The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1563

Beauty God smiled and said to Luo Pei himself.

"Great god of another world, Your Excellency Luo Pei. I am not only curious about how you can create the "elixir of aging", but also fascinated by your novel art called "movie". After this auction is over, would you like to visit the residence of the Freya family? I would very much like to have a long talk with you all night about art..."

This is basically a very simple and clear application for dating.

When some male gods around saw Freya personally inviting Luo Pei, they all showed expressions of envy and hatred.

However, Luo Pei, who is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, did not buy into the roadside stalls at all, and just smiled and ignored them.

Male gods such as Hermes and Ganesha in the shadows on the stage gave thumbs up.

Thinking about it differently, if Freya invited them like this, their souls would probably float three feet away from their bodies.

Freya was not annoyed at being rejected for the second time vaguely, but just looked at the black-haired youth on the stage with increasingly interested eyes.

"Then the second..."

"The Freya family, 500 million mana!"

Before Lopez could finish speaking, Ota the "Fighter" continued to quote instead of his goddess.

It was only at this moment that the audience realized that Freya was planning to buy all five "elixir of youth"!

The gods refused this time.

Don’t worry about scarcity but inequality, what does it mean that one can barely give you Freya’s face, but you want all of them? Do you not regard us as gods?

"Don't even think about the lustful goddess!"

Loki growled.

"I bid 600 million Farley!"

"Ahahaha, forgive me, Loki, I also have a child on my side who I want to live forever."

Hermes laughed.

"Eight hundred million fare."

Although the overall strength of Hermes' family is average, he has been doing business outside all the year round, and the accumulated wealth may be even richer than Loki's.

"The farther to the back, the less the amount of potions, the more intense the competition. The correct way is to join the battle at this moment. Mmm! I am Ganesha!"

Ganesha raised his hands high.

"I bid one billion Farley!"

"Ganesha, do you have that much money?"

"My family property is 1.5 billion fare! If I buy the "elixir of youth", it will indeed hurt my muscles and bones... But! The love for children cannot be measured by money! I am Ganesha! "

The words of Ganesha reached the hearts of the gods.

The gods, who were still a little hesitant about the price, gritted their teeth and prepared to use all their funds after the lower realm to join the battle.

Not just the premiere day of the world's first film.

In this spacious Olalie Grand Theater, the world's first auction is underway.

And it's getting worse.

Chapter 21 "God of Miracles and Arts" Rope

The most grand auction in history for the "elixir of immortality", which is related to immortality, was held at the Olalie Grand Theater.

At first, the adventurers could dream about the "elixir of youth", but soon the cruel reality extinguished all their ambitions.

This place has become the arena of the gods.

The gods gathered the power of their families and swayed money that could bury people several times. They were like soldiers on the battlefield, biting their opponents tightly.

The screening ran for two hours, but the tearing up of the auction alone took over an hour.

In the end, all five "elixir of youth" fell into the hands of the upper-class family members of Orario.

The Freya family received two "elixir of youth" at a total cost of 2.1 billion mana.

The Loki family got an "elixir of youth", which cost a total of 1.3 billion mana.

The Hermes family got a "elixir of youth", which cost a total of 1.1 billion mana.

If the first four family members who obtained the "Pharmaceutical of Immortality" did not surprise everyone, the purchaser of the fifth and last "Pharmaceutical of Immortality" was somewhat surprising.

After defeating the Ganesha family, the one who bought it was Ishtar, the goddess of the Ishta family, who spent a total of 1.9 billion mana, almost catching up with Freya's money to buy two.

What surprised everyone was not why Ishtar was so rich.

After all, as the manager of "Happy Street" and all the prostitutes, Ishtar holds Olalie's most profitable channel. Adventurers, especially male adventurers, 80% of the money they worked hard to earn in the dungeon went to Ishtar's pocket.

Everyone was surprised why Ishtar bought it.

As the saying goes, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. This goddess, who is also the "god of beauty" like Freya, does not seem to be an existence who loves her family to the extreme. There is not much "elixir of youth" in her hands. usefulness, or simply not worth the huge price.

Sitting on the seat with the best view, Ishtar smiled reservedly.

But under this smile, her eyes never left Freya who was seated not far away.

How can that guy's family continue to prosper!

The purpose of Ishta reluctantly buying the last "elixir of youth" is to curb the future possibility of the Freya family.

With Freya as her goal, she doesn't allow too many immortals in that family.

If it wasn't for the fact that the family's cash was limited, other families were also eyeing her, and Ishta would have cut off Freya's thoughts the first time she spoke.

Ishta tapped the armrest lightly with her index finger, and her gaze was focused on the black-haired alien god on the stage.

If the first batch can be produced, the second batch can be produced. The minds of the goddess of Happy Street and Freya are instantly synchronized, thinking about when she will get in touch with Luo Pei.

"Thank you very much for your support, the auction of "Pharmaceuticals of Immortality" has ended here. "

Luo Pei stood on the stage and said to all the audience with a smile.

"I won't let you of the family members take out the total of 6.4 billion Fali immediately. You have a week to prepare the money. I hope that you can also send the money to my home as promised."

The gods who bought the elixir all nodded in agreement.

"Although I think everyone's main shock point tonight must be the "elixir of youth", but I still hope that the performance of the world's first movie "Love Between God and Man" will not be forgotten. Just like the theme revealed in this movie, there is a difference between God and man, but even this insurmountable difference will still give birth to beautiful miracle flowers. "

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