body and his blade are magnets of the same polarity, they are full of huge repulsive force.

"From now on, I refuse the damage of 'slash'."

Luo Pei retracted his arm with a smile, his wound had begun to heal under the effect of bloodline ability.

"It's a joke that makes people laugh."

Salvatore didn't stop, and slashed at Rope with the speed of swinging his sword like a storm. With every gesture, the sword energy emanating from the aftermath of the blade changed the terrain of the island, and even the sea surface was broken, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

As the king of swords, he does not have the rich and varied powers of other godslayers, able to deal with various situations.

All his abilities are enhanced around the sword, so he only has the attack method of slashing.

The ever-strengthening sharp blade increases the spell power. Just like what Yan Ling described, Tony does not allow things in this world that he can't cut. The meaning of the "torn silver arm" is to "cut off"!

"Best friend! I will cut off your 'steel'!"

With a roar, he swung a simple cleave.

But that sword energy became stronger than ever before, exuding a silver light and slashing towards Luo Pei, which contained the absolute belief that he swore to cut him in half.

Rope used his left arm again, but the force contained in it still made him smash against the rock behind him.

The spirit of 'rejection' is weakening?

No, not really. Luo Pei looked carefully at Tony who was already panting in front of him.

In the original book, the sword king's slash can not only cause physical damage, but also sever conceptual things - Kusanagi Godou's sword of words and spirits is the best example.

"Do you keep swinging your sword to weaken the effect of my power?"

R'lyeh's magic pattern spread upward along his arm, and finally bit Luo Pei's neck tightly.

—He's going to be serious.

"It's a good idea, but it's too boring for you to attack all the time, now it's my turn!"

As the ruler of the ocean, Luo Pei once again uttered the unruly words.

"Oceans, lakes, rivers, obey me! Destroy the enemy in front of me with the power of ten thousand waves! Deprive him of his life!"

It was a completely different scene from the last time we played against the disobedient Vishma.

The ocean kept rising and rising behind Luo Pei, and finally turned into huge waves in Tony's surprised eyes, even covering the brilliance of the sun.

It is the oldest natural disaster recorded by mankind, and it is also the wrath of the ocean that covers about two-thirds of the earth.


The instigator of the incident, Rope, was lifted up by the waves and looked down at Salvatore standing on the island, Lanxess said.

"I told you you'd regret it, Tony."

With a wave of his hand, several giant dragons formed by gathering water elements appeared in the waves.

"I am the trampler of the waves! The symbol of the furious power of the sea! Brave yourself up, be ready, and don't let a single leak pass! Because every drop of sea water you see will become your most terrible enemy! They will be in the The moment you relax takes your life!"

With Luo Pei's words, the sea water poured down.

As if Atlas tilted the sky cover, the sea water smashed towards Salvatore Tony with a force of hundreds of thousands of tons.

——No, such an attack can hardly be called 'against a certain person'.

In front of the tsunami of Rope, what it wants to destroy is this island made up of reefs!

"—Steel! Protect me!"

Facing such a tsunami, it is no longer a level that can be split with a sword. Tony can only quickly read out another powerful speech of his own.

The power usurped from Siegfried, the Norse hero of steel.

Tony can turn himself into steel, which is unparalleled in both weight and hardness, which greatly increases Tony's own weight and will not be easily blown away.

On top of this, the body of steel can also prevent Tony from suffocating and the low temperature, and can also become a state of suspended animation. The only shortcoming is that it is difficult to resist the nemesis of high temperature, but it is also enough to support tens of minutes in the flames of the sun.

Tony's whole body was entwined with the mantras of the runes, roots took root under his feet, and he stood motionless in the huge waves.

But the reef he set foot on was not so lucky.

How can the anger of the sea be something that a small island can contend with? Ordinary people seem to be very hard rocks, but the tsunami in Lopei is as fragile as paper, falling apart under the impact of water.

And Salvatore also fell into the ocean because he lost his foothold.

The water dragon kept biting him, all kinds of strange creatures living in the deep sea listened to Rope's command, and attacked the big steel man in front of him, and there were even a few evil Cthulhu creatures mixed in.

"From now on, the battlefield is dominated by me."

Facing the King of Swords who was constantly struggling and waving his sword but unable to fall down, Luo Pei showed a confident smile.

"Feel the horror of the deep sea! It will be an unforgettable memory in your life!"

Then, like a fish, he followed Salvatore and dived into the dark deep sea.

Chapter 44: The Violent Wine of the Gods

As the sea continued to fall, Tony felt more and more powerless.

Not only the increased water pressure, but he found that no matter how much he swung his sword to kill these divine beasts, he was doing useless work, and he could only consume his physical strength for no reason.

They are like the sea, one wave after another, never knowing to stop.

Simply, Tony didn't care about them, and let the monsters attack him. Anyway, with the protection of the "Guard of Steel", he wouldn't be hurt by enemies of this level.

What caught his attention was Rope.

Pulling himself into the deep sea, a world completely ruled by darkness and pressure, must have his intentions, if he is not careful, maybe he will find a way to break his "protection of steel".

"Tony, besides being able to suffocate people, the sea has other abilities..."


Luo Pei's voice, ignoring the principle of air transmission, sounded directly in Tony's mind.

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